This recipe was written on a large lined index card, date unknown. Before using this recipe, it’s important to read this page, the “Safe Canning & Food Preservation” section.
Sandwich Spread
1 qt. green & red peppers
1 qt. green tomatoes
1 qt. cucumbers
1 qt. onions
1 qt. sugar
1 1/2 pt. vinegar
3 stalks celery or celery seed
1 cup flour – salt
Cook all together about 30 min. and then put in mustard and flour and cook a little longer. Can and seal tight.
The recipe calls for mustard but not how much. Do you know how much should be used?
Thank you for such a lovely website! I am not sure how I stumbled upon it, but it brought tears to my eyes seeing the cursive writing of the ladies’ recipes. So sweet. Thank you.