The Enterprising Housekeeper (1906) - 200 Tested Recipes - Click To View LargerThe Enterprising Housekeeper
200 Tested Recipes
By Helen Louise Johnson
Illustrated With Kitchen Helps
Price 25¢
Copyright 1906

Here’s a lovely book I’ve owned for quite awhile now and I actually have two copies of it. One is a 1906 issue and the other is from 1898.

You can click either of the book covers to view a larger image, they’re quite pretty I think :). You’ll notice the later edition is actually half the cost of earlier edition, printing costs must have gotten better over time.

The Enterprising Housekeeper - 1898 Issue - Click To View LargerThe Enterprising Housekeeper
By Helen Louise Johnson
Published By The Enterprise Manufacturing Company of PA.
Philadelphia, U.S.A.
Price Fifty Cents

This edition printed in 1898 is not the first copy, I believe there was one earlier in 1896.

From the first page in the 1906 edition:

We may live without poetry, music and art,
We may live without conscience and live without heart,
We may live without friends, we may live without books,
But civilized man cannot live without cooks.

These books were distributed by The Enterprise Manufacturing Company of PA as a marketing tool I believe. The books offered real value with all the recipes and kitchen help tips, but they also contained many references and illustrations of kitchen gadgets that were made by the company. Women bought the books because of the tips and recipes, but it was also a shopping catalog that promoted their gadgets–what great marketing!

I’ll be publishing various pages from the book here on RecipeCurio along with scans of those pages. It will be an interesting look back and I’m happy to share this delightful book with you :).

Update: All the pages from this book are filed in this category: The Enterprising Housekeeper. The book’s pages are filed in order so you just need to scan down to find the page you want.

Handwritten Recipe Card For Chowmein Hot Dish - Click To View Larger

This recipe was found in a box of old recipes won at auction, date unknown. There is a note in the top corner that says “Very Very Good”, so it must be!

Chowmein Hot Dish

1 1/2 lb Hamburger
1/2 cup Rice (Minute uncooked)
1 cup Celery
1 cup Water
1 can Cream of Chicken Soup
1 can Cream of Mushroom Soup
3 Tbsp. Worcestershire Sauce
2 Tbsp. Soy Sauce
minced onion
1 can Chowmein Noodles

Brown meat & onions & put all ingredients together except noodles. Put in greased casserole, Bake 1 hr. then add noodles – Bake 30 min. more.

Typed Recipe Card For Seven Seas Casserole - Click To View Large

This old recipe was typed onto an index card using a typewriter, found in a big box of old recipes from an auction.

Seven Seas Casserole

1 can condensed cream of mushroom or (celery) soup
1 1/4 cups water or milk
1/4 tsp salt
1 5-ounce package Minute Rice
1 can (or 1/2 lb.) sea food
1 box frozen peas, thawed
Cheese slices
*handwritten addition: 1/4 cup chopped onion, heated in soup

Mix soup, milk and salt in saucepan. Bring to a boil over medium heat; stir occasionally. Pour about half into a greased 1 1/2-quart casserole. Then, in layers add Minute Rice as from the box, sea food, and peas. Add remaining soup, top with cheese, sprinkle with paprika. Cover. Bake 375°F. 20 min.

Handwritten Recipe For Coconut Drop Cookies - Click To View LargerThis comes from a big box of recipes I won in an auction, date unknown but it’s a well worn and well used recipe–must be a good one!

Coconut Drop Cookies

3/4 c sifted Swans Flour (*)
1 1/2 tsp Baking Powder
1/8 tsp Salt
2 TBS Butter
4 TBS Sugar
1 Egg, well beaten
1 TBS Milk
1 cup Bakers Coconut

Sift flour once, measure, add baking powder & salt and sift again. Cream butter, add sugar gradually, and cream together until light and fluffy. Add egg mixing well. Add flour, alternately with milk, a small amount at a time. Beat after each addition until smooth. Add coconut. Drop from tsp on greased baking sheet. Bake in hot oven (400°F.) 4 to 5 minutes. Makes 24.

(Swans Down Cake Flour)*

*RecipeCurio note: the writing is hard to read for the brand of flour mentioned, but I believe the recipe is referencing Swans Down Cake Flour.

Lemon Cookies Handwritten Recipe - Click To View Large


3/4 c. butter or marg. or half of each
1/3 c. powdered sugar
1 1/2 c. flour

Mix well and pat in a 9×13 pan.
Bake 20 min. at 350°F.


3 eggs
1 1/2 c. sugar
3 T. flour
1/3 c. lemon juice – fresh is best

Mix and pour over hot crust. Bake 20 min. at 350 °F.

When done & right out of oven – sprinkle with powdered sugar. When cool, cut into squares.

Published Jul 01, 2008 in Candies, The Candy Book

The Candy Book - 1910 - RecipeCurio.comThis little vintage recipe booklet about candy making is a partner to the Salad Book. I have no date but believe it’s from 1910 or so. Here is what this little booklet contains:

The Candy Book
Price 10¢


The profits from the sale of The Candy Book are used for a worthy object, and in purchasing the book you are helping a good cause. But the book itself is well worth while–it contains the best recipes for home candy making, including simple directions for some of the most choice confections, and we believe every purchaser who tests its merits will find much that is new and helpful.


Candy making, more than any other species of cooking, requires strict attention to directions as to quantities and methods. Therefore all recipes should be strictly followed.

When a syrup forms a fine thread upon dropping from a spoon it is called “hairing” or “threading.” After this stage the syrup should never be stirred, as it will granulate.

In handling or pulling all boiled candies, the hands should be well buttered to prevent the mixture sticking to them.

If the pot in which the candy is boiled is buttered for an inch or two down, the liquid will not boil over. It will not rise after it reaches the butter.

Should fondant stick to the hands, dip the fingers in alcohol.

After boiled syrup is beaten, it should look like lard or very thick cream. Otherwise it has not been allowed to cool sufficiently before the beating process was begun.

Use fresh, cold water for each trial of candy; preferably ice water.

Cream of tartar should not be added until syrup begins to boil.

Butter should be put in when candy is almost done.

Flavors are more delicate when not boiled in candy, but added afterward.

DIVINITY CANDY. Two cups white sugar, half cup corn syrup, half cup cold water, boil until brittle in water; have ready two eggs beaten to a stiff froth, half cup chopped walnuts and a large buttered platter. Pour boiling syrup into the whites of eggs and beat well. Put in nut meats and beat more. Beat until very stiff, then pour out on the platter to cool.

CHOCOLATE “DIVINITY”. One and a half cups of brown sugar, one cup of maple syrup, half cup of glucose (pure corn syrup), or Karo syrup, one-third cup of water, fourth teaspoonful of salt, the whites of two eggs, one cup of nut meats, chopped fine, two squares of chocolate, broken in pieces. Let the sugar, syrup, glucose and water stand on the back of the range, stirring occasionally, until the sugar is melted, then cover and let boil five minutes. Remove the cover and let boil until when tested in water a ball that rattles in the cup will be formed. Add the salt and chocolate and beat over the fire, until the chocolate is melted, then pour in a fine stream onto the whites of eggs, beaten dry, beating constantly meanwhile; add the nuts and pour into a pan lined with waxed paper. In about fifteen minutes lift the candy from the pan (by the ends of the paper left for the prupose) and cut it into small oblongs or squares. The candy must be stirred constantly during the last of the cooking.

NUT BRITTLE. Two cups of syrup, two cups of sugar, one cup of broken nuts, two tablespoons of vinegar, one teaspoon of vanilla. Boil fifteen minutes or until hard when dropped in water.

SEA FOAM. One pound of brown sugar, half cup of water. Boil until it forms a soft ball when dropped in cold water. Beat white of one egg until very stiff. Pour boiling syrup on egg a little at a time and beat constantly. When getting a little stiff, add one teaspoon of vanilla. Add one cup of nuts when mixture will stand alone. Drop from spoon on buttered dish.

CHOCOLATE MOLASSES KISSES. Two cups of coffee A sugar, third cup of glucose (pure corn syrup), two-thirds cup of water, one cup of molasses, two tablespoonfuls of butter, fourth teaspoonful of salt, four ounces of chocolate, one tablespoon of vanilla extract or one teaspoon of essence of peppermint. Put all the ingredients, save salt, chocolate and flavoring, over fire; let boil rapidly until brittle when tested in cold water. During the last of the cooking the candy must be stirred constantly. Pour onto an oiled platter or marble; pour the chocolate, melted over hot water, above the candy; as the candy cools on the edges, with a spatula or the fingers, turn the edges towards the center; continue this until the candy is cold enough to pull; pull over a hook until cold; add the flavoring, a little at a time, during the pulling; cut in short lengths and wrap in waxed paper.

KISSES. Beat whites of four eggs until they cling to dish, add seven teaspoons of sugar to each white, beating all the time, flavor with vanilla. Invert a dripping pan and cover with brown paper, drop kiss on paper by spoonful so as not to touch. Bake in very cool oven until delicate brown.

OLD-FASHIONED COCOANUT CREAMS. Boil two cups of granulated sugar and two-thirds cup of water. When boiling rapidly, add one-eighth teaspoon of cream of tartar. Cook until it will form a soft ball if dropped into cold water. Take from fire, and add one cup of shredded cocoanut and half teaspoon of vanilla or orange flavoring extract. Drop upon waxed paper.

OPERA CREAMS. Melt together slowly three-fourths cup milk, two cups sugar and two squares chocolate, then boil for three or four minutes; flavor and put in a cool place; let stand until absolutely cold, then beat till it becomes resistant and creamy; drop into round balls on paper.

CREAM DATES. Prepare cream as above, using dates instead of nuts. Remove stones and roll in sugar.

CREAM WALNUTS. Two cups of sugar, two-thirds cup of water. Boil without stirring until it can be rolled into a soft ball when cool. Flavor with vanilla and set dish in cold water, stir briskly until white and creamy. Mold in small round cakes and place on each cake a half of an English walnut.

ALMOND CREAMS. Roll the blanched almonds in some of the cream fondant, then in a little granulated sugar, to give them a glossy appearance, or mould the creams into thick lozenge form and press a nut on top of each one.

CREAM CANDY. Two cups of sugar, 3-4 cup of rich milk or cream, boil hard for five minutes, stirring all the time, remove from the stove, stir until cold enough to mould with the hands, dip in melted chocolate and lay on a buttered paper.

FRENCH CREAM CANDY. Take the whites of two eggs and half as much water. Do not beat the eggs. Stir in powdered sugar until stiff enough to handle; flavor with vanilla. Roll into small balls and press half an English walnut meat on each side. This cream may be used for a great variety of candies, by using nuts, fruits, chocolate, or any flavoring or coloring desired.

VERMONT WALNUTS. Two pounds maple sugar (or one quart of syrup), one pint of rich cream, two pounds of walnuts, one teaspoon vanilla. Bring sugar and cream to boil quickly and cook until waxy. Stir. When done add meats and flavor. Pour into pan, cut while soft.

CREAMED WALNUTS. The white of one egg and an equal amount of cold water, one teaspoon of lemon, and one teaspoon of black coffee. Beat until thoroughly mixed, then beat in confectioner’s sugar, sifted, until the dough is stiff enough to mould. Break off pieces the size of a nutmeg, roll them till smooth and round. Press the halved walnut meats on each side, letting the cream show slightly between the meats. One egg will require about a pound and a quarter of sugar.

CHOCOLATE PEANUT CLUSTERS. Shell a quart of freshly-roasted peanuts and remove the skins. Drop the peanuts, one by one, into the center of a dish of chocolate made ready for use; lift out onto oil cloth with a dipping fork, to make groups of three nuts–two below, side by side, and one above and between the others.

CHOCOLATE COATED ALMONDS. Select nuts that are plump at the ends. Use them without blanching. Brush, to remove the dust. Melt chocolate and when cooled properly drop the nuts, one at a time, into the center of it; push the nuts under with the fork, then drop onto waxed paper or oil cloth. In removing the fork make a design on the top of each nut. These are easily prepared and are particularly good.

SUMMER NUT CANDY. Three cups light brown sugar, three-quarters cup milk, one tablespoon butter; boil until it hardens in cold water. Add two cups of English walnuts, or any nut meats; stir until it hardens. Pour into buttered pans to cool. No matter how hot the day, you can make this candy.

SUGARED ALMONDS. Put a cupful of granulated sugar in a saucepan with a little water; stir until it is dissolved, then let it cook to a boiling stage. Take from the fire and put in half cup of blanched almonds. Stir until covered with sugar and turn out on tin.

CHOCOLATE MARSHMALLOWS. Cut the marshmallows in halves, and put them, one by one, cut side down, in chocolate fondant, melted over hot water and flavored to taste with vanilla. Beat the chocolate with a fork that it may not crust over, lift out the marshmallow, turn it and in removing the fork, leave its imprint in the chocolate; sprinkle at once with a little fine-chopped pistachio nut meat. To prepare the nuts, set them over the fire in tepid water to cover, heat to the boiling point, drain, cover with cold water, then take them up, one by one, and with the thumb and finger push the meat from the skin.

HEAVENLY HASH. Half cup milk, three cups sugar, one cup honeydrip, butter the size of an egg, two cups chopped nuts. Boil until brittle when dropped into cold water; beat until partly cool, add nuts and beat more.

GLACE NUTS. Two cups granulated sugar, half cup cold water, two tablespoons vinegar; boil from 15 to 20 minutes or until it cracks when dropped in water; add one teaspoon vanilla; set on back of stove, drop in English walnuts, removing with fork to buttered tin. Keep in cool place.

HICKORY NUT CANDY. One cup hickory nuts (meats), two cups sugar, half cup water. Boil sugar and water, without stirring, until thick enough to spin a thread; flavor with extract, lemon or vanilla. Set off into cold water; stir quickly until white; then stir in nuts; turn into flat tin; when cold cut into small squares.

PEANUT BRITTLE. One cup granulated sugar, put in frying pan and let dissolve (stir until it boils up), add one teaspoon of butter, pinch of soda. Scatter peanuts on greased pan and pour candy over them.

PEANUT BRITTLE. Boil one cupful of molasses, six cupfuls of brown sugar and one cup of water until it becomes hard when dropped in cold water. Add three pints of shelled peanuts and boil a few minutes longer, then add two heaping tablespoons of butter and take from the fire, add one teaspoon of soda and stir quickly. Pour out at once on buttered pans.

PEANUT CANDY. To one pound brown sugar add one cup corn syrup and one cup water. Boil until it is hard when dropped in cold water. Just before taking from the fire add two ounces butter. Have ready a well-greased pan, over which has been sprinkled three-fourths pound peanuts, pour the mixture over these and break into pieces when cold.

PEANUT CANDY. Boil two pounds of sugar with half pint of water for five minutes, then add half teacup of vinegar. Let boil until it is perfectly brittle when dropped in cold water. Set the kettle where it will keep warm and with a fork dip in freshly roasted peanuts, two or three at a time, and put on well-buttered plates to cool.

COCOANUT CANDY. Put into a thick-bottomed saucepan one cupful of sugar, one cupful of molasses and a piece of butter the size of an egg, and boil until a little can be rolled into a firm ball when dropped into cold water. Take from the fire and stir into it as much grated cocoanut as possible. Mould into balls and place on plates to cool.

MARSHMALLOW. Two heaping tablespoons of gelatine, one pound powdered sugar, three-fourths cup boiling water, half teaspoon of vanilla. Dissolve gelatine in water, pour in sugar, beat half hour steadily. Dust granite pans thickly with powdered sugar, cut in squares and roll in powdered sugar. It is improved by letting it stand several hours before eating.

ALMOND BARS. Take two pounds light brown sugar and half cupful of water; add a pinch of cream of tartar and when the candy begins to boil drop in slowly, stirring meanwhile, one pound of blanched almonds. Cook until the nuts are a light brown, then turn the mixture into a buttered pan about an inch deep. Whe almost cold, cut into bars.

COCOANUT BALLS. Melt two cups of sugar in one cup of water. Boil slowly for ten minutes. Test by dropping from a spoon and when it threads, the candy is done. Take from the fire and add a pinch of cream of tartar. Beat until it is thick enough to knead in the hands. Add cocoanut, roll into balls, brush with white of an egg and roll in cocoanut.

SPANISH PENOCHE. Four cups of brown sugar, one cup sweet cream, lump butter size of an egg. Boil, stirring constantly until it forms soft ball in cold water. Remove from the fire and add one cup chopped walnuts and flavoring. Stir until it becomes creamy or doughy and pour in pans. Cut in squares. Chopped raisins, dates, prunes, figs, orange peel, etc., make a variety.

MARSHMALLOW PENOCHE. Two cups of brown sugar, three-fourths cup cream, two level tablespoons butter, cook until it threads. Add one and one-half dozen marshmallows, one cup hazel nuts, one teaspoon vanilla and stir hard. Pour in buttered tins to cool. This combination gives a flavor unusual and delicious.

MAPLE PENOCHE. One pound maple sugar, one cup cream. Cook until it hardens in cold water. Stir constantly and when done beat until it hardens.

HOARHOUND CANDY. Steep one-fourth of a five-cent package of the herb in a pint of water, strain and for one cup of the tea use two and one-half cups light brown sugar and a teaspoon vinegar, boil until brittle when dropped in ice water, pour in a tin and mark.

PEPPERMINT CANDY. Three cups white sugar, two-thirds cup water, half teaspoon cream of tartar. Boil without stirring till it hairs, set to cool, add one teaspoon peppermint and beat until white. Drop on buttered tins.

WINTERGREEN CANDY. Boil for about three minutes two cups of granulated sugar and half cup of water. Add one teaspoon wintergreen flavoring and beat until the candy begins to look white, then drop on buttered paper.

CHOCOLATE CARAMELS. Take of grated chocolate, milk, molasses and sugar one cupful each; piece of butter size of an egg. Boil until it drops hard, put in a buttered pan, and before it cools mark off in square blocks.

CHOCOLATE CARAMELS. One cup granulated sugar, one square of chocolate, one tablespoon of butter, half cup sweet milk, three tablespoons corn syrup can be added. Boil until brittle, flavor with vanilla, cool and mark in squares.

MEXICAN CARAMELS. Put cup of white sugar into iron skillet with one cup of rich milk or cream and one cup of brown sugar. Boil until mixture will form soft balls in cold water. Take from fire and add cup of nut meats. Stir to a creamy consistency. Pour into shallow pan, mark while warm.

CREAM CARAMELS. Two cups of brown sugar, one cup granulated sugar, three tablespoons glucose or corn syrup, one cup cream or milk, if milk is used put in large piece of butter, vanilla flavor. Stir only enough to keep from burning. Proceed as with other creams, cut in squares.

CHOCOLATE CARAMEL WALNUTS. White of one egg, three tablespoons of maple or corn syrup, tablespoon of water, sifted confectioner’s sugar, one teaspoon of vanilla extract, two squares of chocolate, English walnuts. Beat the white of egg slightly, add the syrup, water, sugar as needed, the chocolate, melted over hot water, and the vanilla. Also more water if necessary. Work with a silver-plated knife and knead until thoroughly mixed, then break off small pieces of uniform size and roll them into balls, in the hollow of the hand, flatten the balls a little, set the half of an English walnut upon each, pressing the nut into the candy and thus flattening it still more. The caramel gives the chocolate a particularly nice flavor.

NUT CARAMELS. Two cups of molasses, two cups of brown sugar, one cup of milk, one tablespoon of glycerine, one cup of grated chocolate, a piece of butter the size of an egg, one cup of chopped walnuts. Boil the first four of these ingredients rapidly for 30 minutes, add the chocolate and butter and boil 20 minutes longer. Test by droping into cold water. When done, add the nuts and pour into buttered tins. When partly cold, mark into squares.

BUTTERSCOTCH. One cup molasses, one cup granulated sugar, one-half cup butter, one tablespoon vinegar. Boil until brittle when dropped in water. A spoonful of flavoring may be added. Pour in tin and mark into squares.

LITTLE BUTTERSCOTCH. Five tablespoons of corn syrup, four tablespoons sugar, four tablespoons water, two tablespoons butter. Boil until brittle when dropped in water. Add pinch of soda when done.

PEANUT FUDGE. Two cups brown sugar, one-half cup milk, butter the size of a walnut, three-fourths cup chopped peanuts.

BROWN SUGAR FUDGE. Two cups brown sugar, one cup milk, four teaspoons molasses, tiny pinch of salt, butter size of an egg. When nearly done add one cup cocoanut. Boil until it makes a soft ball in cold water. Remove, beat while cooling until creamy. Pour in buttered plates, and mark into squares.

POPCORN FUDGE. Boil together two cupfuls of granulated sugar, one-half cup corn syrup, one-half cup of water, one-fourth teaspoon salt. Remove from the fire when a little past the soft ball stage and pour upon the stiffly beaten whites of two eggs, beat until smooth. Into this quantity of syrup put two cups of ground popped corn. Pour into buttered pan and when partly cold cut into squares.

PEANUT BUTTER FUDGE. Two cups of sugar, half cup of milk, one cup of peanut butter. Boil sugar and milk together until it begins to sugar, then add peanut butter. Stir and cook a few minutes until foamy. Beat. Pour in buttered pan.

ORANGE FUDGE. Two cups brown sugar, one cup milk, flavor with vanilla, two cups water, lump of butter. When nearly done add half teaspoon cream of tartar. Boil until it ropes well. After removing from fire stir in one cup of walnuts, shopped* fine, one-half of fresh orange peel, beat, cool and mark in cubes.

*Spelled as-is, should be Chopped

COCOANUT FUDGE. Two cups of brown sugar, half cup of milk, two ounces of butter, half teaspoon of flavoring extract, one cup of shredded cocoanut. Put sugar and milk over fire until the boiling point is reached, add butter and cook until it nearly strings. Take from fire, add extract and cocoanut and stir until it snaps. Pour quickly into buttered tin; cool and cut into squares.

MEXICAN FUDGE. One and one-half cups of sugar, one-half cup syrup, half cup of water. Boil until it threads. Take from stove and beat in the beaten white of one egg and one cup nut meats.

VASSAR FUDGE. Two cups of sugar, one cup of milk, butter size of an egg, one-fourth cake of chocolate. Put all in a chafing dish and boil, stirring constantly until the spoon parts the boiling candy so that the bottom of the dish can be seen. Add one tablespoon of vanilla, remove from the flame and stir until nearly stiff. Pour into buttered platter, and when nearly cold, cut into squares.

SMITH COLLEGE FUDGE. Melt one-quarter cup of butter. Mix together in a separate dish one cup of white sugar, one cup of brown sugar, one-quarter cup of molasses or corn syrup and half cup of cream. Add this to the butter, and after it has been brought to a boil continue the boiling for two and one-half minutes, stirring rapidly. Then add two squares of chocolate, scraped fine. Boil this five minutes, stirring it first rapidly and then more slowly towards the end. After it has been taken from the fire, add one and one-half teaspoons of vanilla. Then stir constantly until the mass thickens. Pour into buttered pan and set in cool place.

CHOCOLATE CANDY. Take the whites of two eggs and beat them to a stiff froth. Then add powdered sugar enough to make it stiff enough to roll into little balls, after you have the balls all made then dip them into the chocolate. Must melt the chocolate very slow with a piece of butter. Then put to cool.

WELLESLEY MARSHMALLOW FUDGE. Heat two cups of granulated sugar and one cup of rich milk (cream is better). Add two squares of chocolate, and boil until it hardens in cold water. Just before it is done add a small piece of butter, then begin to stir in marshmallows, crushing and beating them with a spoon. Continue to stir in marshmallows after the fudge has been taken from the fire, until half a pound has been stirred into the fudge. Cool in sheets three-quarters of an inch thick, and cut in cubes.

CORN SYRUP FUDGE. Two squares (or ounces) chocolate, half cup cold milk, two cups granulated sugar, one-third cup corn syrup, two tablespoons butter, teaspoon vanilla. Grate the chocolate, and add all the ingredients except the vanilla. Cook slowly, stirring once in a while. Cook till it makes a soft ball in cold water (requires about five minutes after actually boiling). Remove from fire, add the vanilla and beat until it begins to granulate. Pour at once into a buttered pan. Mark deeply in cakes when nearly cold. Chopped English walnuts are nice to add to this mixture.

FONDANT, UNCOOKED. White of one egg beaten very stiff. Stir into this flavor and XXX sugar until it forms a stiff dough. Work until smooth, form into balls and apply nuts, raisins, etc. For variety use different coloring, chocolate, cocoanut, dates, etc. These are not so delicate as cooked fondant creams.

GLUCOSE FONDANT. Put enough water on three cups of granulated sugar to thoroughly wet it. Boil without stirring until drops sticks together when tried in cold water. Remove from fire and beat until white and creamy.

MAPLE FONDANT. Two cups brown sugar, one cup maple syrup, one cup hot water, a pinch of cream of tartar. Proceed as with white fondant. Maple fondant requires longer beating before becoming creamy.

CHRISTMAS CANDIES. Making the foundations for candies requires great care and we give explicit directions for the manufacture of the foundation which is the basis of all French candies. Take one pound, or four cups of granulated or confectioner’s sugar (or two white and two brown makes a nice maple cream), and one teacupful of cold water, and mix them together in a granite or new tin pan. Let it stand about half an hour. Then add a piece of cream of tartar about the size of a small white bean, dissolved in cold water. Then set over a quick fire and stir constantly until the candy begins to boil, then stop stirring, wipe the sugar crystals off the inside of the pan with a damp cloth, being careful not to touch the boiling sugar or shake the pan. This helps to keep the mixture from graining. When it is cooked for a few minutes test it by dropping some in cold water. If it has reached the right degree it can be gathered up between the fingers into a ball and will retain any shape pressed into. Very carefully pour it into a wide ungreased pan and stand it in a cool place; when it is almost cold, gather into a mass and stir constantly with a large spoon or wooden paddle, until it is too thick to stir, then gather it quickly into a ball and knead with your hands as you would bread dough. If possible let it stand over night. When it is put away it should be a mass of pure white cream looking like lard, which can be cut with a knife, and which should be as hard as hard butter. If put in the mouth it should melt away, leaving no grain whatever.

CHOCOLATE CREAMS. For chocolate creams roll any good fondant into balls, place on plate in cool place. Grate baker’s chocolate and put in a bowl over boiling teakettle, when it becomes melted, drop in the balls one at a time, when coated, remove to wax paper.

STRAWBERRY SQUARES. Two teacups of white sugar, half cup sweet cream, half teaspoon cream of tartar, one teaspoon strawberry powder. Let boil ten minutes, stirring constantly; pour in tins and cut when cool.

MAPLE TUTTI FRUTTI. Line a shallow buttered pan to the depth of half an inch with finely chopped hickory nuts, pecans, Brazil nuts, walnuts, almonds, dates, figs, candied oranges, citron and lemon, grated cocoanut and seeded raisins. Boil two pounds of grated maple sugar with one cup of hot water until it hardens when dropped in cold water. Do not stir while boiling then add one tablespoon of lemon juice and pour it over the nuts and fruits in the pan. When almost cold, mark off into squares with a buttered knife.

ORANGE AND COCOANUT CANDY. Two cupfuls of granulated sugar, the rind and half the juice of one orange and enough cold water to thoroughly moisten the sugar. Let this come to a boil, then add half cup of grated cocoanut. Boil until it stiffens in cold water. Take from the fire and set sauce-pan in cold water until it becomes thick, then pour on plates and cut in squares.

GOLF BALLS. Chop half pound each of figs, dates and nut meats; moisten with a syrup made by boiling half cupful of sugar, and one-fourth cupful of water until it spins a thread, then form into balls, and roll in granulated sugar and cocoanut.

CREAM CANDY. Two cups granulated sugar, one cup milk cooked until creamy, cool, beat until thick and add vanilla.

FRENCH NUGGET CANDY. Part 1: One cup granulated sugar, half cup water. Let boil till it threads. Part 2: Two cups granulated sugar, one of rock candy syrup, (or any good, clear syrup) half cup water. Let boil until quite hard ball forms in cold water. Put both mixtures on fire at same time. Have ready the whites of three eggs, beaten stiff; and when Part 1 is done (it is always done first) beat it into the whites as for frosting and continue to beat until Part 2 is ready, then pour Part 2 into Part 1 and beat until cool enough to add flavoring and nuts, one cup of pecans or walnuts. Continue beating until cool enough to mold into loaf. Lay on buttered plate; put in cool place for a few minutes. Cut in slices. Requires two persons.

NUGGETS. Two cups white sugar, one cup maple syrup. Mix well. Add to this four tablespoons of milk, butter size of walnut. Boil without stirring until it will hair. Beat until very stiff the whites of two eggs and after moving candy from the fire add whites. Beat until quite creamy. Pour in pans to cool. Mark off in squares.

CHOCOLATE CHIPS. One cup brown sugar, same of molasses, one tablespoon butter, pinch of soda, some melted sweet chocolate. Boil together the sugar, molasses, butter and soda until it forms a hard ball when tested in cold water. Pour onto buttered plates and when cool pull to a light brown. Cut into small squares and while they are warm roll with buttered rolling pin into very thin strips. When quite cold dip each strip into melted sweet chocolate and place on waxed paper to harden.

MAPLE ROCK CANDY. Into a large mouthed and heavy jar put pure maple syrup. Insert a fork to which is fastened a bit of white twine that hangs down into the syrup, taking care that it does not touch the bottom of the jar. The candy will form on the twine. Set the jar in an outer vessel of water that simmers steadily. Cook for many hours. When the candy has formed to a half inch thickness all around the string, take this out and hang in a cold place to harden.

MOLASSES CANDY. One cup molasses, half cup of sugar, a small piece of butter, one teaspoon vinegar; boil just ten minutes, stirring all the time. Cool and pull.

MOLASSES CANDY. Two cups of molasses, one and a half cups of brown sugar, half cup of vinegar, one-fourth cup of butter. When cool, pull until white. Vinegar may be omitted and add nut meats.

WALNUT MOLASSES CANDY. Make a plain molasses candy, and when done, grease deep square with butter, fill nearly full with walnut kernels, pour the molasses candy over them, and stand away to cool. Peanuts may be used also.

VELVET MOLASSES CANDY. Put one and a half pounds sugar, half pint molasses, half pint water, fourth cup vinegar, in agate kettle. Heat; when boiling add half teaspoon cream of tartar; boil till it crisps in cold water. Stir; when almost done, add one-fourth pound butter, one-fourth teaspoon soda. Cool in buttered pan and pull.

YELLOW JACK. To one quart corn syrup which has been boiled for thirty minutes add half teaspoon bicarbonate of soda which has been rubbed absolutely smooth. Allow to boil, stirring constantly or it may burn, until brittle when tested in cold water. Remove from fire and add one tablespoon lemon juice. When cool enough to handle, pull until a light, bright yellow. Twist two strands together and cut into desired lengths.

TAFFY. Two cups sugar, two pound can corn syrup, fourth cup vinegar, one tablespoon butter, pinch of soda, two teaspoons vanilla. Boil sugar and syrup till it gets a little thick and add vinegar. When nearly done add butter and soda. Remove from fire and add vanilla. The test for all taffy is that it must be crisp in cold water.

TAFFY. Two cups of sugar, half cup of vinegar, fourth cup water. Let boil until it hardens in cold water, flavor, cool, color if desired and pull. Don’t stir while boiling.

TAFFY CANDY. Two cups sugar either granulated or C sugar, half cup water, two teaspoons butter, four tablespoons vinegar, boil without stirring until it cracks in cold water, add vanilla and pour into buttered dish. Pull.

CREAM TAFFY. One pound of loaf or granulated sugar, one cupful of water, half teaspoonful of cream of tartar, two of vanilla, or lemon, two of vinegar, butter size of an egg. Boil until it hardens when dropped into water. Pull.

LEMON DROPS. Boil half cup of water and two cups of white sugar until quite brittle. Flavor with lemon and drop on buttered paper to cool.

The Salad Book - 1910 - RecipeCurio.comHere’s a little booklet for Salads, I don’t have a date marked on them but I believe this is from the early 1900’s, approximately 1910.

Here is what this little recipe booklet holds:

The Salad Book

“I always thought cold victuals nice.”–Holmes.

A dinner is incomplete without a salad, and properly made salads are conducive to good health and good cheer. A mayonnaise or salad dressing is the basis of nearly all salads, and the good housekeeper will always keep a quantity of good dressing on hand. Nearly all vegetables and fruits are nice when served with salad dressing and when combining them, the quantity of each is not a matter of great importance.

In the following recipes you will find various combinations for salads, but it is not necessary to follow the directions closely as to quantities. Use such amount of each ingredient as you have convenient, mix or cover with a good dressing and garnish nicely and you will have good salad.

The recipes, however, give the proportions that have been found most generally satisfactory and the dressing mentioned is the one that is recommended.

A nicely garnished salad is one of the most attractive and wholesome dishes on the table.

SALAD DRESSING. Sift together one cup sugar, two tablespoons flour, one tablespoon mustard, one tablespoon salt and a dash of cayenne pepper. Add this to the beaten yolks of seven eggs. Add two cups vinegar. Pour mixture into one cup boiling water, and cook until thick. Will keep well in glass can. When using, add an equal amount of rich cream, whipped.

SALAD DRESSING. Three eggs, beaten light, fourth cup melted butter, half cup cream, (sour) or water, half cup vinegar, two tablespoons sugar, half teaspoon mustard, salt to taste, dash of cayenne pepper. Mix all together thoroughly, boil until thick, stirring all the time.

MAYONNAISE DRESSING. Yolks of two eggs, teaspoon of mustard, two teaspoons sugar, half teaspoon salt and a pinch of red pepper; mix well. Stir in one drop at a time, half cup olive oil, then add half cup vinegar and half cup of milk. Boil in double boiler, fifteen minutes, stir all the time. Add half cup cream when cool if desired, or when using, take equal parts of mayonnaise and whipped cream.

PARASIAN FRENCH DRESSING. Half cup olive oil, five tablespoons vinegar, half teaspoon powdered sugar, one tablespoon finely chopped Bermuda onion, two tablespoons finely chopped parsely, four red peppers, eight green peppers, one teaspoon salt. Mix ingredients in the order given. Let stand one hour, then stir vigorously for five minutes. The red and green peppers are the small ones found in pepper sauce.

POTATO SALAD. Boil five or six large potatoes with skins on. When cold, slice thin and cut in small pieces. Add two small cucumbers, four hard-boiled eggs, very little onion, salt and pepper. Mix with salad dressing. Celery and parsley may be added or used instead of cucumbers, or eggs may be omitted.

STUFFED TOMATO SALAD. Select the number of tomatoes desired. Be sure they are firm and as nearly as possible the same size. Pour scalding water over them and the skin can be easily slipped off. Set aside to cool. Cut off the stem end; scoop out the pulp and put into chopping bowl; add sufficient amount of cucumber, onion, celery and radish to fill the empty shells. A few peanuts may be added if desired. Season with salt and pepper; chop and stir in sufficient salad dressing to make the right consistency. Fill the shells and set on ice to chill. Serve on crisp, chilled lettuce leaves, with salad dressing poured over the top just at the moment of serving.

MUSHROOM SALAD. Stew one can of mushrooms until tender; cut into small pieces and season with salt and pepper. Pour over them one tablespoonful of oil and three tablespoonsfuls of vinegar, well mixed. Let stand in the refrigerator until cool. When ready to serve, add half the quantity of chopped celery that you have of mushrooms. Serve on celery or lettuce leaves with mayonnaise or salad dressing.

HUNTERS’ SALAD. One can peas, three tablespoons chopped cheese, three tablespoons chopped onion, three tablespoons sweet pickles, one cup chopped nut meats. Put together with salad dressing.

DRESSING FOR COLD SLAW. Yolks of two eggs, beaten, put in a cup, fill cup with cream, put half cup of vinegar on stove, add lump of butter size of walnut, when it boils, add cream and egg; let boil and if it curdles, boil a short time and it will become smooth; chop cabbage fine, mix well with salt and pepper, fourth teaspoon mustard, tablespoon sugar, pour dressing over and let cool.

CRAB AND ASPARAGUS SALAD. Shred lettuce and mix with cooked asparagus tips and crab meat and mayonnaise dressing. Garnish with asparagus tips and chopped, hard-cooked eggs. Serve with French or boiled dressing.

NUT AND CELERY SALAD. Three bunches celery, one pound blanched almonds, four eggs, cooked hard, mix well and add salad dressing.

MACARONI SALAD. Cook macaroni until tender and cut into small pieces. Cut equal amount of celery and mix. Add one cup chopped nuts and serve with salad dressing.

CELERY SALAD. Three bunches celery, three hard-boiled eggs, one large onion. Slice all very thin and mix with salad dressing; garnish with olives.

BEAN SALAD. One cupful of baked beans, three hard-boiled eggs, two cups of chopped cabbage, two tablespoons chopped onions, two tablespoons chopped pickles. Mix well, and add salad dressing.

TOMATO SALAD. Six tomatoes, half cup of salad dressing. The crisp part of one head of lettuce. Peel the tomatoes without scalding, and put them on ice until they are very cold. The lettuce may also be washed and dried. When ready to serve, cut the tomatoes in halves. Make twelve little nests with two or three salad leaves each, arrange uniformly on the dish, place half a tomato in each nest, put a tablespoonful of ice cold salad dressing on each tomato, and serve immediately.

CABBAGE SALAD. Shred cabbage until you have a third of a pint; add one medium sized or two small cucumbers, sliced thin, add two chopped tomatoes, one teacupful of chopped celery, a handful of minced watercress and one teacupful of hickory nuts or pecan nut meats, chopped. Mix with salad dressing. Serve in cups made from cucumbers shells or on crisp, chilled lettuce leaves. Set in the refrigerator until the moment of serving and serve with salad or mayonnaise dressing.

NUT AND CELERY SALAD. Mix one and a half cups finely cut celery, one cup pecan nut meats, broken in pieces, and one cup shredded cabbage. Moisten with salad dressing and serve in a salad bowl made of a small white cabbage.

PEA SALAD. One can peas, half cup walnut meats, sprinkle with salt, pepper, oil and vinegar. Cut lemons in halves, scrape out the inside and fill the cups with salad and put a teaspoon of salad dressing on each cup.

CREAM CHEESE SALAD. Make ordinary cream cheese into balls and press two walnut meats on each. Put three or four into a bed of lettuce or on a plate and cover with French dressing.

CABBAGE OR BEET SALAD. One quart of chopped or shredded cabbage or boiled chopped beets, one cup chopped nuts. Season with salt and pepper and mix with salad dressing.

TOMATO JELLY SALAD. Half box of gelatine soaked in the juice of one can of tomatoes; then heat and add salt, pepper and a little cayenne and sugar. When it is hot, strain the tomatoes and pour in cups to cool, then turn out and slice as you do raw tomatoes; serve on a lettuce leaf and pour over it salad dressing.

SOUR CREAM SLAW. One quart finely cut cabbage, one cup sour cream, half cup vinegar, two tablespoons sugar, a little salt and pepper. Mix and it is ready to serve.

TOMATO SALAD. Scoop out the centers of smooth, ripe tomatoes, and fill the centers with the following: Chopped nut meats, cucumber and tomato, mixed with a good mayonnaise.

PEA SALAD. One can French peas. One cup chopped cabbage, three apples, chopped fine, nuts. Drain off liquid of peas, mix all together, cover with mayonnaise, sprinkle with nuts, chopped fine.

PIMENTO SALAD. One box of lemon jello and water as directed on the box. Add three finely cut pimentos, one sliced dill pickle, half cup chopped walnuts, half bottle sliced, stuffed olives. Chill and serve on lettuce leaves.

THREE P SALAD. One can small peas, half dozen small sweet pickles, cut into small pieces, half cup peanuts, halved. Mix with salad dressing.

VEGETABLE SALAD. Prepare two packages of jello, any flavor. When beginning to cool, add one cup shredded cabbage, one pimento, half can pineapple, half cup chopped celery. Put in square mould or dish and set on ice to harden. To remove from dish, dip dish in hot water. Cut into thick slices with knife that has been dipped in hot water. Serve with salad dressing, thinned with whipped cream.

SPRING SALAD. Prepare cucumbers by allowing them to stand in cold water for half an hour. Pare and dice, placing between cheese cloth directly upon ice. Prepare radishes and lettuce in like manner. When ready to serve, mix with salad dressing.

EGG AND CUCUMBER SALAD. The combination of hard-boiled eggs and crisp cucumbers served on lettuce with a salad dressing is a pleasing one.

ONION SALAD. Slice Bermuda onions as thinly as possible and let the slices stand in cold water half an hour. Drain and lay on lettuce leaves. Serve with a French dressing.

TOKIO SALAD. A cool-looking salad of green gelatine, peas, fish and carrots. The ingredients are placed alternately with layers of jelly in a mold. When set, turn out on any pretty greens. Plain gelatine may be made green by coloring with green fruit coloring.

VEGETABLE SALAD. Asparagus, cabbage, celery, corn, cucumber, cauliflower, endive, potato, radish, spinach, string beans, cress. Cut vegetables into fancy or small pieces; mix with salad dressing. Asparagus, cauliflower, spinach, beans, corn and potatoes should be cooked. Various garnishes may be used.

EGG SALAD. A platter is lined with shredded lettuce. Hard-boiled egg yolks are placed in the center, garnished with parsley. Rings of egg whites are filled with mayonnaise dressing.

CUCUMBER SALAD. Cut cucumbers of medium size, across lengthwise, remove the inside. Mix this with salad dressing, add bits of green pepper or tomato or cabbage and serve in the refilled shells on lettuce leaves.

STUFFED ONION SALAD. A large onion is cooked until tender but not soft, drained and cooled, the center scooped out and the space filled with chopped tomato and lima beans, mixed with mayonnaise. Serve with French dressing.

RICE AND MACEDOINE SALAD. Take a ring mold, butter it, and press into it, three cups hot boiled rice, seasoned with three tablespoons of melted butter, and salt, pepper and paprika. When cold, turn out and fill with a macedoine of vegetables with French dressing. Decorate with green peppers.

TOMATO SALAD. Half cup whipped cream, one quart tomatoes, cloves and mace, one ounce gelatine or jelly powder, slice of onion, one bay leaf. Stew the tomatoes, onion, bay leaf, mace and one or two cloves for about 20 minutes. Press through a sieve. Place over the fire again, season with salt and pepper, than stir in gelatine or unflavored jelly powder that has been dissolved in a little cold water. Stir well, then set aside until it begins to thicken. Fold in the whipped cream lightly and pour the mixture into heart-shaped molds. When firm, turn out upon lettuce leaves. A litle pink mayonnaise may be placed around them, if liked.

FRUIT SALAD DRESSING. Three lemons, (juice), two oranges, (juice), one cup sugar, two eggs. Put on stove, let boil up once, add small piece of butter and let thicken; then add half cup cream. Put over any fruit. Will not discolor the fruit as dressings made with vinegar do. Use only just enough to moisten the salad.

WALDORF SALAD. One cup of chopped celery, one cup of chopped apples, one cup of walnut meats, half cup canned peas. Use fruit salad dressing and mix well. Let stand several hours in cold place. A few candied cherries for garnishing are delicious. The peas may be omitted.

BANANA SALAD. Take half of a banana, roll it in brown sugar in which has been added a few chopped walnut meats. Place on a lettuce leaf and serve with fruit salad dressing.

PORCUPINE SALAD. Place halved pears on lettuce leaves, take three cloves and put them in, stem end to form eyes and nose. Then cut halved almonds in slices and stick thickly in pear. Cover with a little fruit salad dressing.

GRAPE SALAD. Use large California grapes. Remove the seeds from the side and press half of a pecan nut into the grapes. Arrange in small cup-like lettuce leaves and serve with fruit salad dressing.

PLAIN FRUIT SALAD. Peel two oranges; separate into sections and remove the pulp. Peel three bananas and cut into slices. Wash half pound of white grapes; cut each grape in half, remove the seeds and if the skins are tough, peel before cutting. Put the fruit together and add the meats from half dozen English walnuts. Serve with French dressing. Any kind of fresh fruit can be added to suit the tase. Pineapple juice or any other fruit may be used instead of the French dressing. Always chill before serving.

PEACH SALAD WITH CHEESE BALLS. Half cooked peach on lettuce leaf, ball made of cream cheese and walnuts, rolled one inch in diameter. Place on peach. Serve with salad dressing.

BANANA SALAD. Peel and quarter bananas and cover with fruit salad dressing. Dredge with crushed peanuts and serve with a spoonful of whipped cream.

FRUIT SALAD. One cup pineapple, one cup oranges one cup bananas, two tablespoons cold water, one cup whipped cream, one cup boiled dressing, one tablespoon gelatine. Dissolve gelatine in cold water and set in a cup of boiling water. Mix cream with dressing, (not too strong of vinegar), stir in the cooled gelatine and mix quickly with the fruit. Put in individual moulds and serve on lettuce leaf with fruit salad dressing.

TUTTI FRUTTI SALAD. Fourth pound figs, cut fine, fourth pound stoned dates, four oranges, cut in small slices, one cup canned strawberries, one cup canned pineapple, juice of one lemon, three or four tablespoons sugar, one cup pineapple juice.

MARSHMALLOW SALAD. Four bananas, half can pineapple, fourth pound white grapes, fourth pound marshmallow, half cup English walnuts, in small pieces. Serve with fruit salad dressing, thinned with whipped cream.

FRUIT SALAD IN CANTELOUPE CUPS. Cut in half as many canteloupe as you wish to serve, allowing a half for each person. Remove the seeds with a spoon, being careful not to cut the cup. Fill with any fruit salad.

DATE AND CHEESE SALAD. Get some large fine dates, wash them and open one side to remove the stone. Stuff with cream cheese, lay on lettuce and use with them a mayonnaise or salad dressing, mixed with a third of the quantity of whipped cream. Or, use a stiff dressing and whip a little cream and on one side of the individual plates, put a spoonful of each, side by side. Cooked prunes, stuffed with cheese or plums stuffed with nut meats, may be served in the same way.

SLICED TOMATOES AND CUCUMBERS. Serve together or separately with salad dressing.

WHITE GRAPE SALAD. One large can white cherries, half can white grapes, seeded, one can pineapple, cut and drained, half pound marshmallows, cut in small bits, half cup of peanuts or walnuts, halved, two apples, chopped. Mix all together. Use fruit salad dressing, without mustard, and with whipped cream.

FRUIT SALAD WITH JELLO. Prepare one box of jello, according to directions on box. Into this, slice bananas, oranges, pineapple, white grapes, or other fresh fruits and a small quantity of nut meats. Set in a cold place to harden. May be served with whipped cream.

ORANGE SALAD. Cut oranges in halves, remove pulp, add three bananas, sliced and chopped walnuts. Sweeten to taste and fill orange shell, adding whipped cream and candied cherries.

FRUIT SALADS. Apple, banana, cherry, date, fig, grape, grape fruit, orange, peach, pear, pineapple, plum, raisin and strawberry. All fruits should be sound, ripe and uncooked. Nut meats may be added. Serve with salad, French, mayonnaise or fruit salad dressing, add whipped cream. Serve on lettuce or endive. Dressing made from vinegar will discolor light fruits.

CELERY AND CRANBERRY SALAD. One cup and a half shredded celery, one cupful of cranberries, half cup walnut meats, lettuce, three tablespoons olive oil, one tablespoon vinegar, half tablespoon cranberry juice, salt. Prick the cranberries and cook in a little syrup, made of equal parts of sugar and water. Leave them whole. Shred the celery in two-inch lengths and let it “curl” in cold water for two hours. Make a French dressing of the oil, vinegar, cranberry juice and a little salt. Mix with the celery. Arrange nests of the lettuce, pile the celery on each, stud with the cranberries, and sprinkle the nuts, chopped coarse, over the top.

PEACHES A LA GROSVENOR. Arrange on a flat plate halves of canned peaches. Place in the center of each, one tablespoon of finely chopped walnuts. Over this two tablespoons of marshmallow whip or whipped cream and over the top, sprinkle grated cocoanut.

PEAR SALAD. Half dozen pears, half cup of celery, half cup walnuts. Cut pears in dice and chop celery and walnuts.

PINEAPPLE AND CHERRY SALAD. To one pineapple, cut in pieces, add fourth as much finely cut endive or lettuce and one cup of stoned cherries. Decorate with nuts and cherries. White mayonnaise is delicious with this.

STUFFED APPLE SALAD. This unusual salad is made by filling half an apple with cream cheese mixed with crystallized ginger, orange peel and nut meats. The apple is dipped in lemon jelly, chilled and sliced. Serve with honey dressing or syrup.

APPLE SALAD. A cored and unpared red apple is cut in slices a quarter of an inch thick. Cream cheese sprinkled with chopped walnut or other nut meats is spread between each two slices. Fill the center of the apple with any fruit salad.

BANANA SALAD. One cup chopped pecans, juice half lemon, four bananas, red pepper, salt. After peeling the bananas, cut in thin slices. Squeeze the lemon juice over them and season with salt and red pepper. Add the nuts and serve on tender leaves of lettuce, or water cress that has been standing in French dressing.

GRAPEFRUIT SALAD. Two grapefruit, cream cheese, lettuce, French dressing. When you have peeled the grapefruit, separate the pulp from the white skin. Place in a salad dish of tender lettuce, crumble the cheese and sprinkle over the fruit. Cover the salad well with French dressing.

GRAPEFRUIT AND WHITE GRAPE SALAD. Two grapefruit, white grapes, French dressing, water cress or parsley. Halve the grapefruit evenly to keep the cases intact. Remove the fruit and separate the pulp from the white covering. Use an equal portion of white grapes, seed, and mix with grapefruit. Let stand for 30 minutes in French dressing before serving. Fill the grapefruit shells with the fruit and lay about them sprigs of water cress or parsely.

FRUIT SALAD WITH PRUNES. Half pound of stewed prunes, one orange, one cupful pineapple, one banana. The prunes should be stewed until tender, and the stones removed. Add to the prunes the diced pineapple, the shredded orange and the banana, cut into slices. Mix all the fruits well and place on a dish of crisp lettuce. Serve with salad dressing.

ORANGE CUP. Pulp from four oranges, cut into sections, three-fourths of a cup of preserved red cherries, one sliced banana, one cup pineapple bits, half tablespoon lemon juice and powdered sugar. Mix oranges and pineapple together. Sweeten to taste. Cover and let stand in cool place for two hours. Then add the banana, lemon juice and cherries. Let stand an additional half hour and serve in high glasses.

SALMON SALAD. One can salmon, one cup cracker crumbs, one large stick celery, four hard boiled eggs. Pick the salmon apart carefully and pick out all particles of bone or fat. Wash the celery and cut into small pieces with scissors. Cut the whites of eggs into small pieces and break the yolks apart. Put all together and pour on salad dressing.

SALMON SALAD. One can salmon, two oranges, one stalk celery, half cup blanched almonds, chopped fine. Cut oranges and celery fine and mix all with mayonnaise.

CHICKEN SALAD. Measure twice as much chicken as of celery, after both ingredients have been cut into small cubes, add a few nut meats. Mix with French dressing.

CHICKEN OR TONGUE SALAD. Half cup tender, green peppers, chopped fine, one cup chopped celery, two large cups cold-boiled tongue or chicken, two hard-boiled eggs, two cucumber pickles. Salt and pepper to taste. Mix with rich salad dressing.

HAM SALAD. Take cold-boiled ham, fat and lean together, chop it until thoroughly mixed and the pieces are about the size of peas; then add to this, an equal quantity of celery, cut fine, if celery is out of season, lettuce may be substituted. Line a dish with lettuce leaves and fill with the chopped ham and celery. Mix with salad dressing.

EGG SALAD. Boil one dozen eggs hard. Slice and serve with salad dressing.

LOBSTER OR SHRIMP SALAD. Pick the meat in pieces, and use one cup of celery, cut up fine, to one cup of meat. Mix and season with salt, then add a good salad dressing and serve on lettuce. The use of four hard-boiled eggs, cut in small pieces will add to this salad.

LOBSTER SALAD. Drain the liquor from one can of lobster; turn out on a plate and pick to pieces, removing all the bones; add five or six gerkins; five or six olives, from which the stones have been removed; chop, season with salt and pepper. Place in the refrigerator to chill. Just before serving, mix with mayonnaise or salad dressing. Serve on a bed of lettuce. Garnish with hard-boiled eggs.

TUNNY FISH SALAD. One cup tunny fish, half cup each of shredded cabbage and cold boiled potatoes, one cup celery, fourth cup pimento, cut and mix with salad dressing.

COLD MEAT SALAD. Two cups of any cold meat or fish, one cup shredded lettuce, half cup cold, boiled potatoes. Chop meat into small pieces. Shred lettuce with scissors, cut the potato into half-inch cubes. Mix meat and potatoes lightly. Lay in a nest of lettuce and pour over it salad dressing.

CABBAGE AND FISH SALAD. One pint of shredded cabbage, one cup salmon, shrimp or lobster. Mix together with rich mayonnaise.

DEVILED HAM SALAD. With sharp knife cut the center of a firm head of lettuce into quarters. Slice two tomatoes. Cut up a few stalks of celery into small pieces. Arrange on large lettuce leaves and cover with this dressing: One egg, tablespoon butter, half cup vinegar, salt, pepper, mustard to taste, thicken in double boiler, stirring in one small can of deviled ham.

FISH SALAD. Three cups flaked salmon, tuna fish or shrimp meat, one cup finely shaved cabbage or minced celery, one finely chopped green pepper, sour cream salad dressing and lettuce or water cress.

Dress the cabbage with plain French dressing, add it to the fish, with enough cream dressing to moisten thoroughly. Arrange in a wreath of salad green, studded with radish roses; pour over a little extra dressing, sprinkle with the pepper.

CRAB SALAD. Two cups Japanese crab meat, two cups celery, one cup salad dressing, salt and pepper. Garnishing. Pick the crab meat over carefully, removing any particles of bone. Add the celery, cut into small dice. Season with salt and pepper, and mix all together, adding the salad dressing, either mayonnaise or boiled. Garnish with lettuce, peppers, beet root or any preferred garnish, as for instance, hard-boiled eggs or stuffed olives. Pour a little extra dressing over the top and serve very cold.

OYSTER SALAD. One quart oysters, one cup walnuts, one bunch celery, cut fine. Heat the oysters, drain off the juice. When oysters are cool, add celery and nuts, and one cup mayonnaise or salad dressing.

SHAMROCK SALAD. For a summer luncheon this salad is most attractive. Green peppers are cut one inch thick. Three circles and a piece for stem are placed on a plate to form a shamrock. These are filled with shrimp or any vegetable salad.

WATER LILY SALAD. The petals of the water lily are formed from celery and from the whites of cooked eggs, cut in strips lengthwise, the ends of one egg being pressed together to disclose the yellow center, which is uncut. The egg and celery are arranged on chicken salad.

ROSE SALAD. A solid tomato is cut to make five rounded inner and outer petals. The tomato is filled with a macedoine and garnished with egg yolk.

TULIP SALAD. Cut cucumbers or pears in the form of tulips. Arrange an individual serving of three on a plate and fill each one with a different kind of salad, mixing each salad with a different kind of dressing.


Dressing should be added at table or just before serving.

Practically everything used for salads should be thoroughly chilled.

Lemon juice is preferable to vinegar in fruit salads, as it does not discolor the fruit.

When oil and vinegar are added, always add oil first, so it will cling to the vegetables.

For most salads it is well to use an equal amount of Salad Dressing and whipped cream.

Meats should be mixed with dressing and allowed to stand a while before combining with vegetables.

Cut lettuce, vegetables and fruits and other ingredients into odd and variable shapes, giving attention to color scheme and table decorations.

Vegetables used for salads should always be fresh and crisp and kept in a cool place. Wash in coldest water or let stand in ice water until crisp, and dry with a cloth.

By first pouring a little lemon juice over light colored fruits, such as apples and bananas, the use of a salad dressing made with vinegar will not discolor the fruit.

Garnish salads with hard-boiled eggs, celery tops, asparagus tips, chopped parsley, powdered egg yolks, olives, capers, cherries, nuts, carrots, radishes, green pepper rings, orange and lemon peel, pickle, pimento, rice and sliced lemon.

Different salad dressings may be used with the salads than the ones mentioned in the recipes. Some people prefer mayonnaise or French dressing with olive oil for nearly all kinds of salads, while many prefer the plain salad dressing, made without oil. The dressing mentioned in the recipes is the one most generally preferred for that particular salad.

This vintage recipe booklet is a partner to The Candy Book.

Cheese Savories SheetMagazine clipping from Woman’s Home Companion, date on back is December 1952.


Woman’s Home Companion
December 1952

These delicious puffy cheese crisps are just right to serve as appetizers


For 2 dozen you’ll need:

Cheese, sharp process Cheddar, 1/4 pound
Butter or margarine, 1/4 cup
Flour, enriched all-purpose, 1/2 cup
Salt, 1/8 teaspoon

BAKING TEMPERATURE: 450° (hot oven)
BAKING TIME: 8 to 10 minutes

Have process cheese and butter or margarine at room temperature. You can use natural Cheddar cheese but first shred before mashing. Before you begin to mix turn on oven for baking temperature.

You may make these ahead of time and keep chilled in refrigerator ready to bake just before you plan to serve them.

  1. With fork mash cheese in 1-quart bowl till smooth. Add butter or margarine; cream well with wooden spoon. Sift flour, measure; add salt.
  2. Sift flour again into cheese-butter mixture and mix well. Form into 1-inch balls and place on ungreased cooky sheet about 2 inches apart.
  3. Sprinkle lightly with paprika; chill for several hours in the refrigerator. Bake; serve warm with tomato or vegetable juice cocktails.