This handwritten recipe card was found in a large collection, date unknown. I’ve typed it out below along with a scanned copy (front side only).

Penna. Dutch Style Green Beans
4 servings

3 strips bacon
1 small onion sliced thin
2 tsps. cornstarch
1/4 T. salt
1/2 T. dry mustard
1 size 303 cut green beans
1 Tbsp. brown sugar
1 Tbsp. vinegar
1 hard cooked egg

Drain beans and reserve 1/2 cup of liquid.

Fry bacon until crisp. Remove bacon and crumble. Drain off all but 1 tbsp. of drippings and add onion and brown slightly. Stir in salt, cornstarch, sugar, vinegar, mustard and the 1/2 cup liquid from beans.

Stir constantly until mixture boils and thickens. Add the drained beans and heat thoroughly, turn into serving dish and garnish with crumbled bacon and hard boiled egg.

If bacon is not desired–use butter instead of drippings and garnish with egg only.

Handwritten Recipe For Green Beans

This handwritten recipe card was found in a large collection, date unknown. I’ve typed it below along with a scanned copy.

Handwritten Recipe For Carrots In Cream

Carrots in Cream
*RecipeCurio note: amounts in brackets are for smaller serving size

6 carrots (2)
1/2 t. salt (1/4 t.)
1 c. top milk (1/4 c)
1 T butter (1 t)

  1. Wash and scrape carrots
  2. Cut into desired shape
  3. Cook in just enough water to cover until tender
  4. Add cream and butter and heat don’t boil
  5. Serve in side dishes

This recipe was clipped from a magazine and found in a large collection, date unknown. I’ve typed it below along with a scanned copy.

Recipe Clipping For Honey Beans


1 pound dried white beans
1/2 cup honey
2 tablespoons margarine or vegetable oil
2 teaspoons salt

Wash beans and add 6 cups water. Bring to boil and boil 2 minutes. Turn off heat and let stand, covered, 1 hour. Cook until tender, adding more water if necessary. There should be about 1 cup liquid. Add honey, margarine and salt and stir to mix well. Simmer 20 minutes, or until liquid is absorbed but beans are still juicy. Makes 6 servings.

Recipe Clipping For Treet And Orange Glazed Sweet PotatoesThis recipe was clipped from a newspaper and found in a large collection, date unknown. It’s a promo piece for Armour’s Treet which is a canned meat. I’ve typed the recipe below along with a scanned copy.

Treet and Orange Glazed Sweet Potatoes

A Nourishing Hot Feast for Cold Winter Nights!

Cold winter nights call for hearty meat meals! And here’s one of the best. It’s a big platter heaped with thick, juicy slices of tender Treet…with plump, orange-glazed sweet potatoes!

1 can Armour’s Treet
8 small sweet potatoes
3/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup orange juice
1 tbsp. butter
1 tbsp. grated orange rind
2 tbsps. dark corn syrup

Cook sweet potatoes in boiling water until tender and then peel. Combine brown sugar, corn syrup, orange juice, butter, orange rind and simmer until thin syrup forms. Simmer potatoes in this syrup for 1/2 hour. Fry Treet slices 1 1/2 minutes each side. Serve with sweet potatoes. Garnish with parsley.

You’ll have a filling meat meal for 4 … that costs only a few points! And you’ll give your family solid nourishment, too! For Treet’s made of fine ham and choice pork shoulder meat, both rich in vitamin B1!

This vintage recipe was clipped from a newspaper and found in a large collection, date unknown. I’ve typed it below along with a scanned copy.

Sweet Potato Pie Recipe

Sweet Potato Pie

One can (22-oz.) Louisiana yams, drained
Or two large cooked, peeled mashed yams
Three-fourths cup butter or margarine
One and one-half cup granulated sugar
One tbsp. flour
One-fourth tsp. baking powder
Dash salt
Two eggs
Three fourths cup evaporated milk
One-fourth tsp. nutmeg
One tsp. lemon flavoring
One tsp. vanilla
One-fourth cup coconut
Two unbaked 9-inch pie shells

Preheat oven to 300. Mash canned drained potatoes with butter. Add sugar, flour, baking powder, salt, eggs and stir well. Stir in milk, nutmeg and flavorings. Beat at high speed on electric mixer three minutes. Add coconut. Pour into two 9-inch pie shells and bake one hour or one hour and 15 minutes.

This old recipe was clipped from packaging of some kind, likely a bag of bulgur. I’ve typed it below along with a scanned copy.

Recipe Clipping For Spanish Bulgur


1/2 large onion
1/2 green pepper, if you like
1 pound ground beef
2 teaspoons salt
3/4 cup uncooked bulgur
3 1/2 cups canned tomatoes
1 tablespoon chili powder

Chop onion. Chop green pepper, if used. Crumble ground beef into heated fry pan. Add onion, green pepper, if used, salt and bulgur. Stir with fork over medium heat until meat is browned. Add tomatoes and chili powder. Cover and cook slowly 20 to 25 minutes, until bulgur is cooked. Makes 6 servings, 1 cup each.

This recipe was clipped from packaging of some kind, likely a bag of bulgur. Date unknown. I’ve typed it below along with a scanned copy.

Recipe Clipping For Cooking Bulgur


1/2 teaspoon salt
2 cups water
1 cup uncooked bulgur

Add salt to water and heat to boiling. Slowly stir in bulgur. Lower heat, cover and cook slowly for 20 minutes. Makes about 3 cups cooked bulgur.

Serve bulgur with meat, poultry or fish. Add bulgur to casserole dishes, meat loaves, and meatballs.

This old handwritten recipe card was found in a large collection, date unknown. I’ve typed it below along with a scanned copy.

Handwritten Recipe For Baked Lima Beans

Baked Lima Beans

2 cups dried Limas
3 cups water
2 tablespoons chopped onion
1/3 cup butter, melted
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 tablespoon salt
2 teaspoons vinegar
2 teaspoons Worcestershire
2 strips bacon halved

Cook Limas in water in large covered saucepan until tender (1 1/2 hours). Cook onion in butter. Add brown sugar, salt, vinegar and Worcestershire. Add to Limas, mix well. Place in greased baking dish, bacon on top. Bake (350°) 20 minutes.