This recipe was clipped from packaging of some kind, probably a bag of Pillsbury’s Best Flour. Date is unknown. The recipe is typed in full below as well as a scanned copy at the bottom.

1 serving = 156 calories

1/4 cup butter
1 cup flaked coconut
1/2 cup Pillsbury’s Best All Purpose Flour


1 envelope (1 tablespoon) unflavored gelatin
1/4 cup cold water
3/4 cup boiling water
2/3 cup Pillsbury Sprinkle Sweet or 1 tablespoon Pillsbury liquid Sweet*10
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 cup unflavored yogurt
4 drops yellow food coloring
1 1/2 cups sliced strawberries


No need to sift flour; measure by lightly spooning into cup and leveling off. Melt butter in large skillet. Stir in coconut and flour. Cook over low heat, stirring frequently, until mixture is golden brown, 5 to 7 minutes. Place immediately in 9-inch pie pan. Cool slightly. Press against sides and bottom of pie pan. Chill while preparing Filling. Place Filling into shell. Chill until firm, about 2 hours.

Filling: In mixing bowl, soften gelatin in 1/4 cup cold water. Add boiling water and stir until dissolved. Add Sprinkle Sweet, salt and lemon juice. Stir until dissolved. Add yogurt. Mix until well blended. Stir in food coloring. Chill until thickened but not set. Beat smooth. Fold in fruit.

Tips: Fresh fruits such as blueberries, peaches, green grapes or bananas may be substituted for strawberries.

2/3 cup sugar may be substituted for the Sprinkle Sweet. Dairy sour cream may be substituted for the yogurt. When using sugar and dairy sour cream, one serving = 254 calories.

Stove Top Fresh Fruit Pie Recipe Clipping

This recipe was clipped from packaging, probably a bag of Pillsbury’s Best Flour. Date unknown. The recipe is typed in full below as well as a scanned copy to view.

Peanut Butter & Jelly Cookies Recipe Clipping

Pillsbury Pantry

(Peanut Butter & Jelly Cookies)

2 1/4 cups Pillsbury’s Best All Purpose or Unbleached Flour
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1 cup shortening
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/4 cup applesauce
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 egg
1 cup rolled oats
3 tablespoons grape jelly

Heat oven to 350°F. Lightly spoon flour into measuring cup; level off. In large bowl, combine all ingredients except 1 cup flour, oats and jelly; mix well. Stir in reserved 1 cup flour and oats. Shape into 1-inch balls; place 2 inches apart on ungreased cookie sheets. Flatten in crisscross pattern with fork dipped in sugar. Place 1/8 teaspoon jelly in center of each cookie.

Bake at 350°F. for 12 to 14 minutes or until light golden brown. 60 cookies.

HIGH ALTITUDE–Above 3500 Feet: No change.

This is a recipe advertisement for Pillsbury’s Best Enriched Flour that was clipped from a magazine (dated 1947). The recipe is typed out in full below along with a scan of the page, click to view a larger copy.

Coconut Fluff Cake Recipe Clipping - Click To View LargerModern Baking . . . at its Best!


You’d never dream such a gorgeous, delicate-textured cake could be made so quickly–but baking triumphs come easy with the new, improved, faster Pillsbury’s Best Flour! It’s a faster Pillsbury’s Best because it teams up perfectly with modern, streamlined recipes . . . and it gives glorious lightness and delectable flavor to all your baking. Try this new-day flour–see why it’s making so many new friends!


Delicate as a springtime zephyr . . . made quickly, with the faster Pillsbury’s Best

Bake at 350° F. for 35 to 40 minutes.
All ingredients must be at room temperature.

Makes two 8-inch square layers or
two 9-inch round layers.

together . . . 2 1/2 cups sifted PILLSBURY’S BEST Enriched FLOUR
4 1/2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder (or 6 3/4 teaspoons single-acting)
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1 3/4 cups sugar

Add . . . 3/4 cup vegetable shortening
1 1/8 cups milk

Beat . . . for 2 minutes until batter is well-blended and glossy. (If electric mixer is used, beat at medium speed for same period of time.)

Add . . . 1 teaspoon almond extract
2/3 cup egg whites, unbeaten

Beat . . . for 2 minutes.

Pour . . . into two, lightly greased, floured, 8-inch square layer cake pans or 9-inch round layer cake pans.
Bake . . . in moderate oven (350°F.) for 35 to 40 minutes.

Fluffy White Frosting Combine 3 egg whites, 3/4 cup sugar, 6 tablespoons light corn syrup and 1/2 teaspoon salt. Place in top of double boiler over rapidly boiling water and beat with rotary beater for 4 to 5 minutes until mixture stands in soft mounds. Remove from boiling water and cool. Add 1 teaspoon vanilla; continue beating until frosting stands in peaks. Spread on cooled layers of cake and sprinkle with coconut.

You Bake your Best with Pillsbury’s Best

Here’s a handwritten recipe that was found in a large collection of old recipes, the date is unknown but I have another recipe dated 1971 with the same handwriting and the word “Amish” written in the top left corner just like this one. Recipe is typed in full below as well as a scanned copy (click to view large).

Amish Pickled Eggs and Beets

2 c. cleaned and trimmed beets, fresh
1/4 c. sugar
1/2 c. vinegar
1/2 c. cold water
1/2 tsp. salt
6 hard cooked eggs, peeled

Cook beets until tender and skin.

Boil all ingredients except the eggs together; let mixture stand for several days.

Add whole eggs and let stand in the refrigerator two days.

Pickled Eggs & Beats - Handwritten Recipe - Click To View Large

This is a recipe advertisement for California Cling Peaches that was clipped from a magazine published in 1947. There are two recipes, both typed out in full below. You can also view a scanned image (click to view large).

Peach Mint Salad Recipe - Click To View LargerEasy, Breezy Party Salad
. . . and so delicious with sun-drenched canned cling peaches

Easy Recipe

Refreshing aspic ring adorned with showy, California peaches!

8 canned cling peach halves
2 tablespoons plain gelatin
1/4 cup cold water
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup canned cling peach syrup
2 tablespoons strained lemon juice
2 cups grapefruit juice
Few drops mint flavoring
Few drops green food coloring
1 cup chopped celery
Salad greens
Mayonnaise or boiled dressing

Drain peaches. Soften gelatin in water. Add sugar and salt. Heat peach syrup and pour over gelatin mixture; stir until dissolved. Blend in lemon and grapefruit juices. Add flavoring to taste and tint lightly with green coloring. Chill until slightly thickened. Fold in celery. Arrange peach halves cup side up in a 1 1/2-quart lightly oiled ring mold. Spoon gelatin over peaches. Chill until firm. Unmold on serving platter and garnish with salad greens and mayonnaise. Serves 8 generously.

Peach Gold Ham Loaf: Mix 1/4 cup brown sugar (packed) with 1 tablespoon dry mustard and spread evenly in bottom of greased square loaf pan (5 1/2 x 5 1/2 x 3 1/2 inches). Drain 4 peach halves; arrange cup side down on sugar mixture. Combine 1/2 pound ground ham, 3/4 pound ground beef, 2/3 cup fine dry bread crumbs, 1 egg beaten lightly, 1/4 teaspoon each salt and pepper and 1/3 cup milk. Blend well and pack into pan on peaches. Bake in moderate oven (350 degrees F.) for 1 hour.

California cling peaches ripen in
sun-drenched valleys till they’re
sweet, tender, golden yellow!
Delicious right from the can!
Perfect in salads, desserts
. . . dozens of ways!
For luscious, golden
peaches . . . make sure the
label says “clings.”

They’re wonderful so many ways!
California Cling Peaches

This recipe was cut out from a box of Bisquick, date is unknown. The full recipe is typed below along with a scanned image.

Mince Meat Cookies RecipeMince Meat COOKIES

Preheat oven to 400°.

Place in saucepan . . . one 9-oz. pkg. “None Such”* condensed mince meat

Break into pieces with a fork.

Add . . . one 14 1/2-oz. can undiluted evaporated milk

Slowly bring to a simmer, stirring frequently, until lumps are broken up. Then cook slowly about 10 minutes, or until no longer runny.

Mix in . . . 2 cups Bisquick
1 cup brown sugar (packed)
1/2 tsp. salt

Dough should be soft and slightly sticky. Drop by teaspoonfuls about 2 inches apart on greased cooky sheet. Bake about 10 minutes in moderately hot oven (400°) until lightly browned. About 3 1/2 dozen 2 1-2 inch cookies.

For a richer cooky, add 1/4 cup butter or margarine to cooked mince meat and stir until it melts.

. . . To vary, add 1 cup chopped nuts; or 1 cup coconut; or 1 tsp. cloves and 2 tsp. cinnamon after other ingredients. Stir until blended.

This recipe was clipped from a cardboard box of Bisquick, date unknown. The recipe is typed in full below along with a scanned image.

1-2-3 Peanut Butter Cookies RecipeCOOKIES

Preheat oven to 400°.

Mix . . . 1 cup peanut butter
1 cup granulated sugar or 1 cup brown sugar (packed in cup)
1/2 cup boiling water

Blend with rotary beater or spoon until smooth.

Stir in . . . 2 cups Bisquick

Drop by small teaspoonfuls onto lightly greased cooky sheet. Bake 8 to 10 min. in moderately hot oven (400°). About 6 1/2 dozen 1 1/2-inch cookies.

To shape: Flatten cookies with bottom of glass dipped in flour or press with fork or fingers dipped in flour (thinner cookies are crisper, crunchier).

This recipe is the same as one published here: Vintage Mini-Pamphlet that also includes a few variations.

This recipe was clipped and saved from some sort of packaging, maybe a box of mince meat. The date is unknown, recipe is typed in full below as well as a scanned image.


Mince Meat Cake RecipeMINCE MEAT CAKE

2 1/2 Cups Sifted Cake Flour
1 1/2 Cups of Sugar
3 Teaspoonful of Double Acting Baking Powder
1 Teaspoonful Salt
1/2 Cup of Shortening
1 Cup of Milk
2 Eggs Unbeaten
1 Teaspoonful Vanilla
1 Teaspoonful Cinnamon or Mixed Spices
2 Cups of Mince Meat

Place sifted flour in sifter, add sugar, baking powder and salt. Stir shortening to soften. Sift in dry ingredients, add 3/4 cup milk. Beat 2 minutes at medium speed. Add eggs, vanilla, and rest of milk. Beat 1 minute more. Stir in mince meat and spice, beat until mixed.

Baking: Pour into large greased loaf tin or use two layers. Bake in moderate oven (350°F.) for 30 minutes.


Add two cups of Mince Meat to Yellow or Spice cake mix.

It’s Delicious