This is a full page recipe magazine advertisement for Campbell’s Soup published in 1963. Recipe is typed in full below along with a scanned copy that you can click to view larger.

Campbell's Glori-fried Chicken Recipe - Click To View Larger

  1. Brown chicken in skillet
  2. Add 1 can Campbell’s Cream of Chicken Soup
  3. Cook 45 minutes

New way to glori-fry chicken: Campbell’s Soup


Soup’s the seasoning, soup’s the golden savory sauce for this tender chicken dish!

2 pounds chicken parts
2 tablespoons shortening
1 can Campbell’s Cream of Chicken Soup*

In skillet, brown chicken in shortening. Pour off drippings. Stir in soup. Cover; cook over low heat 45 minutes. Stir now and then. Uncover; cook until desired consistency. 4 to 6 servings.

*Or Cream of Celery, Cheddar Cheese, Cream of Mushroom

This recipe is a full page magazine advertisement from 1963 for Campbell’s Tomato Soup. Three different recipes are given, each are typed below along with a scanned copy of the page (click to view a larger copy).

Tomato Soup Recipes - Click To View LargerGreat idea: indoor barbecues
you make them with Campbell’s Tomato Soup


2 lb. ground beef
1 tsp. salt
Dash pepper
1 can Campbell’s Tomato Soup
1/4 cup sweet pickle relish
1/4 cup chopped onion
1 tbsp. brown sugar
1 tbsp. vinegar
1 tbsp. Worcestershire

Mix beef, salt, and pepper; form into 8 patties. Brown in skillet (use shortening if needed); pour off fat. Combine remaining ingredients; pour over burgers. Simmer 20 min. or till done. Stir now and then. 8 servings.


2 lb. chicken parts
2 tbsp. shortening
1 can Campbell’s Tomato Soup
1/3 cup each chopped onion, celery
1 small clove garlic, minced
2 tbsp. brown sugar
2 tbsp. Worcestershire
2 tbsp. lemon juice
2 tsp. prepared mustard
2 to 4 drops Tabasco

In skillet, brown chicken parts in shortening; stir in remaining ingredients. Cover; simmer 45 min. or until chicken is tender, stirring now and then. For an extra-bright touch, garnish chicken with thin lemon slices. 4 to 6 servings.


1 lb. frankfurters
1/2 cup chopped onion
1/4 tsp. chili powder
2 tbsp. shortening
1 can Campbell’s Tomato Soup
1/2 cup water

Slash frankfurters every inch. In skillet, brown frankfurters in shortening. Add chopped onion with chili powder; cook until onion is tender. Stir in soup and water; simmer a few min. Stir now and then. Just before serving add some pickle chips if you like. 4 to 6 servings.

This recipe is from a full page magazine advertisement published in 1963. Recipe is typed below along with a scanned copy of the page which you can click to view larger if you like.

Ground Beef Grand Style Vintage Recipe - Click To View LargerAnother new recipe idea from Kraft and Ballard


Good eating! Easy fixing!

Looks delicious. Tastes elegant. Yet easy on the budget–and the cook. A grand new combination of ground beef and those two versatile favorites from Ballard and Kraft.

Philadelphia Brand Cream Cheese

Does wonders for ground beef. It’s the guaranteed fresh cream cheese from Kraft, in the new oval-design label.

Ballard Biscuits

OvenReady or Buttermilk–surround this bubbling casserole with hearty goodness. Unmistakably home-baked. Utterly delicious!


1 can Ballard OvenReady Biscuits
1 1/2 pounds ground beef
1 cup chopped onion
1 package (8 oz.) Philadelphia Brand Cream Cheese
1 can (10 1/2 oz.) cream of mushroom or chicken soup
1/4 cup milk
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup catsup
1/3 cup sliced stuffed olives, if desired

Brown ground beef and onions, drain.

Combine softened cream cheese, soup, milk. Add salt, catsup, olives, ground beef. Pour into 2-quart casserole. Bake at 375°, 10 minutes.

Place Biscuits around edge of casserole; if desired, top with olive slices. Bake at 375°, 15-20 minutes until golden brown.

Makes 5-6 servings.

Here’s a unique recipe advertisement by Wrigley’s Spearmint Gum that was published in a magazine (1963). Gum is not one of the ingredients ;). Recipe is typed below along with a scanned copy.

Fry Pan Sandwich Recipe Clipping


Here’s delicious-tasting, easy, new hot dish. Quickly made in fry-pan or skillet. All you do is make the easy, popular, old favorite of French toast. The grand new taste-treat is the cranberry sauce surprise. For lunch or supper!


Recipe for 4.

Cut in half 4 slices of bread. Make 8 pieces of French toast own way; or, use this delicious easy recipe: 1–Mix together 1 egg (slightly beaten), few grains salt, 1 teaspoon sugar, 3 tablespoons milk. 2–Dip bread halves, one by one, in egg mixture; coat all sides. 3–Put in well buttered, med. hot fry pan or heavy skillet; brown both sides. Remove. 4–Spread 1/4 cup whole cranberry sauce on each of 4 of the pieces of French Toast. Cover with remaining 4 pieces. Top with 2 teaspoons (or less) powdered sugar. Serve hot.

Great little treat for all!

Perfection Salad - Vintage RecipeHere’s a recipe article from 1963 published in the Better Homes & Gardens magazine featuring a recipe entered in a contest in 1904 (Fannie Farmer was one of the judges).

The article is typed below along with a scanned copy of the full page, click it to view larger if you like.

Old-fashioned Perfection Salad


Old-Fashioned Perfection Salad - Click To View LargerOnce upon a time, in 1904 to be exact, a recipe called Perfection Salad won third prize, a $100 sewing machine, for Mrs. John E. Cook of New Castle, Pennsylvania.

Among the judges was Fannie Farmer of cooking school fame, crusader for level measures. The first and second prize entries in the “receipt” contest are forgotten, but the runner-up is here to stay.

Perfection Salad has been a winner at the dinner table for generations. It was originally published in a gelatin advertisement the year following that contest of long ago and was described as a “delicious accompaniment to cold sliced chicken or veal.” Mrs. Cook herself said it was “especially fine with fried oysters” and wrote in her entry that she planned to have it at her next church supper.

So excellent was Mrs. Cook’s recipe that today’s version is amazingly like hers. Through the years, we have printed popular Perfection Salad many times.

Thoroughly mix 2 envelopes (2 tablespoons) unflavored gelatin, 1/2 cup sugar, and 1 teaspoon salt. Add 1 1/2 cups boiling water and stir to dissolve gelatin. Then add 1 1/2 cups cold water, 1/2 cup vinegar, and 2 tablespoons lemon juice–see top picture. Chill till partially set.

Now add 2 cups finely shredded cabbage–for easy shredding, have cabbage refrigerator-cold. Also add 1 cup chopped celery, 1/4 cup chopped green pepper, 1/4 cup diced pimiento, and 1/3 cup stuffed green-olive slices–second photograph. Pour into an 8 1/2 x 4 1/2 x 2 1/2-inch loaf pan. Chill the salad mold until firm.

Just before mealtime, unmold and garnish your salad. For the carrot flower, remember to crisp the carrot curls ahead in ice water; then it will take only seconds to arrange them with ripe olives, as shown. Note that carrot curls are seam side down.

Cut salad in 8 to 10 slices. And pass a bowl of mayonnaise–Mrs. Cook did, too! In her recipe, she gave this alternate serving suggestion: “Cut in dice and serve in cases made of red or green peppers.”

We think Perfection Salad is perfect with baked ham, a pot roast–almost any meat we can think of. Its tang and crunch and calico colors can rescue an otherwise undistinguished meal. It is simple, costs little. A great recipe!

This full page article for Strawberry Satin Pie was published in the Better Homes & Gardens Magazine, 1964. The full article is typed below along with a scanned copy (click to view a larger copy).

Strawberry Satin Pie Recipe - Click To View LargerTurn out a truly terrific pie with those first strawberries of the season. Start with a layer of toasted almonds in a tender pie shell. Add the creamiest vanilla filling you’ve ever tasted, and top with plump strawberries. Finish off with a shiny red glaze and a fluff of whipped cream. One look, one delicious bite–you’ll forget all about mere strawberries and cream. This pie is a dazzler!

Strawberry Satin Pie

1 baked 9-inch Crust
1/2 cup sliced almonds, toasted
Creamy Satin Filling

3 cups fresh strawberries
1/2 cup water
1/4 cup sugar
2 teaspoons cornstarch
Few drops red food coloring

Whipped cream

Cover bottom of cooled baked crust with almonds. Fill with chilled Creamy Satin Filling (see top photograph, left). Slice 2 1/2 cups of the strawberries in half, reserving a few perfect whole berries for center; arrange berries atop filling (see second photo, left).

For Glaze: Crush remaining 1/2 cup strawberries; add the water and cook 2 minutes; sieve. Mix the sugar and cornstarch; gradually stir in berry juice. Cook and stir till thick and clear. Tint red with a few drops food coloring. Cool slightly; spoon over strawberries (see bottom picture, left). Refrigerate till serving time. Top with whipped cream.

Creamy Satin Filling

1/2 cup sugar
3 tablespoons cornstarch
3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt

2 cups milk
1 slightly beaten egg
1/2 cup whipping cream, whipped
1 teaspoon vanilla

Combine sugar, cornstarch, flour, and salt. Gradually stir in milk. Bring to boiling, stirring constantly. Lower heat; cook and stir till thick. Stir a little of the hot mixture into egg; return to remaining hot mixture. Bring just to a boil, stirring constantly. Cool, then chill. Beat well; fold in whipped cream and vanilla.

Crust: Make pastry from 1 1/2 cups sifted all-purpose flour, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/2 cup shortening, and 4 to 5 tablespoons cold water. Roll to 1/8 inch; fit loosely into 9-inch pie plate. Trim 1 inch beyond edge; fold under and crimp high. Prick bottom and sides well with fork. Bake in 450° oven 10 to 12 minutes.

This is a full page recipe advertisement for Bisquick listing 8 different recipes you can use with Bisquick. It was published in a magazine dated 1964. The entire page is typed below along with a scanned copy, click to view larger if you like. The page size is a bit too large for my scanner so part of the bottom is missing.

8 Bisquick Box Recipes - Click To View Larger


Look what you can make with Bisquick. Family favorites–quick to make–homemade good and that’s a promise. Betty Crocker


2 cups Bisquick
1 2/3 cups milk
1 egg

Beat smooth with rotary beater. Grease griddle if necessary. Turn when bubbles appear. Makes about 18. Use 2 cups milk for thinner pancakes.


2 cups Bisquick
3/4 cup milk
2 tbsp. sugar
1 egg

Heat oven to 400°. Mix ingredients. Beat vigorously half min. Spread into greased 9″ round pan. Sprinkle with mixture of 1/3 cup brown sugar, 1/3 cup Bisquick, 1/4 cup cold butter, 1/2 tsp. cinnamon blended with fork until crumbly. Bake 20 to 25 min.

For richer batter add 2 tbsp. more sugar, 2 tbsp. melted shortening or vegetable oil.


Mix ingredients as for Coffee Cake. Fill greased med. muffin pans 2/3 full. Bake 15 min. Makes 12.


1 1/3 cups Bisquick
3/4 cup sugar
3 tbsp. shortening
1 tsp. vanilla
1 egg
3/4 cup milk*

Heat oven to 350°. Grease and flour 8″ square or 9″ round pan. Mix 1/4 cup of the milk with other ingredients. Beat 1 min. med. speed on mixer or vigorously by hand. Stir in rest of milk; beat 1/2 min. Pour in pan. Bake 35 to 40 min. While warm, cover with topping.

Broiled Topping: Mix 3 tbsp. soft butter, 1/3 cup brown sugar, 2 tbsp. cream, 1/2 cup coconut, 1/4 cup chopped nuts. Spread on baked cake. Put about 3″ under broiler until brown, about 3 min.

*Over 3,500 ft. altitude, add 2 tbsp. milk. Bake at 375° 25 to 30 min.


2 cups Bisquick
3/4 cup cream*
2 tbsp. sugar (if desired)

Heat oven to 450°. Mix ingredients with fork to soft dough. Beat vigorously 20 strokes. Knead 8 to 10 times on lightly floured board. Roll dough 1/2″ thick. Cut with 3″ floured cutter. Bake on ungreased baking sheet about 10 min. Split shortcakes: spoon fruit between and over layers. Makes 6 shortcakes.

*Or use 1/2 cup milk plus 1/4 cup melted butter.


2 cups Bisquick
2/3 cup milk

Heat oven to 450°. Stir to a soft dough with fork. Beat vigorously 20 strokes until stiff but sticky.

For Drop Biscuits–spoon onto greased baking sheet. Bake 10 to 15 min. Makes 12 med. size.

For Rolled Biscuits–roll dough on cloth-covered floured board. Knead 8 to 10 times. Roll 1/2″ thick. Cut with floured cutter. Bake on ungreased baking sheet 10 to 15 min. Makes 12 2″ biscuits. For richer biscuits add 1/4 cup soft butter or shortening to Bisquick before milk.


2 cups Bisquick
2 tbsp. melted shortening
1 2/3 cups milk
1 egg

Beat with rotary beater until smooth. Makes three 9″ waffles.


2 cups Bisquick
3/4 cup milk

Mix well with fork. Spoon onto boiling stew. Cook over low heat 10 min. uncovered and 10 min. covered. Makes 10 to 12 dumplings.

Pancakes, anyone?
Look on the back of your Bisquick box

Pancakes everyone! Golden, hot and light–Bisquick pancakes. Easiest pancakes to make, too. Add milk and egg to Bisquick–Betty Crocker’s own recipe.

Quick, because six of the basic ingredients are already measured and blended for you in Bisquick. Try this shortcut to a pancake breakfast some morning soon!

Del Monte Prune Pudding Recipe ClippingThis recipe is an advertisement for Del Monte Prunes that was published in a magazine dated 1964. The recipe is typed below along with a scanned copy.

Fold memorable flavor into packaged puddings with Del Monte Prunes

Take a simple “quickie” dessert, add the good, rich, natural flavor of DEL MONTE PRUNES–and you have a new family favorite! Sweet, tender DEL MONTE Brand Prunes are great for recipes, breakfast use, snacks. Look for them in both the familiar cartons and new transparent bags–DEL MONTE Raisins, Dried Apricots and Peaches, too. They’re all the same dependable DEL MONTE quality, in either style of package.


Cook 1 pkg. (3 1/2 oz.) vanilla pudding according to directions on the package. Remove from heat and stir in 1/2 cup of snipped uncooked DEL MONTE Prunes; cool 10 minutes. Whip 1/2 cup heavy cream; fold into the pudding. Spoon into 4 or 5 dishes. Garnish with pitted prunes stuffed with DEL MONTE Mandarin Orange segments as shown, if desired. Also delicious made from coconut cream flavor pudding.