Here is the last part of page 4 and the first part of page 5 of the vintage cookbook: Home Baking Made Easy that was published in 1953 by Lever Brothers Company.
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You can view a scan of this on the previous page (at bottom): Meaning Of Baking Terms.
To Cut Dates, Raisins, Marshmallows: Use scissors dipped in water.
To Scald Milk: Heat to just below boiling point and until tiny bubbles appear at the sides of pan.
To Break Eggs: Crack in the middle with a knife or against the edge of a mixing bowl.
To Melt Chocolate: Melt chocolate over hot water, since it scorches readily.
To Make Chocolate “Curls”: Use a vegetable peeler or a sharp knife.
To Plump Raisins and make them easier to chop: Shake into a strainer and place over boiling water. Cover and steam about 10 minutes.
To Keep Bananas and Apples from Discoloring: Sprinkle with lemon, orange, grapefruit or pineapple juice.
To Prepare Apples for Pie: Cut apples into quarters, remove core from each quarter, drop into lightly salted water, then remove (this prevents discoloration). Pare and cut in lengthwise slices about 1/4″ thick.
To Store Cookies: To keep crisp cookies crisp–and soft cookies soft–store each in its own covered container.
To Whip Cream: Have bowl and beater well chilled. Beat until cream will hold its shape when beater is lifted out of bowl.
To Grate Fruit Rinds: Wash fruit and wipe dry. Working over a piece of waxed paper, rub fruit on grater. Grate only the outer colored rind.
To Cut Nuts: Cut in small pieces with sharp knife or scissors. Or break into large pieces with fingers. Or chop with long straight knife on board, swinging handle around in quarter circle.
To Blanch Almonds: Shell. Cover with boiling water and let stand 2 minutes or until skins are wrinkled. Drain, put in cold water, rub off skins and dry on a towel.
To Sliver Almonds: While still soft from blanching, cut almonds into thin lengthwise pieces with scissors or sharp knife or vegetable peeler.
To Toast Almonds or Coconut: Spread a thin layer in a shallow pan, toast in moderate oven (350° F.) until a delicate brown, stirring often.
To Tint Coconut: Add a few drops of food coloring, then rub between the palms of the hands to color it evenly.
To Tint Frosting for Cake: Add one or two drops of food coloring. Keep coloring delicate.