55 FAVORITE Ann Pillsbury Cake RecipesHere is page 11 from the vintage cookbook “Kate Smith chooses her 55 Favorite Ann Pillsbury CAKE RECIPES”. This was published in 1952 by Pillsbury Mills, Inc. Kate Smith was a popular singer and radio personality with a career that began in the 1930s.

You can view all the pages in this cookbook by visiting this category: 55 Favorite Cake Recipes: Kate Smith, just click a page title to view that section. There is a scan of the page included below, you can click the image to view a larger copy.

Angel Food Cake

Page 11 - Angel Food Cake - Click To View LargeThis is our favorite recipe for angel food. And sometime try the flavor variations. They’re mighty popular in our test kitchen.

BAKE at 350° F. for 40 to 50 minutes.
MAKES 10-inch tube cake.
Egg whites should be at room temperature.

Sift together 1 cup sifted Pillsbury Sno Sheen Cake Flour
three times . . 3/4 cup sifted sugar
Beat . . . 1 1/2 cups egg whites (10 to 12 medium) with
1/4 teaspoon salt and
1 1/2 teaspoons cream of tartar until very foamy.

Sprinkle . . . 3/4 cup additional sugar, 2 tablespoons at a time, over egg whites. Beat well after each addition. Continue beating until stiff, straight peaks form when beater is raised.

Add . . . 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla
1/2 teaspoon almond extract

Sift in . . . dry ingredients, 2 tablespoons at a time, folding carefully but thoroughly.

Pour . . . into ungreased 10-inch tube pan.

Bake . .. . in moderate oven (350° F.) 40 o 50 minutes.
Cool in inverted pan for 1 hour.


Prepare Angel Food Cake, substituting cocoa for 1/4 cup flour.
Sift the cocoa with the flour and sugar. Omit almond extract.


Prepare Angel Food Cake, substituting firmly packed brown sugar for second addition of sugar. Omit almond extract.


Prepare Angel Food Cake, sifting 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg, 1/4 teaspoon allspice and 1/4 teaspoon cloves with flour and sugar. Omit almond extract.

55 FAVORITE Ann Pillsbury Cake RecipesHere is page 10 from the vintage cookbook “Kate Smith chooses her 55 Favorite Ann Pillsbury CAKE RECIPES”. This was published in 1952 by Pillsbury Mills, Inc. Kate Smith was a popular singer and radio personality with a career that began in the 1930s.

You can view all the pages in this cookbook by visiting this category: 55 Favorite Cake Recipes: Kate Smith, just click a page title to view that section. There is a scan of the page included below, you can click the image to view a larger copy.

Page 10 - This is the Sure Way To Make Beautiful Angel Food Cake - Click To View LargeThis is the Sure Way to Make Beautiful Angel Food Cake

Sift Sno Sheen before measuring, then sift flour and half of sugar together several times. This mixes the sugar and flour thoroughly and separates flour particles. It also incorporates air, making the mixture feathery-light. A very fine granulated sugar makes a finer-textured angel food.

Egg whites should be at room temperature for a higher, more tender cake.

Beat egg whites, salt and cream of tartar with rotary beater or wire whip until foamy. Sprinkle sugar, 2 tablespoons at a time, over beaten egg whites. Beat well after each addition. Continue beating until mixture stands in stiff, straight peaks when beater is raised.

Sift flour mixture over whites a small amount at a time; fold gently but thoroughly with wire whip or rubber spatula until mixture is completely blended. Repeat process until all ingredients are combined.

Turn batter into ungreased pan (ungreased for higher cake). Cut gently through batter with spatula to break large air pockets.

Bake in preheated oven at a low to moderate temperature (300° to 350° F.) for time specified in recipe. A low temperature is generally used–cakes baked at a higher temperature are more moist, with a browner crust, but accurate oven control is essential.

Cool by turning pan upside down, allowing space between cake and table so air can circulate. Cool cake thoroughly about 1 hour.

Release cake by carefully inserting spatula with straight motion down and up between cake and pan. Continue around cake and center tube, then tap pan to release cake.

55 FAVORITE Ann Pillsbury Cake RecipesHere is page 9 from the vintage cookbook “Kate Smith chooses her 55 Favorite Ann Pillsbury CAKE RECIPES”. This was published in 1952 by Pillsbury Mills, Inc. Kate Smith was a popular singer and radio personality with a career that began in the 1930s.

You can view all the pages in this cookbook by visiting this category: 55 Favorite Cake Recipes: Kate Smith, just click a page title to view that section. There is a scan of the page included below, you can click the image to view a larger copy.

Royal Velvet Chiffon Cake

Page 9 - Royal Velvet Chiffon Cake - Click To View LargeCooking or salad oil is used in this sponge-type cake. That’s the secret of its moistness and fine keeping qualities.

BAKE 9-inch cake at 350° F, for 50 to 60 minutes;
10-inch cake at 350° F. for 40 to 50 mintues.
MAKES 9 or 10-inch tube cake.
Eggs should be at room temperature.

Sift together . . . 1 2/3 cups sifted Pillsbury Sno Sheen Cake Flour
1 3/4 teaspoons double-acting baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup sugar

Add . . . 1/3 cup salad oil
2/3 cup liquid (juice from 2 medium oranges plus water)
2 tablespoons grated orange rind
5 egg yolks (1/3 cup), unbeaten

Beat . . . until smooth.

Beat . . . 5 egg whites (2/3 cup) with
1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar until egg whites are stiff but not dry.

Add . . . 1/4 cup sugar gradually; beat to a very stiff meringue. Do not underbeat.

Fold . . . egg yolk mixture carefully into egg whites until completely blended.

Pour . . . into ungreased 9 or 10-inch tube pan.

Bake . . . in moderate oven (350° F.) 50 to 60 minutes for 9-inch pan, 40 to 50 minutes for 10-inch pan.

Cool . . . in inverted pan about 1 hour. Frost with quick vanilla icing, page 48, or top with fresh fruit, ice cream or whipped cream.

55 FAVORITE Ann Pillsbury Cake RecipesHere is page 8 from the vintage cookbook “Kate Smith chooses her 55 Favorite Ann Pillsbury CAKE RECIPES”. This was published in 1952 by Pillsbury Mills, Inc. Kate Smith was a popular singer and radio personality with a career that began in the 1930s.

You can view all the pages in this cookbook by visiting this category: 55 Favorite Cake Recipes: Kate Smith, just click a page title to view that section. There is a scan of the page included below, you can click the image to view a larger copy.

Boston Cream Pie

Page 8 - Boston Cream Pie - Click To View LargerSpread cream filling between these golden sponge layers
–top with chocolate frosting. Mighty wonderful eating!

BAKE at 350° F. for 25 to 30 minutes.
MAKES two 8-inch round layers.
Eggs should be at room temperature.

Sift together . . . 1 1/4 cups sifted Pillsbury Sno Sheen Cake Flour
1 teaspoon double-acting baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt

Combine . . . 3 egg yolks
1/3 cup water
1 teaspoon grated lemon rind
1/2 teaspoon vanilla; beat thoroughly.

Add gradually 1 cup sugar, beating well after each addition, and 2 tablespoons lemon juice.

Fold . . . dry ingredients into egg mixture gradually, blending carefully but thoroughly.

Beat . . . 3 egg whites until stiff but not dry; fold into batter.

Pour . . . into two 8-inch round layer pans that have been greased and lined with waxed paper.

Bake . . . in moderate oven (350° F.) 25 to 30 minutes. Cool. Spread cream filling, page 54, between layers and frost top with creamy chocolate frosting.


Melt 1/2 square (1/2 oz.) chocolate in 1/4 cup milk over low heat. Combine 1 tablespoon flour, 1/4 cup sugar and 1/8 teaspoon salt. Add to milk mixture; stir constantly until thick and smooth. Remove from heat. Add 1 teaspoon butter and 1/2 teaspoon vanilla. While still warm, spread on top of cake.

55 FAVORITE Ann Pillsbury Cake RecipesHere is page 7 from the vintage cookbook “Kate Smith chooses her 55 Favorite Ann Pillsbury CAKE RECIPES”. This was published in 1952 by Pillsbury Mills, Inc. Kate Smith was a popular singer and radio personality with a career that began in the 1930s.

You can view all the pages in this cookbook by visiting this category: 55 Favorite Cake Recipes: Kate Smith, just click a page title to view that section. There is a scan of the page included below, you can click the image to view a larger copy.

Page 7 - Golden Sponge Loaf - Click To View LargeGolden Sponge Loaf

There are only two eggs in this not-too-large loaf. It’s easily made and delicious as a shortcake with fruit or berries.

BAKE at 350&deg F. for 30 to 35 minutes. MAKES 9x5x3-inch cake. Eggs should be at room temperature.

Sift together . . 2/3 cup sifted Pillsbury Sno Sheen Cake Flour
1/2 teaspoon double-acting baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt

Beat . . . 2 eggs until thick and lemon colored.

Add gradually 2/3 cup sugar, beating well after each addition.

Fold in . . . dry ingredients gradually and carefully.

Blend in . . . 1/4 cup hot water
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon lemon extract

Pour . . . into 9x5x3-inch loaf pan (grease and line the bottom with waxed paper).

Bake . .. in moderate oven (350° F.) 30 to 35 minutes. Cool in inverted pan about 1 hour.

Cut . . . cake crosswise to make two layers; place sweetened, crushed berries or fruit between layers. Top with whipped cream and fruit.

55 FAVORITE Ann Pillsbury Cake RecipesHere is page 6 from the vintage cookbook “Kate Smith chooses her 55 Favorite Ann Pillsbury CAKE RECIPES”. This was published in 1952 by Pillsbury Mills, Inc. Kate Smith was a popular singer and radio personality with a career that began in the 1930s.

You can view all the pages in this cookbook by visiting this category: 55 Favorite Cake Recipes: Kate Smith, just click a page title to view that section. There is a scan of the page included below, you can click the image to view a larger copy.

Page 6 - Ways To Serve Quick-Mix Sponge Cake - Click To View LargeWays to Serve Quick-Mix Sponge Cake


Top cake wedges with sliced peaches, crushed pineapple, fresh or frozen strawberries or raspberries. Serve with whipped cream.


Cut tube cake crosswise into three equal layers. Spread chocolate whipped cream, page 55, between layers and over top and sides. Refrigerate until serving time.


Beat 1 cup whipping cream until stiff. Fold in 1/2 cups sifted confectioners’ sugar, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 1 cup thick, cold applesauce (sweetened). Chill. Serve over cake wedges. Serves 6.


Frost top and sides of cooled cake with quick orange or lemon icing, page 48. If you like the icing “just on top,” half the recipe will be sufficient.

55 FAVORITE Ann Pillsbury Cake RecipesHere is page 5 from the vintage cookbook “Kate Smith chooses her 55 Favorite Ann Pillsbury CAKE RECIPES”. This was published in 1952 by Pillsbury Mills, Inc. Kate Smith was a popular singer and radio personality with a career that began in the 1930s.

You can view all the pages in this cookbook by visiting this category: 55 Favorite Cake Recipes: Kate Smith, just click a page title to view that section. There is a scan of the page included below, you can click the image to view a larger copy.

Small Quick-Mix Sponge Cake
(Makes 9-inch tube cake.)

Page 5 - Small Quick-Mix Sponge Cake - Click To View LargeFollow directions for 10-inch cake, using the following proportions of ingredients:

Dry Ingredients

1 cup sifted Pillsbury Sno Sheen Cake Flour
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon double-acting baking powder

Egg White Mixture
1/2 cup egg whites (4 medium)
1/2 teaspoons salt
1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar
1/4 cup sugar

Egg Yolk Mixture

1/3 cup egg yolks (4 medium)
3 tablespoons cold water
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon lemon or almond extract


Prepare batter for 9-inch tube cake and pour into two 9-inch round layer pans (lined with waxed paper). Bake in slow oven (325° F.) 45 to 50 minutes. Cool by inverting pans and resting edges on two other inverted pans.


Prepare batter for 9 or 10-inch tube cake and pour into 15×10-inch shallow pan (lined with waxed paper). Bake in moderately hot oven (375° F.) 12 to 15 minutes. Turn out immediately on towel sprinkled with confectioners’ sugar. Remove paper; trim edges of cake. Roll warm cake in towel; cool on rack. Unroll and spread with jelly or chocolate whipped cream, page 55. Reroll.

55 FAVORITE Ann Pillsbury Cake RecipesHere is page 4 from the vintage cookbook “Kate Smith chooses her 55 Favorite Ann Pillsbury CAKE RECIPES”. This was published in 1952 by Pillsbury Mills, Inc. Kate Smith was a popular singer and radio personality with a career that began in the 1930s.

You can view all the pages in this cookbook by visiting this category: 55 Favorite Cake Recipes: Kate Smith, just click a page title to view that section. There is a scan of the page included below, you can click the image to view a larger copy.

Page 4 - Quick Mix Sponge Cake - Click To View LargerQuick-Mix Sponge Cake

It can be made in either a 9 or a 10-inch tube pan, in layers or as a jelly roll. A few serving suggestions are on the next page, but you’ll soon be thinking of many more.

BAKE at 350° F. for 40 to 50 minutes. MAKES 10-inch tube cake. Eggs should be at room temperature.

Sift together . . 1 1/4 cups sifted Pillsbury Sno Sheen Cake Flour
1 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon double-acting baking powder into small mixer bowl.

Meaure . . . 3/4 cup egg whites (6 medium)
1/2 teaspoon salt and
1 teaspoon cream of tartar into large bowl.
Beat with electric mixer at high speed until very soft mounds begin to form.*

Beat . . . 1/2 cup additional sugar into egg whites, a tablespoon at a time; continue beating until very stiff, straight peaks are formed when beater is raised. Do not underbeat.

Combine . . . 1/2 cup egg yolks (6 medium)
1/4 cup cold water
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon lemon or almond extract

Blend . . . egg yolk mixture into dry ingredients. Beat at medium speed for 1 minute.*

Fold . . . egg yolk mixture (1/4 at a time) into stiffly beaten egg whites with wire whip or spatula. Fold gently until egg whites are completely blended. Do not stir.

Pour . . . into ungreased 10-inch tube pan. Cut gently through batter to remove air pockets.

Bake . . . in moderate oven (350° F.) 40 to 50 minutes. Invert immediately; cool in pan at least 1 hour.

*TO MAKE CAKE BY HAND beat egg whites with rotary beater or wire whip. Beat egg yolk mixture 150 strokes.