This recipe was clipped from a newspaper, date is unknown but probably the 1960s. Recipe is typed below along with a scanned copy.
Recipes for Your Scrapbook
How about an old-fashioned taffy pull?
One cup mild sorghum or
New Orleans molasses
One tablespoon butter
One-half cup hot water
One-half teaspoon vanilla
One cup light corn syrup
One-third cup white sugar
One-fourth teaspoon soda
Combine all but soda and vanilla. Boil until very hardball stage (250 degrees). Add soda until well mixed. Add vanilla and pour on buttered platter. Turn in edges until cool enough to pull. Pull until light in color. Cut with buttered scissors.
The hotter you pull taffy, the more brittle it will be. It can burn fingers.
I love recipes and cooking them.
The taffy recipe calls for Soda, is this Baking Soda?
Yes its baking soda