Here’s a handwritten recipe on a sheet of lined paper, the side of the page is somewhat brittle and yellow with age. Date this was written unknown, found in a large collection of old recipes.

Cranberry Horse-radish Relish

Cranberry Horseradish Relish Handwritten Recipe - Click To View LargeGrind up enough cranberries to make 2 cups. Mix with 2 c. sugar and let stand an hour or so to blend sug. in.

Add 2 c. boiling water to 2 pkg lemon jello. Stir until dissolved. Add 2 c. cold water. Cool and when partly set, stir in 1 1/2 c. diced celery. Add the cranberries, a little salt and 2 Tbsp. horseradish. Pour into a mold and chill until firm. Serve with any kind of meat.

Here’s a handwritten recipe found in an old recipe box, date unknown.

Orange Sherbet Salad Handwritten Recipe Card - Click To View Large

Orange Sherbet Salad

1 can mandarin oranges
1 pkg orange jello
1 cup orange sherbet
1 or 2 bananas sliced (or substitute chunky pineapple)

Drain oranges – put juice in measuring cup – add enough water to make 1 cup liquid. Bring to a boil and dissolve jello – cook – stir in orange sherbet.

Refrigerate until it starts to congeal. This won’t take long because the sherbet chills the jello quickly.

Fold in oranges and pineapple. Return to refrigerator until firm.

Serve with Cool Whip with grated cheese over Cool Whip.

This is a newspaper clipping found in a box of old recipes, date unknown.


Carrot Brownies Recipe Clipping - Click To View Large1/2 cup margarine
1 cup packed dark brown sugar
2 eggs
1 cup flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon salt
3 medium carrots, pared and finely grated (1 1/2 cups)
1/2 cup chopped walnuts

Place margarine in a 2-quart glass measure and microwave on high 1 minute, or until melted. Blend in sugar; then eggs. Stir in flour, baking powder, cinnamon and salt. Fold in carrots and walnuts. Spray an 8-inch square glass dish with non-stick coating (such as Pam). Pour batter in dish and level. Rotating every 3 minutes, microwave on medium-high (70 percent) 10 to 11 minutes, or until brownies test done. If desired, frost with a vanilla or cream cheese frosting. Makes 16 squares.

Here’s a recipe clipped from packaging of some sort, maybe from a sugar bag since a particular brand of sugar is listed in the ingredients. There’s a spoon graphic with “18 calories” shown at the bottom of the recipe, not bad for a cookie :). There’s no date on this, found in a box of vintage recipes.


Coconut Drop Cookies Vintage Clipping - Click To View Large1/2 cup shortening (part soft butter)
1 cup C and M Granulated Sugar*
1 egg, unbeaten
1 teaspoon vanilla (or 1 teaspoon grated orange rind)
1/4 cup milk (or orange juice)
1 cup shredded coconut
2 cups sifted flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt

Stir together shortening, butter, sugar, egg, flavoring and milk or orange juice, beat smooth. Add coconut. Gradually stir in sifted dry ingredients. Drop by teaspoonfuls on greased baking sheet. Bake at 375° (moderate) about 12 minutes, or until firm to the touch and lightly browned. Makes 3 to 4 dozen.

*…pure CANE, of course!

Here’s an old recipe clipping from a newspaper that I guess to be around the 1970s judging by the hairstyle and eyeglasses of the pictured writer. This clipping is from a newspaper in Wichita, KS, I believe since there’s a mailing address underneath the writer’s picture.

“Buttermint Tuck-In Cookies”

Buttermint Tuck-In Cookies Recipe - Click To View LargerAdd this recipe to your Christmas cookie file! These cookies are fun to make and even more enjoyable to eat because they have a creamy surprise in the center.

Buttermint Tuck-In Cookies

1/2 cup margarine, softened
1 1/2 cups brown sugar
1 (3 oz.) pkg. cream cheese, softened
1 tsp. vanilla
1 egg
2 envelopes premelted chocolate*
2 cups flour
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp baking soda
3/4 cup buttermints (about 36 mints)

Combine margarine, brown sugar, cream cheese, vanilla, egg and chocolate. Blend at medium speed until light and well mixed. Blend in flour, salt and soda. Cover each mint with dough, all around. Bake at 375 degrees for 8 to 10 minutes on ungreased pan. Cool slightly before removing from pan. Makes approximately 3 dozen cookies.

*2 (1 oz.) squares of chocolate, melted may be substituted.

Here’s an old sweetie of a recipe clipped from a magazine, date unknown but I believe it would be 1950s or maybe even 1960s era. This was found in a box stuffed with old recipes and clippings.

Tempting Taffy Buns Vintage Recipe - Click To View Large

Notes for the Girls . . .

TEMPTING TAFFY BUNS, one of the best quickie hot breads ever–something like the Pennsylvania Dutch “sticky buns”–are fast and easy to make, with pantry-shelf ingredients. Here’s how to make this delicious sweet treat: Mix together well with a fork 2 1/4 cups prepared biscuit mix, two tbsp. sugar, 2/3 cup milk. Turn out on floured board and knead lightly. Roll into oblong six by eighteen inches. Sprinkle with one tsp. cinnamon. Blend two tbsp. melted butter, 1/2 cup Brer Rabbit Molasses, 1/2 cup sugar, 1/2 cup raisins. Spread the rolled-out dough with half this mixture and roll into a long jelly-roll shape. Cut into sixteen pieces. Place slices in greased eight-inch pan, cut-side down. Spread remaining molasses mixture over dough. Bake at 375 degrees (moderate oven) 25 to 30 minutes. Cool five minutes; invert on serving dish and serve hot.

Wesson French Dressing Recipe ClippingHere’s a vintage clipping from a magazine that was stapled to a white index card, I’m guessing this is from the 1970s era judging by part of a dress sleeve that is visible when I look under the clipping. Found in a box of old recipes.


1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon sugar
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/2 teaspoon paprika
1/4 cup vinegar
3/4 cup Wesson Oil

Combine and shake well in covered jar. Shake again before serving. Makes 1 cup. Enjoy this light, tempting dressing over your favorite tossed greens or mixed vegetable salads–or try this enticing variation:

Blue Cheese French Dressing

To 1/2 cup Wesson French Dressing add 2 tablespoons crumbled Blue Cheese.

This is a recipe clipping from an old newspaper that was found in a collection of recipes, date unknown.


Cranberry Fluff Recipe Clipping - Click To View LargerCRANBERRY FLUFF

2 cups raw cranberries–ground
3 cups small marshmallows
3/4 cup sugar

Mix together and let stand 12 hours in refrigerator

2 cups diced unpeeled apples
1 small cup crushed Santa Fe pineapple–drained
1/2 cup walnuts
1 pkg. Dream Whip
1/4 teaspoon Santa Fe salt

Add to first mixture

[RecipeCurio Note: There are no further instructions, but I’d guess that the Dream Whip must be prepared first before adding to the mixture]