This handwritten recipe card comes from a large collection, date unknown. One of the ingredients is “Hershey’s Handi-Bake”, I’m not familiar with that product so if you know what it is, please drop a note in the comments below (thank you). Recipe is typed below along with a scanned copy.

Handi Fluffy Frosting Recipe Card

Handi Fluffy Frosting

Combine in bowl:

2 c. sifted confectioners sugar
1/2 c. soft butter. Beat until blended.

Add: 1/4 c. evaporated milk
3-1 oz pkgs. Hershey’s Handi-Bake
1 c. sifted confectioner’s sugar
Beat until blended.

Add: 1 c. sifted Confectioners sugar
2 tbsp evaporated milk

frosts 2 9″ cake layers

This handwritten recipe card is for gingerbread frosting only, not the gingerbread. Date unknown. Recipe is typed below along with a scanned copy.

Handwritten Recipe Card For Praline-Frosted Gingerbread

Praline-frosted Gingerbread

Recipe for frosting–

Cream 1/4 cup margarine and 1/2 cup light brown sugar, packed; blend in 2 tablespoons cream. Add 2 cups Kraft Miniature Marshmallows, 1/2 cup flaked coconut and 1/4 cup chopped pecans; mix lightly.

Spread on 8 or 9-inch square gingerbread or cake. Broil until bubbly and lightly browned. Glamor with old-time taste appeal! Delicious afternoon party dessert, too.

This handwritten recipe comes from a large collection, date unknown. Recipe is typed below along with a scanned copy.

Orange Coconut Frosting Recipe Card

Orange Coconut Frosting

1 1/2 c. sugar
1/4 tsp. cream of tartar
1/2 tsp. salt
6 tbsp. orange juice *RecipeCurio Note: The measurement isn’t clear, it could be tsp or tbsp–please let me know if you try it
2 egg whites
1/2 c. shredded coconut

Place all ingredients except coconut in top of double boiler over hot water. Beat with rotary beater until icing will hold in peaks.

Sprinkle with shredded coconut.

Published Dec 31, 2009 in Frosting & Icing

This handwritten recipe is from a large recipe collection, date unknown. Recipe is typed below along with a scanned copy.

Handwritten Caramel Frosting Recipe Card

Caramel Frosting

1/4 c. butter or marg.
1/2 c. brown sugar
1/8 tsp salt
2 tbsp milk
1 c. confectioner’s sugar

Melt butter in a small saucepan. Stir in brown sugar, salt and bring to a boil. Boil lard for 2 min. stirring constantly. Remove from heat. and add milk, stirring vigorously. Put back over the heat & bring to a full boil again. Set aside to cool until lukewarm about 10 min. Stir in confectioner’s sugar and beat until cool & smooth enough to spread. If frosting stiffens too quickly add a few drops of milk.

This handwritten recipe comes from a large collection, date unknown. Recipe is typed below along with a scanned copy.

Smooth Butter Frosting Recipe

Smooth Butter Frosting

1/3 c. cold milk
1 tsp vanilla
1 envelope Dream Whip
1 lb. Confectioners sugar
2 tbsp milk
3 tbsp butter, softened

Combine 1/3 c. milk, vanilla & Dream Whip in large bowl. Add half of sugar, blend well — Whip rapidly until thickened. about 2 min. at med. speed alternately add remaining sugar & milk. Beat after each addition. Add butter, 1 tbsp at a time beating well. Makes 2 3/4 c. enough for 8″ or 9″ layer cake or 24 c. cakes.

This handwritten recipe comes from a large collection, date unknown. Recipe is typed below along with a scanned copy.

Handwritten Cake Frosting Recipe Card

Cake Frosting

1/2 c. butter
1/2 c. white shortening
2/3 c. milk
1 c. granulated sugar
1 tsp vanilla

Cream butter and shortening. Gradually add sugar. Heat milk to hot but not scalded & add 2 tbsp at a time. Add vanilla. Beat on high speed until you can’t taste the sugar.

This recipe was written on a large white index card and comes from a large collection of recipes, date unknown. Recipe is typed below along with a scanned copy.

Handwritten Mint Butter Cream Icing Recipe

Mint Butter Cream Icing

2 tbsp butter
2 c. confectioners sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1 tbsp milk
6 tbsp mint jelly

Cream butter; add sugar, vanilla, milk and mint jelly. Beat well until smooth.

Spread on cake. Sprinkle with chocolate sprinkles.

This recipe was written on a large white index card and comes from a large collection, date unknown. Recipe is typed below along with a scanned copy.

Handwritten Creamy Pineapple Frosting Recipe

Creamy Pineapple Frosting

1/4 c. butter
1/4 c. shortening
3 c. sifted confectioners sugar
1 c. (8 1/2 oz. drained, crushed pineapple)
1/8 tsp salt
1/4 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp grated lemon rind

Cream butter and shortening. Gradually add sugar, beat until light and fluffy. Blend in remaining ingredients.