Published Jan 01, 2010 in Frosting & Icing

This recipe was clipped from a magazine, date unknown. Recipe is typed below along with a scanned copy.

Snow-White Frosting Recipe Clipping


2 lb. sifted confectioners’ sugar
3/4 cup plus 2 tablesp. soft vegetable shortening
2 tablesp. butter
1 teasp. salt
2/3 cup milk
1 teasp. almond extract
1 teasp. vanilla extract

  1. In large bowl, combine sugar, shortening, butter, salt, milk, extracts. With mixer at low speed, beat just till smooth. Cover with foil till ready to use. Makes 4 1/2 cups.

This article featuring two recipes for filling and frosting was clipped from American Home magazine that was published from 1928 to 1977, date of this clipping is unknown. Recipes are typed below along with a scanned article.

Butter Fudge Fruit Filling (gourmet)
Preparation time: 10 min.

1 tbsp. butter
2 cups sifted confectioners sugar
1/8 tsp. salt
1 egg
1 sq. (1 oz.) unsweetened chocolate, melted
1 tsp. vanilla
1 cup seedless raisins, chopped

CREAM butter, add sugar, salt and egg, beating until creamy. Blend in chocolate and vanilla and add raisins. Spread between layers of your favorite chocolate cake or double recipe of *Betty’s Chocolate Cake (RecipeCurio Note: Recipe for cake was not included with this article). Ice with Maple Nut Frosting.

Maple Nut Frosting:
Preparation time: 12 min.

1 pkg. (3 oz.) cream cheese
2 tbsp. cream
1/2 tsp. maple flavoring
1 tsp. vanilla
2 1/2 cups sifted confectioners sugar
1/2 cup sliced walnuts

Mash the cream cheese and blend with the cream, maple flavoring and vanilla. Add confectioners sugar to make an icing stiff enough to spread, then add the nuts and mix well. Spread on top and sides of cake.

Note: If you can obtain it, soft maple sugar may be used.

Submitted by HERMAN SMITH

Recipe Clipping For Butter Fudge Fruit Filling And Maple Nut Frosting

Published Jan 01, 2010 in Frosting & Icing

This recipe was clipped from a magazine, date unknown. Recipe is typed below along with a scanned copy.

Ornamental Frosting Recipe ClippingORNAMENTAL FROSTING

Store any leftover frosting in a covered jar in the refrigerator for another day’s use

Makes about 3/4 cup

1 egg white
1/8 teaspoon cream of tartar
1/8 teaspoon vanilla
1 3/4 cups 10X (confectioners’ powdered) sugar

Beat egg white, cream of tartar, and vanilla until foamy in a small bowl. Beat in 10X sugar gradually until frosting stands in firm peaks and is stiff enough to hold a sharp line when cut through with a knife.

Note: If you do not wish to make your own decorating frosting, use colored frostings in pressurized cans that come with tips, or decorating icings in plastic tubes, buying tips separately.

This recipe article was clipped from a newspaper and offers a few tips and variations for Decorating Icing, Cake Filling and Royal Icing. Date unknown. Recipes are typed below along with a scanned copy of the article.

Icing key In Fancy Baking - Vintage Recipe ArticleIcing Key In Fancy Baking

THE ICING can make or break your cake when decorating fancy baked goods.

Measurements should be followed exactly as should mixing speeds and times. It may take a little practice to perfect decorative icings, so be patient, but keep at it. This icing would also be good for Christmas cookies.

Decorating Icing

One-half cup solid white vegetable shortening
Dash of salt
One tsp. vanilla extract
One-fourth cup milk
One box confectioners’ sugar, sifted

Combine shortening, salt, vanilla and milk in mixer bowl; beat at slow speed of electric mixer. (Do not use high speed as that causes air bubbles in icing.)

Add sugar; continue to beat at low speed 10 minutes longer.

THIS FILLING, often called mock whipped cream, can easily be varied by adding chopped nuts, coconut or fruits, such as cherries or pineapple. All fruits must be well-drained.

Cake Filling

One cup milk or one small can evaporated milk
Two tbsps. cornstarch or five tbsps. flour
One-half cup solid white vegetable shortening
One-half cup butter
One cup granulated sugar
One tsp. vanilla

Combine milk and cornstarch in saucepan stirring until smooth. Cook over very low heat, stirring constantly, until thick, about 10 minutes. Let cool thoroughly.

Cream shortening and butter; add sugar; beat until fluffy; add vanilla. Add creamed mixture to first mixture and beat 10 minutes at low to medium speed. Stir in nuts or fruits, as desired.

THIS ICING keeps indefinitely in a cool place. It doesn’t need refrigeration but keep the bowl tightly covered. If you cannot find meringue powder (available in some places that specialize in cake decorating supplies), follow directions for using egg whites.

Royal Icing

Three tbsps. decorating meringue powder
One-half cup water
One lb. box confectioners’ sugar, sifted
One-half tsp. cream of tartar

Combine all ingredients in mixer bowl; beat at medium speed 10 minutes. Cover; put in cool place.

For making without meringue powder: Substitute three unbeaten medium-sized egg whites, one pound plus one cup confectioners’ sugar, sifted, and one-half teaspoon cream of tartar. OMIT THE WATER. Proceed as directed above.

Published Jan 01, 2010 in Frosting & Icing

This recipe is for the filling of clothespin cookies (or pastries) and is written on an ornament shaped piece of paper. Directions on back state that this can also be used as cake frosting. Date unknown. Recipe is typed below along with a scanned copy (front side only).

Handwritten Clothespin Filling Recipe

Clothes Pin Filling

3/4 to 1 cup white sugar
1/4 c. flour
1 egg
1 c. milk

Mix together adding milk. Cook until thick. Let cool.


3/4 to 1/2 c. crisco
1 t. flavoring
6 to 8 T. marshmallow creme

Also use to frost cake (leave out marshmallow)

These recipes were printed on an envelope of Dream Whip, date unknown. Recipe is typed below along with a scanned copy.


A rich butter frosting! Vanilla, lemon, or orange–make your favorite flavor for cupcakes and cake.

1/3 cup cold milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 envelope Dream Whip
1 pound confectioners’ sugar
2 tablespoons milk
3 tablespoons butter, softened

Combine 1/3 cup milk, vanilla, and Dream Whip in large bowl. Add half of sugar; blend well. Whip rapidly until thickened–about 2 minutes. At medium speed alternately add remaining sugar and milk; beat after each addition. Add butter, 1 tablespoon at a time, beating well. Makes 2 3/4 cups, enough for 8- or 9-inch layer cake or 24 cupcakes.


Prepare as above; omit vanilla and substitute 2 tablespoons lemon or orange juice for the 2 tablespoons milk. Add 1 teaspoon grated lemon or orange rind after beating in butter.

Dream Whip Butter Frosting Recipe

Imperial Powdered Sugar Frosting RecipeThis recipe was clipped from a box of Imperial Powdered Sugar, date unknown. Recipe is typed below along with a scanned copy.


Frosting — Cream 1/3 cup soft margarine, pinch of salt, 1 cup sifted Imperial Powdered Sugar until fluffy. Add 2 cups sifted Imperial Powdered Sugar, 2 tbs. milk, 1 1/2 tsp. vanilla; blend well.

White Mountain Icing RecipeThis recipe was clipped from cardboard packaging, likely a box of cake mix. Date unknown. Recipe is typed below along with a scanned copy.

An Icing Favorite for Devils Food Cake

White Mountain Icing

Stir until well blended in small saucepan.

1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup white corn syrup
2 tbsp. water

Boil rapidly until mixture spins a 6 to 8-in. thread or 242°.

When mixture begins to boil, beat … 2 egg whites

Beat until stiff enough to hold a peak.

Pour hot syrup slowly in thin steady stream into beaten egg whites, beating constantly with electric or rotary beater until mixture stands in very stiff peaks.

Blend in..1/2 tsp. vanilla

Makes icing and filling for 2-layer 8-inch cake.