This recipe was clipped from a newspaper, date unknown. Recipe is typed below along with a scanned copy.

Best Ever Meat Loaf Recipe

IN THIS RECIPE, half of the soup goes into the meat loaf and the rest makes gravy. Potatoes and carrots may be placed around the meat to cook right with the meat.

Best Ever Meat Loaf

One can (10½-oz.) condensed cream of mushroom or golden mushroom soup.
Two lbs. ground beef
One-half cup fine dry bread crumbs
One-third cup finely chopped onion
One egg, slightly beaten
One tsp. salt
One-third cup water
Two to three tbsps. drippings

Mix thoroughly one-half cup soup, beef, bread crumbs, onion, egg and salt. Shape firmly into loaf (8×4 inches); place in shallow baking pan. Bake in preheated 375-degree oven one hour and 15 minutes. Blend remaining soup, water and drippings. Heat; stir now and then. Serve with meat loaf.

–Yields 6 servings.

This recipe was clipped from a newspaper. Date unknown but the other side has an advertisement with a phone number that has both letters and numbers (6), so it’s a few decades old. Recipe is typed below along with a scanned copy.

“Serve Yourself” Hamburgers

4 lbs. hamburger
1 medium sized onion cut fine
1 teaspoonful Worcestershire sauce
1 bottle chili sauce

Place hamburger in large frying pan and cook slowly. Add onion, Worcestershire sauce, salt and pepper stirring well. Then stir in entire bottle of chili sauce. A small dash of nutmeg may also be added as it improves flavor.

Serve in large bowl, having guests help themselves making their own sandwiches with buns that have been split and warmed.

The above recipe will make a serving for twelve.

Serve Yourself Hamburgers Recipe

Published Jan 02, 2010 in Candies

This recipe was written on a sheet of lined paper and found in the back of an old recipe box. Recipe is typed below as-is along with a scanned copy.

Divinity Fudge

3 c sugar
1/2 c light syrup
1/2 c cold water
2 egg whites
1 t van.

Place sugar, syrup & water in pan over slow fire. Stir only until sugar is dissolved then cook until little tried in cold water forms a soft ball. (Beat egg whites 2 minutes at high speed until stiff, continue beating & pour one half the syrup slowly over the beaten egg whites. Continue beating while cooking the rest of the syrup until it forms a hard ball when tried in a cup of cold water and cracks when hit against side of the cup. Add this syrup gradually to the syrup & egg mixture you are beating. Add vanilla & continue beating until candy is thick enough to drop from spoon. Place by t on buttered platter. Makes 35 to 40 pieces. Nut meats may be added if desired.

Handwritten Divinity Fudge Recipe

This recipe was written on a sheet of lined paper and found in the back of an old recipe box. One of the ingredients listed is “Karo” which is a brand of corn syrup. Recipe is typed below along with a scanned copy.

Buttermilk Fudge

2 c sugar
2 T white Karo
1/2 stick oleo
1 c buttermilk
1 t soda
2 c nuts

Put sugar & Karo in large skillet. Mix soda & buttermilk & add to sugar & Karo. Add butter & stir while cooking. Turns brown. Cook to soft ball & take off fire & let stand 3 minutes. Beat & add pecans and beat until ready to drop from spoon. Cooks about 1/2 hr. (stir constantly).

Handwritten Buttermilk Fudge Recipe

This recipe was written on a sheet of lined paper and found folded in the back of an old recipe box, date unknown. Recipe is typed below as-is along with a scanned copy.

Applesauce Fruit Cake

3 c applesauce
2 c sugar
1/2 c butter
1 c nuts
1 c seedless raisins
6 1/4 oz dates
1/2 c candied cherries
1/2 c candied pineapple
1 t cinn
1 t allspice
1/4 t nutmeg
4 t soda
3 c flour

Cream butter & sugar. Add applesauce which has soda beaten into it. Mix fruit & nuts with 1 c flour. Add to mixture – add flour & spices.

Bake at 350° 2 hrs. in tube pan. Place pan of water in bottom of oven. Grease well & line with brown paper. Can omit raisins & sub. nuts.

Handwritten Applesauce Fruit Cake Recipe

This recipe was clipped from a newspaper, date unknown. It’s a question from a reader that is answered. Recipe is typed below along with a scanned copy.

White Wedding Cake Icing Recipe

I love white wedding cake icing! Where can I get the recipe so I can use it on my homemade cakes? — Mrs. M. S., Akron.

Try this romantic recipe: Cream one cup of vegetable shortening (you may substitute a half cup of butter) with one and a half cups of confectioners sugar and a quarter cup evaporated milk. Mix the ingredients at high speed for five minutes. For fancy decorations, firm the icing in the refrigerator.

This recipe was clipped from a box of some kind, possibly confectioners’ sugar or cake mix. Recipe is typed below along with a scanned copy.

Easy Penuche Icing Recipe Clipping


1/2 cup butter
1 cup brown sugar (packed)
1/4 cup milk
1 3/4 to 2 cups sifted confectioners’ sugar

Melt butter in saucepan. Add brown sugar. Boil over low heat for 2 minutes, stirring constantly. Stir in milk. Bring to boil, stirring constantly. Cool to lukewarm. Gradually add confectioners’ sugar. Beat until thick enough to spread. If icing becomes too stiff, add a little hot water.

Published Jan 02, 2010 in Frosting & Icing

This old recipe was clipped from a newspaper, date unknown but the back of the clipping mentions Bud Abbott and Lou Costello (as well as Bert Wheeler).

Mile High Icing Recipe Clipping

Mile High Icing
Mrs. R. V. Sigafoos

Combine 2 egg whites and 1 cup white corn sirup in a large bowl and beat with rotary beater until mixture will stand in peaks. Start at low speed and work up to high speed if you have an electric beater. Add 1-2 teaspoonful vanilla and 1-2 teaspoonful almond extract. Spread on cake. If any is left over cover bowl and set it in refrigerator and it will keep for several days.