This recipe booklet from Hershey Chocolate Syrup has no date marked but I believe this was published in the 1930s or earlier and is part of my personal collection. Each of the pages from this vintage cookbook are filed in the 55 Recipes For Hershey’s Syrup Category. You can read the page typed below or click on the picture to view a larger scanned copy.

55 Recipes For Hershey's Syrup - Ice Creams - Click To View LargerIce Creams

Chocolate Mint Ice Cream

4 teaspoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 1 pint milk . . . 2 eggs . . . 3/4 cupful sugar . . . 1 pint cream . . . 1 teaspoonful vanilla . . . 4 drops oil of peppermint.

Add Hershey’s Syrup to cold milk and place in double boiler to heat. Beat eggs with sugar, pour boiling liquid over them and add cream and a dash of salt. Cool and stir in vanilla and peppermint. Strain and freeze.

Sicilian Mousse

1 pint whipping cream . . . 1/2 cupful confectioners’ sugar . . . 2 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 1/4 cupful chopped pecan meats . . . 1 teaspoonful vanilla.

Whip the cream and add the sugar, then Hershey’s Syrup, nut meats and vanilla. Pack in a mold or in the pans of the electric refrigerator. Freeze until well frozen, turn out and sprinkle with Hershey’s Milk Chocolate grated over each portion.

Marbled Ice Cream

1 cupful cream . . . 1 quart milk . . . 1/2 cupful sugar . . . 1 junket tablet . . . 1 tablespoonful vanilla . . . 10c can HERSHEY’S Syrup.

Add the cream to the milk and heat until just tepid, then add the sugar and junket tablet dissolved in a tablespoonful of cold water. Stir in the vanilla and leave in a moderately warm place until thick. Set away to chill, then freeze as usual. When well frozen, open the can and pour in Hershey’s Syrup. Work it into the frozen cream about half way down the can. Repack and leave for 2 or 3 hours. Turn out and serve on a cold platter with a garnish of fresh fruit, whipped cream or preserved apricots.

Junket Ice Cream

1 pint milk . . . 4 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 1 junket tablet . . . 1 cupful cream . . . 1/4 to 1/2 cupful sugar . . . few drops vanilla.

Mix the milk, Hershey’s Syrup and sugar and heat just to lukewarm over hot water. Dissolve the junket tablet in a tablespoonful of cold water and add to the milk mixture with the vanilla. Turn into the freezing can and let stand in a moderately warm place, not on the fire, however, till thick, then fold in the cream, stiffly whipped, and freeze. If a sauce is desired, simply use Hershey’s Syrup as it comes from the can or heat over boiling water if a hot sauce is desired.

Chocolate Parfait

2 eggs . . . 4 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 2 cupfuls milk . . . 1/2 tablespoonful gelatine . . . 2/3 cupful sugar . . . 1 1/2 cupfuls heavy cream . . . 1 1/2 teaspoonfuls vanilla.

Soften the gelatine in 1 cupful of cold milk, scald the other cupful of milk in the double boiler and add Hershey’s Syrup. Beat the egg yolks with sugar, add to hot liquid, cook a moment to set the egg and add the softened gelatine. Strain and chill and add stiffly beaten egg whites. When beginning to thicken, fold in the cream whipped solidly. Flavor with vanilla, turn into a mold, cover with waxed paper and pack in ice and salt or freeze in the pans of the electric refrigerator.

Chocolate Ice Cream

1 quart thin cream . . . 1 cupful milk . . . 10c can HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 1/4 cupful granulated sugar . . . 1 1/2 teaspoonfuls vanilla.

Heat the milk and mix with Hershey’s Syrup and sugar, stir till well dissolved, cool and add to the cream with the vanilla. Turn into the can of the freezer and freeze in the usual way.

This recipe booklet from Hershey Chocolate Syrup has no date marked but I believe this was published in the 1930s or earlier and is part of my personal collection. Each of the pages from this vintage cookbook are filed in the 55 Recipes For Hershey’s Syrup Category. There are 55 recipes in total. You can read the page typed below or click on the picture to view a larger scanned copy.

55 Recipes For Hershey's Syrup - Beverages - Click To View LargerBeverages

Chocolate Milk Hot or Cold

HOT–One tablespoonful HERSHEY’S Syrup to a cup of very hot (not boiling) milk, makes a delicious drink.

COLD–Add 2 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup in one glass very cold (not iced) milk. Mix with shaker or beater.

Use more or less to suit taste.

Chocolate Milk Shake
(One Serving)

Crushed ice . . . 1 tablespoonful HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 1 teaspoonful powdered sugar (if desired) . . . rich milk to fill glass.

Mix Hershey’s Syrup, sugar and part of the milk together. Add 2 tablespoonfuls of crushed ice and shake till very frothy and cold. Pour into a glass over crushed ice and fill glass with rich milk, pouring it high to make it foamy. A dash of cinnamon sprinkled over the top of the glass is often liked.

Egg Milk Shake

1 tablespoonful HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 1 egg . . . milk.

Break a fresh egg into a pint fruit jar. Add a tablespoonful of Hershey’s Syrup, drop in 2 or 3 tablespoonfuls of crushed ice and the same amount of milk. Put the top on the jar, fasten securely and shake vigorously until the whole mixture is frothy, then pour into a glass and fill with milk.

Chocolate Marshmallow Whip

1 tablespoonful gelatine . . . 1/2 cupful water . . . 2 cupfuls milk . . . 1/4 cupful sugar . . . 1/4 cupful HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 1/4 pound marshmallows, halved . . . 1/4 cupful pecan meats, chopped . . . 1/2 teaspoonful vanilla.

Soften the gelatine in the water, heat the milk over boiling water and add the gelatine, then the sugar and Hershey’s Syrup. Stir well till the gelatine is throughly dissolved, remove from the fire, add vanilla, marshmallows and nut meats and beat until the mixture begins to congeal. Turn into tall, slender glasses and top with cherries. Chill well before serving.

Chocolate Mint Whip

To 3/4 cup milk and 3 tablespoons whipped cream, add 3 tablespoons Hershey’s Syrup, 1/4 teaspoon peppermint extract, and cracked ice. Shake well. One serving.

Chocolate Pineapple Freeze

1/4 cupful water . . . 3 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 3/4 cupful juice from canned pineapple . . . ice.

Mix all the ingredients together and beat or shake to a foam. Serve in tall glasses with straws. This is refreshing for those who cannot take milk.

Chocolate Orange Freeze

Juice of 1 large, ripe orange . . . 2 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 1 teaspoonful sugar . . . 1 egg . . . crushed ice.

Place all the ingredients in a fruit jar, fasten securely and shake thoroughly. Serve poured over crushed ice with a sprig of mint as garnish.

Chocolate Ice Cream Egg-Nog

Beat 3 tablespoons Hershey’s Syrup into 2/3 glass cold milk, with 1 beaten egg. Add a rounded spoonful vanilla ice cream. Top with more Hershey’s Syrup if desired.

Cocomoko Float

1/4 glass clear black coffee . . . 1 1/2 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 1/2 teaspoonful vanilla . . . 1 teaspoonful sugar or more, as desired . . . milk . . . . whipped cream.

Mix coffee, Hersey’s Syrup, sugar, vanilla and part of the milk together and shake vigorously. Pour into a tall glass one-fourth filled with crushed ice, fill with the milk, beat well and top with a spoonful of whipped cream.

This recipe booklet from Hershey Chocolate Syrup has no date marked but I believe this was published in the 1930s or earlier and is part of my personal collection. Each of the pages from this vintage cookbook are filed in the 55 Recipes For Hershey’s Syrup Category. There are 55 recipes in total. You can read the page typed below or click on the picture to view a larger scanned copy.

55 Recipes For Hershey's Syrup - Introduction - Click To View Larger55 Recipes For Hershey’s Syrup – Introduction

HERSHEY’S SYRUP is a liquid syrup with a genuine chocolate flavor for chocolate drinks and sauces and for quick cooking. It is pure, rich and wholesome. A perfect product for the simpler making of any chocolate dish.

Use it on ice cream–it is delicious. It blends with milk at a stir of a spoon, making a wholesome chocolate drink, hot or cold, and it takes only a minute. It makes chocolate icings and chocolate puddings without cooking. You need only pour it into your mixing bowl for the chocolate mixtures that are to become cakes, puddings, sauces, breads, pies, icings or candies.

If some of the recipes in this booklet seem lengthy it is because they call for several ingredients. You will not need to “fuss” with any of them, and you’ll never have to “fuss” with Hershey’s Syrup. You will not need to melt it, shave it, or wait for it. SIMPLY STIR IT AND USE.

Hershey’s Syrup may not always be suited to your own recipes. But keep this recipe booklet handy to refer to. Use these recipes with the Syrup, and you will have successful results. Soon Hershey’s Syrup and this recipe booklet will prove indispensable to you.

Rice Krispies Reward Card Cover - Click To View LargeHere’s an old Kellogg’s Rice Krispies Marshmallow Treats recipe & rebate card combo from the 1950s (I believe). You can still see the yellowed piece of tape across the front and the outline of a circle underneath that held a quarter, it seems Kellogg’s sent back an actual quarter! There are a handful of recipes in this sweet little card which included the Marshmallow Crispy Treats recipe and variations for it.

I’ve also included a recipe cutout from a Rice Krispies cereal box that has a recipe for Polka Dot Bars (date unknown for this one).

Here’s Your 25¢ Reward for whipping up

Kellogg’s Marshmallow Crispy Treats

Bet you’ve never found an easier, tastier way to earn a shiny, new quarter–for we know you’ve discovered Kellogg’s Marshmallow Crispy Treats to be as sweet to eat as they are easy to make.

Why not take your 25¢ “Reward” to your grocer and get some more makin’s for whipping up another batch of these delicious Kellogg’s Rice Krispies Treats? You’ll find the recipes in this folder real family pleasers. Try ’em.


One 1 1/2-3-pound frying chicken, cut up
1/2-2/3 cup butter or margarine, melted
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper

  1. Wash chicken pieces and dry thoroughly.
  2. Crush Rice Krispies into medium fine crumbs.
  3. Combine melted butter with salt and pepper.
  4. Dip chicken pieces in seasoned butter, then roll in Rice Krispies crumbs until well-coated. Place skin side up in shallow baking pan lined with aluminum foil; do not crowd pieces.
  5. Bake in moderate oven (350°F.) about 1 hour or until tender. Do not cover pan or turn chicken while cooking.

YIELD: 4-5 servings.


1/2 cup soft butter or margarine
1/3 cup brown sugar
1/3 cup granulated sugar
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla flavoring
1 1/4 cups sifted flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt

  1. Blend butter and sugars. Add egg and vanilla; beat well.
  2. Sift together flour, soda and salt; stir into first mixture together with Rice Krispies. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto greased baking sheets.
  3. Bake in moderate oven (375°F.) about 8 minutes.

YIELD: 40 cookies about 1 1/2 inches in diameter.

Vintage Rice Krispies Recipes - Click to View Large


1 pound ground beef
1 egg
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1 tablespoon finely chopped onion
3 tablespoons brown sugar
1/4 cup catsup
1/8 teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon dry mustard

  1. Combine ground beef, egg, 3/4 cup Rice Krispies, salt, pepper and onion; mix well.
  2. Mix together sugar, catsup, nutmeg and mustard. Add half of this sauce to the ground beef mixture; mix well.
  3. Shape meat mixture into 6 balls and place in 3-inch muffin pans. Top meat balls with remaining sauce. Sprinkle with 1/4 cup Rice Krispies.
  4. Bake in moderately hot oven (400°F.) about 30 min.

YIELD: 6 servings.


2 tablespoons butter or margarine
1 cup finely cut dates
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
1/2 cup chopped nutmeats
confectioners’ sugar

  1. Melt butter in skillet. Add dates, sugar and eggs. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until mixture forms a ball (5 to 8 minutes).
  2. Stir in Rice Krispies and nutmeats, mixing well.
  3. Sprinkle a piece of waxed paper lightly with confectioners’ sugar. Shape mixture into 2 rolls about 2 inches in diameter. Wrap in waxed paper. Chill.
  4. To serve, cut into thin slices about 1/4 inch in thickness.

YIELD: 5 dozen cookies.

Rice Krispies Reward Card Cover - Click To View LargeMARSHMALLOW CRISPY TREATS

1/4 cup butter or margarine
1/2 pound* (about 32) marshmallows

*3 cups miniature marshmallows may be used in place of regular marshmallows. If Marshmallow Creme is substituted for marshmallows use 2 cups (one 1-pint jar). Cook over low heat about 5 minutes, stirring constantly.

  1. Melt butter in 3-quart saucepan. Add marshmallows and cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until marshmallows are melted and mixture is well-blended. Remove from heat.
  2. Add Rice Krispies and stir until well-coated with marshmallow mixture.

Press mixture into buttered 13 x 9-inch pan, cut into squares when cool, or try these variations:



Shape warm marshmallow crispy mixture into balls and roll in coconut if desired. For Lollipops, insert wooden skewer after shaping and make face on ball with raisins, candies or icing.


Add raisins, nutmeats, cut dates or candied cherries, crushed stick candy or semi-sweet chocolate pieces to the marshmallow mixture with Rice Krispies.

Here’s the other recipe clipping from the back of a cereal box, this would be a more recent clipping but date is unknown:

Rice Krispies Polka Dot Bars Recipe Clipping


1 L 4 cups KELLOGG’S RICE KRISPIES cereal, crushed to 500 mL (2 cups)
250 mL 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
125 mL 1/2 cup shredded coconut
125 mL 1/2 cup chopped nuts
1 1 can (300 mL) sweetened condensed milk
  1. Line 2 L (8″) square baking pan with foil or waxed paper; grease bottom and sides.
  2. In large mixing bowl, combine crushed cereal, chocolate chips, coconut and nuts. Add condensed milk and mix well. Spread evenly in prepared pan.
  3. Bake at 180°C (350°F) for metal pans, or 160°C (325°F) for glass pans, 25-30 minutes or until top is just golden (do not overbake). Cool 10 minutes. Turn out and remove foil or paper. Cool completely on rack. Cut into bars. Store covered at room temperature.

Yield: 24 (5 x 3 cm/2 x 1 1/4″) bars

This is a handwritten recipe on a white lined index card that was found in an old box of recipes, no date given. This cookie recipe is poured then baked in a baking pan, so you would cut into slices or squares once fully baked. Recipe is typed below as-is.

Chocolate All Bran Cookies Recipe - Click To View Larger

Chocolate All Bran Cookies

4 sq unsweetened choc.
1/3 c. butter
2 eggs
1 c. sugar
1/2 c. sifted fl.
1/2 c. all bran cereal
1/2 c. nut meats
1 tsp vanilla

Add butter to choc. Add well beaten eggs to sugar. fluffy. Stir in fl., cereal, nuts & flavoring. Pour into greased baking dish. Make layer about 1/3 in thick. Bake 375° about 20 min.

This is a full page recipe advertisement in a magazine dated 1980 for Hershey’s Cocoa. The complete recipe is typed below and you can click the picture to view a larger copy. Update: I found another clipping for this recipe that I’ve scanned and added at the bottom.

Mrs. Johnson's Chocolate Cake Recipe Clipping - Click To View LargerMrs. Johnson’s Chocolate Cake

1/4 cup butter
2 cups sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 eggs
12 tbsp. (3/4 cup) Hershey’s Cocoa + 4 tbsp. (1/4 cup) shortening*
1 3/4 cups unsifted all-purpose flour
3/4 teaspoon baking powder
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 3/4 cups milk

Generously grease and flour two-9-inch or 3 8-inch round cake pans. Cream butter, shortening, sugar and vanilla until fluffy; blend in eggs.

Combine cocoa, flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt in bowl; add alternately with milk to batter. Blend well. Pour into prepared pans; bake at 350° for 30 to 35 minutes for 9-inch pans and 35 to 40 minutes for 8-inch pans, or until cake tester inserted in center comes out clean. Cool 10 minutes; remove from pans.

*This was overwritten in red (part of the advertisement), the ingredient crossed out stated 4 squares (4 ounces) unsweetened baking chocolate.

The recipe testimonial included in the ad:

Switching to Hershey’s Cocoa made my devil’s food cake richer and more chocolatey.
-Betty K. Johnson, Oak Park, Ill.

Why didn’t someone tell me sooner what a marvelous cake Hershey’s Cocoa makes? I have been baking since I was nine years old and I just made the best chocolate cake I have ever made.

For a richer, moister cake with a deeper chocolate taste, switch to Hershey’s Cocoa. Use it in all your favorite recipes instead of baking chocolate.

Just follow the easy directions on the back of the can: for each 1-ounce square of unsweetened baking chocolate, use 3 tablespoons of Hershey’s Cocoa and 1 tablespoon of shortening.

No messy melting. No scorched chocolate. And richer, more chocolatey taste.

Vintage Recipe Clipping

This is a handwritten recipe card on a lined white index card, date is unknown. This recipe is from a confident cook as only the ingredients are listed, no baking instructions. Mix & bake. Recipe is typed as-is below.

Ice Box Cookies Recipe - Click To View Larger

Ice Box Cookies

1 c. b. sugar
1 c. w. ”
1 c. shortening
3 eggs
1 tsp salt
1 tsp soda
1/2 tsp C of tartar
1 tsp vanilla
1 c. nuts
4 c. flour
1 tsp cinn. if desired
May add grated orange rind & dissolve soda in 5 tbsp orange juice to change flavor.

This is a handwritten recipe on a lined white index card found in a box of old recipes & clippings, date is unknown. I’ve typed it below as-is.

Whole Wheat Bread Recipe - Click To View Larger

Whole Wheat Bread

6 C. ww flour
6 C. white flour
2 pkgs. yeast
4 tsp. salt
1 qt. lukewarm water
2 Tab. veg oil or lard
8 Tab. malt syrup
1 1/2 Tbs. sugar

Dissolve malt syrup, sugar, yeast in lukewarm H₂0. Add flour, let rise till light. Make smooth dough and knead well. Mold into loaves in well-greased pans half-full.

Cover, let rise till doubled. Bake 45 minutes in 350°. Reduce to 300° for 15 minutes longer. Remove from pans.