This recipe advertisement for Mazola Corn Oil was published in a magazine and is dated 1964. The recipe is typed below along with a scanned copy of the ad.

Flavor Sealed Vegetables Recipe Clipping



Measure 1 tablespoon MAZOLA Corn Oil into skillet or saucepan. Add seasonings and 1 package (10 oz.) frozen vegetables or 3 cups (about 1 lb.) prepared fresh vegetables, washed, drained, not dried.

Cover tightly. Cook on medium to low heat until just tender (8-12 minutes). Time varies with type and tenderness of vegetables.

During cooking, shake or move pan several times to prevent sticking. For starchy or stalky vegetables, add up to 3 tablespoons water. For frozen vegetables, turn frozen block frequently during first part of cooking, to thaw and break up.

This clipping was a recipe advertisement published in a magazine dated 1964 from the Dr Pepper Company, Dallas, Texas. Details are typed below along with a scanned copy of the advertisement. The page was kept and saved in a recipe binder, that’s why you see holes punched along the top.

Hot Dr. Pepper Instructions



Clever people who enjoy something different–devilishly different and delicious–will welcome this exciting Winter Warmer . . . Hot Dr Pepper! Easy to prepare–simply heat Dr Pepper in a saucepan until it steams and pour into a glass or cup over a slice of lemon. Perfect for the family or when friends drop in–and take along a thermos of Hot Dr Pepper when enjoying outdoor activities. Hot Dr Pepper–the distinctive Winter Warmer!

This is a recipe pull out sheet from Betty Crocker for the Christmas holidays, no date but I’d say the 1940s. It’s a bit different than the others since the sheets normally run lengthwise, this one actually runs sideways and folds into a booklet/folder. It’s too long to fit on the scanner so I copied it in sections, you can click all the pictures to view a larger copy if you like.

All the recipes are typed below, there’s also a Gingerbread Man template on one of the pages.

Series No. 3 - Vintage Betty Crocker Recipe Sheet - Click To View Larger


Give Holiday Hilarity a boost with “Gingies”!

These gay, lively ginger cookies have that true old-time “molassesey” flavor. You make the soft, round, man-sized Gingies . . . and the lovable, merry Gingerbread Boys from the same dough. They’re easy to make! Watch and see how everyone–young and old alike–will “go” for these Gingies and Gingerbread Boys!

Series No. 3 - Vintage Betty Crocker Recipe Sheet - Click To View Larger


They may be served plain, or frosted with a simple white icing. They are delicious warm . . . or can be kept for weeks (if hidden). The same dough with a little more flour added may be used for Gingerbread Boys. Make pattern for them by tracing on tissue paper the outline printed on this page. Then cut pattern from cardboard.

1/3 cup Shortening
1 cup Brown Sugar (packed in cup)
*1 1/2 cups Molasses
6 cups sifted GOLD MEDAL “Kitchen-tested” Flour
1 tsp. Allspice
1 tsp. Ginger
1 tsp. Cloves
1 tsp. Cinnamon
1 tsp. Salt
1/2 cup cold Water
2 tsp. Soda
3 tbsp. cold Water

*You cannot get the best color and flavor unless you use black New Orleans molasses.

CREAM SHORTENING, add sugar gradually, and cream thoroughly. Blend in molasses. Sift the flour with spices and salt, and stir into molasses mixture alternately with the 1/2 cup water. Mix last of flour mixture in by hand. Dissolve soda in the 3 tbsp. water and blend into dough.

Chill dough, then roll it out 1/2 inch thick (this thickness is necessary for soft, puffy cookies) on lightly floured cloth-covered board. Cut with 2 1/2-inch cutter. Place cookies far apart (they “grow” during baking) on lightly greased heavy baking sheet. Bake about 15 to 18 minutes in a moderate oven (350°). Do not overbake! This recipe makes about 32 Gingies.


Add 1 cup sifted GOLD MEDAL “Kitchen-tested” Flour to the dough for Gingies. Chill. Roll out 1/2 inch thick (this thickness is necessary for soft, puffy cookies). Grease the gingerbread boy pattern, place on the dough, and then cut around it with a sharp knife.

With a pancake turner, carefully transfer gingerbread boys to lightly greased heavy baking sheet. Press raisins or currants into dough for eyes, nose, mouth, and shoe and cuff buttons. Use pieces of candied cherries, red gum drops, and other small candies, etc., for coat buttons and strips of citron or coconut for tie.

Bake 15 to 18 minutes in a moderate oven (350°). Do not overbake! Cool slightly, then carefully remove from baking sheet. With a simple white confectioners’ sugar icing, make outlines for collar, cuffs, belt, and shoes. Amount: About 12 Gingerbread boys.

Note: The dough for Gingies can be divided . . . using 1/2 for Gingies and the other half (with 1/2 cup flour added) for Gingerbread Boys.

TO KEEP COOKIES SOFT, place them when cool in a tightly covered jar or can with a slice of apple or lemon. Change fruit occasionally and they will keep fresh indefinitely.


Nothing will lend itself more to the festive holiday spirit than this rich, spicy fruit cake. It’s most inexpensive. Keeps exceptionally well . . . in fact, its delicious flavor will improve and “mellow” with time. Try it now!

1/2 cup finely ground Salt Pork (1/3 lb.) (packed in cup)
2/3 cup strong hot Coffee
1/2 cup Sugar
1/3 tsp. Allspice
1/3 tsp. Nutmeg
1/3 tsp. Cinnamon
1/2 tsp. Soda
1 Egg
1/3 cup Molasses
1 1/2 cups sifted GOLD MEDAL “Kitchen-tested” Flour
1 cup cut-up seeded Raisins
3/4 cup Currants
1 2/3 cup finely cut Citron or other Candied Fruit (about 2/3 lb.)

PLACE FINELY GROUND salt pork in mixing bowl. Pour hot coffee over pork, and let stand until lukewarm. Then stir in the sugar, spices, soda, well beaten egg, and molasses.

Sprinkle 2 tbsp. flour over the fruit. Add remaining flour to salt pork mixture, stirring until well blended. Add floured fruit.

Next pour the mixture into a well greased baking pan (see below for size of pan), lined with several thicknesses of wrapping paper. Bake for 2 hours and 15 minutes in a slow oven (300°).

When cool and ready to serve, cut carefully with thin, sharp knife.

Size of pan: 1 bread loaf pan, 3 3/4 by 7 3/4 inches across the bottom and 2 3/4 inches deep.

FOR THREE LOAVES MAKE 3 TIMES the above recipe, using 1 1/2 cups (or 1 lb.) salt pork, 2 cups coffee, 1 1/2 cups sugar, 1 tsp. allspice, 1 tsp. nutmeg, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1 1/2 tsp. soda, 3 eggs, 1 cup molasses, 4 1/2 cups sifted GOLD MEDAL “Kitchen-tested” Flour, 3 cups raisins, 2 1/4 cups currants, and 5 cups citron. Bake in 3 bread loaf pans of the size indicated above.

NOTE: This cake may be eaten as soon as it’s baked and cooled, but flavor will be increasingly better if it is stored for a while (like other fruit cakes). When cake is cool, wrap in cloth soaked in light wine or fruit juice, and keep in covered jar in cool place. If cake is kept longer than a few weeks, soak cloth from time to time to keep it damp.

Series No. 3 - Vintage Betty Crocker Recipe Sheet - Click To View Larger


For hearty appetites . . . try the Betty Crocker new, up-to-date recipe for real old-fashioned apple dumplings. More delicious than ever! You’ll relish the luscious, thick cinnamony syrup. Bake this great favorite tonight, and see if your family doesn’t agree they’re the best apple dumplings they’ve ever had . . . without exception!

2 1/4 cups sifted GOLD MEDAL “Kitchen-tested” Flour
3/4 teaspoon Salt
3/4 cup Shortening
Ice Water, about 7 to 8 tbsp. (just enough to make dough stay together)
6 medium-sized, tart, juicy Apples
1/2 cup Sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons Cinnamon
1 tablespoon Butter
1 cup Sugar
1/4 teaspoon Cinnamon
4 tablespoons Butter
2 cups Water

SIFT FLOUR and salt directly into mixing bowl. Add most of shortening and cut it in with a pastry blender or 2 knives until mixture looks like “meal”. Then add remaining shortening and cut it in pieces the size of giant peas. Sprinkle water lightly over mixture, blending it in with a fork until dough can be just pressed together into a ball. (If desired, divide dough into two or three parts to make it easier to handle.) Roll out dough 1/8 in. thick on a lightly floured cloth-covered board. Cut in 7-in. squares.

Pare and core the apples, and place an apple on each pastry square. Fill cavity of each apple with the sugar and cinnamon, mixed together. Dot with butter. Moisten points of pastry square. Bring opposite points up over the apple, overlapping them. Seal well. Place about 2 inches apart in an 8 by 12-inch baking pan. Chill thoroughly in refrigerator.

Make the syrup by mixing together in a saucepan the sugar, cinnamon, butter and water and boil for 3 minutes. Pour the hot syrup around the chilled dumplings in baking pan. Bake immediately for 5 to 7 minutes, until crust shows slight coloring, in a very hot oven (500°). Then reduce temperature to a moderate oven (350°) and bake about 30 to 35 minutes longer. Makes 6 dumplings. Serve warm with hot syrup, and with cream, too, if desired.

Betty Crocker

You’ll want to add this delightful and handy recipe to your prize collection. Lovely, light, and tender, Sweet Cream Cake is very practical and ideal for even the busiest housewife. You can make it in a jiffy! See other side for two delicious Chocolate and Spice variations made from the basic recipe.

2 Eggs
1 cup Sugar
1 tsp. Vanilla
1 2/3 cups sifted GOLD MEDAL “Kitchen-tested” Flour
2 tsp. Baking Powder
3/4 tsp. Salt
1 cup rich sweet Cream (35° butter fat)

BEAT THE EGGS until thick and lemon-colored. Gradually beat in the sugar (using a rotary beater) and beat well. Blend in the vanilla.

Sift the flour, baking powder and salt together, and stir into the egg mixture alternately with the cream.

Then pour this mixture into either two well greased and floured 8-inch round layer pans or one well greased and floured 8-inch square loaf pan. Bake for 25 minutes for layers; 40 to 45 minutes for loaf . . . in a moderate oven (350°).

This cake is delicious without any icing; but it may be “dressed up” in various ways if desired. One layer may be iced; the other filled and topped with a whipped cream and fruit or berry mixture (sweetened to taste).

A lovely sugary crust may be given to the loaf by sprinkling it with a mixture of sugar and cinnamon just a couple of minutes before taking it from the oven.

Series No. 3 - Vintage Betty Crocker Recipe Sheet - Click To View Larger


Leave out 1/4 cup of flour, using 1 3/8 cups sifted Gold Medal “Kitchen-tested” Flour (To measure 1 3/8 cups flour, measure 1 1/2 cups, and then take out 2 level tablespoons flour.) Add 2 squares (2 oz.) melted unsweetened chocolate to the batter at the last.


Add 2 tsp. cinnamon, 1 tsp. cloves and 1 tsp. allspice to the flour mixture.

Note: This spice cake is delicious frosted with White Boiled Icing to which 1/2 cup chopped raisins, dates or figs and 1/2 cup chopped nuts have been added.

Always use Gold Medal “Kitchen-tested” Flour With the Above Recipes


For the holidays this year . . . see if your family won’t welcome this lighter version of old-time Pumpkin Pie. Not too filling . . . its rare flavor is just the thing to top off any “special” occasion.

1 cooled, baked 9-inch Pie Shell (see below for how to make)
1 tbsp. Gelatin
1/4 cup Cold Water
1 cup Brown Sugar (packed in cup)
1/2 tsp. Salt
2 tsp. Cinnamon
1/2 tsp. Ginger
1/2 tsp. Allspice
1 1/3 cups mashed cooked Pumpkin (No. 1 Can)
3 Egg Yolks
1/2 cup Milk


3 Egg Whites
1/4 tsp. Cream of Tartar
6 tbsp. Granulated Sugar

SOAK THE GELATIN in the cold water. Then mix the brown sugar, salt, and spices together in the top of a double boiler. Stir in the pumpkin.

Now beat egg yolks until light and lemon-colored and blend in milk. Blend egg yolks and milk into pumpkin mixture and mix thoroughly.

Place over boiling water and cook until mixture thickens and flavors are blended (about 10 minutes), stirring frequently. Remove from heat and beat in the soaked gelatin, using a rotary egg beater to blend completely.

Cool the mixture until it begins to set (15 to 20 minutes), then beat until fluffy with a rotary egg beater.

Make a stiff meringue by beating egg whites with cream of tartar until stiff enough to hold a point. Then gradually beat in the sugar until meringue is stiff and glossy.

Fold the meringue into the fluffy pumpkin mixture and pile lightly into a cooled baked pie shell (see below). Chill in refrigerator until ready to serve (at least an hour).


1 cup sifted GOLD MEDAL Flour
1/2 tsp. Salt
1/3 cup Shortening
Ice Water (2 to 3 tbsp.)

FOLLOW DIRECTIONS for mixing pastry given in recipe for Apple Dumplings. Roll out to fit 8 or 9-inch pie pan. Place in pan loosely, leaving 1/2 inch extending over edge of pan. Build up fluted edge. Prick thoroughly with fork to prevent puffing. Chill thoroughly. Bake 10 to 12 minutes in a very hot oven (500°). This recipe also makes about 4 tart shells.

Series No. 3 - Vintage Betty Crocker Recipe Sheet - Click To View Larger


Designed by Betty Crocker to fit your family’s taste as well as your budget.

*Creamed Chipped Beef in Baked Potatoes
Crisp Cabbage Salad
Holiday Breads
*Glazed Baked Apples
*Gingerbread Boys

*Recipes in this folder

Creamed Chipped Beef in Baked Potatoes

RUB WELL SCRUBBED potatoes with butter. Bake in moderately hot oven (400°) until soft (about 1 hr. for medium size). When done, make 2 deep cuts crosswise through peeling in center of one side. Squeeze potato slightly so some of inside fluffs up through cuts. Place small piece of butter (about a tsp.) in center. Pour Creamed Chipped Beef over it. Serve at once.

CREAMED CHIPPED BEEF: Melt 2 tbsp. butter in frying pan. “Frizzle” 1/4 lb. cut-up dried beef in it until edges curl. Meanwhile, melt 1/2 cup butter in saucepan. Blend in 5/8 cup GOLD MEDAL “Kitchen-tested” Flour (10 tbsp.) and 1/4 tsp. pepper (no salt needed). Remove from heat. Add 5 cups milk slowly, stirring constantly. Return to heat, and cook until thickened, stirring constantly to prevent lumping. Cook about 10 minutes over direct heat or 20 minutes over hot water to eliminate raw taste. Blend in frizzled beef.

Makes 6 generous servings. For 3 generous or 4 medium-sized servings, make 1/2 the recipe, using 1/2 the amount of each ingredient.

Glazed Baked Apples

CORE 6 FIRM APPLES, pare upper third of each, and place in baking pan. Pour 2 cups of Fruit Juice (Pineapple, Raspberry, Strawberry, Peach, Pear, etc.) over and around apples. Bake until soft (30 minutes to 1 hour) in a moderate oven (350°). During the baking, baste often with the fruit juice, adding more, if necessary.

NOTE: If fruit juice is not very sweet or if apples are very sour, add a little sugar to the fruit juice.

Be a Kitchen MAGICIAN!

Use GOLD MEDAL “Kitchen-tested” Flour . . . and never any other with these recipes. Betty Crocker recipes don’t always “fit” other flours. Remember, GOLD MEDAL is made from choice selected wheats by skilled experts! It’s tested by rigid scientific tests and under exacting home conditions . . . Your bakings will have a new “magic” if you always use GOLD MEDAL “Kitchen-tested” Flour!

Published Sep 25, 2008 in Pork

This recipe was clipped from a newspaper, date unknown. The recipe is typed below along with a scanned copy that you can click to view larger if you like.

Sweet & Sour Pork Recipe


1 lb. lean, boneless pork, cut into 2-by-1/8-inch strips
1/4 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
2 tbsp. vegetable oil
1 20-oz. can pineapple chunks, packed in juice
2 tbsp. cornstarch
1/4 cup chicken broth
1/4 cup distilled white vinegar
2 tbsp. sugar
2 tbsp. ketchup
1 tbsp. soy sauce
1/4 tsp. ground ginger
2 cups broccoli florets and thin-sliced stems
1 medium red or green bell pepper, cut into 3/4-inch chunks
1 scallions, cut into 1-inch lengths

Sprinkle pork with salt and pepper. Heat oil in a 10-inch skillet over moderately high heat. Add half the pork and cook three to six minutes, stirring, until cooked through. Transfer to a bowl, cover, and keep warm. Repeat with remaining pork.

Reduce heat to medium-low. Drain pineapple and mix one-half cup of the juice with cornstarch. Add chicken broth, vinegar, sugar, ketchup, soy sauce and ginger to skillet. Stir in cornstarch mixture and bring to a boil, stirring constantly.

Add broccoli and bell pepper. Cover and simmer two to three minutes. Stir in pineapple chunks, scallions and pork. Simmer until heated through. Serve over rice. Serves four.

Edith Destro

This was clipped from a cardboard box, probably for Graham Crackers. Recipe is typed below (there was a typo that I corrected) along with a scanned copy you can click if you’d like to view a larger size.

Graham Crackers Crust Recipe


Basic Crumb Crust:

1 Inner Seal Packet of NABISCO Graham Crackers, finely rolled (about 1 2/3 cups crumbs)
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup softened butter or margarine

Roll NABISCO Graham Crackers to fine even crumbs. Putting crackers in a plastic or cellophane bag or between two sheets of wax paper prevents scattering and lets you see the fineness and uniformity as you go along.

Pour crumbs into bowl. Add sugar and softened butter or margarine. Blend well with fingers, fork or pastry blender.

Pour crumb mixture into 9 inch pie plate. Distribute mixture evenly. Set an 8-inch pie plate on top of crumbs and press firmly to make an even layer on bottom and sides of 9-inch pie plate. Remove 8-inch pie plate. Crust is now ready to fill as is, to freeze (for ice cream pie) or to bake in a moderate oven (375°F.) 8 minutes (for a crisper crust and extra delicious flavor).

This is a promo recipe card from Bisquick with the other side the recipe for Impossible Tuna Pie, date unknown. Recipe is typed below along with a scanned copy of the card which is clickable if you’d like to view a larger size.

Impossible Cheeseburger Pie Recipe

Impossible Cheeseburger Pie

The pie that does the impossible by making its own crust.

1 pound ground beef
1 1/2 cups chopped onion
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1 1/2 cups milk
3/4 cup Bisquick baking mix
3 eggs
2 tomatoes, sliced
1 cup shredded Cheddar or process American cheese

Heat oven to 400°. Grease pie plate, 10 x 1 1/2 inches. Brown beef and onion; drain. Stir in salt and pepper. Spread in plate. Beat milk, baking mix and eggs until smooth, 15 seconds in blender on high or 1 minute with hand beater. Pour into plate. Bake 25 minutes. Top with tomatoes; sprinkle with cheese. Bake until knife inserted in center comes out clean, 5 to 8 minutes. Cool 5 minutes. 6 to 8 servings.

High Altitude: Increase first bake time to 30 minutes.

This is a promo recipe card from Bisquick, date unknown. Recipe is typed below along with a scanned copy of the card which is clickable if you’d like to view a larger size.

Impossible Tuna Pie Recipe

Impossible Tuna Pie

The pie that does the impossible by making its own crust.

1 can (6 1/2 ounces) tuna, drained
1 cup shredded process sharp American cheese
1 package (3 ounces) cream cheese, cut up
1/4 cup sliced green onions
1 jar (2 ounces) chopped pimiento, drained, if desired
2 cups milk
1 cup Bisquick baking mix
4 eggs
3/4 teaspoon salt
Dash of nutmeg

Heat oven to 400°. Grease pie plate, 10 x 1 1/2 inches. Mix tuna, cheeses, onions and pimiento in plate. Beat remaining ingredients 15 seconds in blender on high or 1 minute with hand beater. Pour into plate. Bake until knife inserted between center and edge comes out clean, 35 to 40 minutes. Cool 5 minutes. Serve with sliced tomatoes. 6 to 8 servings.

Impossible Seafood Pie: Substitute 1 package (6 ounces) frozen crabmeat or shrimp, thawed and drained, for the tuna.

High Altitude: Bake 45 to 50 minutes.

This recipe was clipped from a magazine, date unknown but probably the 1950s or 1960s. Recipe is typed below along with a scanned copy.

Chocolate Bar Brownies Recipe Clipping

Chocolate-Bar Brownies . . .

Beat 5 eggs and 2 cups of sugar together. Add 1 teaspoon of vanilla, 1/2 pound of melted butter and 5 squares of melted chocolate. Sift together and add 2 1/2 cups of sifted flour and 2 teaspoons of baking powder. Mix well and add 1 cup of chopped nuts. Spread on a greased jelly-roll pan. Bake in a 350° F. oven 25 minutes. Cut into bars, spread with fudge and nuts.