Published Nov 26, 2009 in Cakes

This old recipe was clipped from a newspaper, date unknown but I’d guess around the 1950’s or 1960’s. Recipe is typed below along with a scanned copy. There are handwritten notes at the bottom of the clipping that I’ve typed out as well.

Three-Pound Fruit Cake Recipe Clipping

Three-Pound Fruit Cake

Cream together 2/3 cup butter and 2/3 cup brown sugar. Add 2 whole eggs. Add 1 cup fruit juice (Mrs. Cunningham uses orange juice), 1/4 cup dark molasses. Blend in the following dry ingredients which have been measured and sifted together; 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg, 1/2 teaspoon baking soda, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1 1/2 cups flour, 1/2 teaspoon salt and 2 teaspoons cinnamon.

Dredge 15 to 16 ounces mixed candied fruit, 1 cup raisins and 1 cup nut meats in 1/2 cup flour. Mix into dough and scrape into 9×5-inch loaf pan which has been lined with waxed paper or aluminum foil. Bake at 250 degrees for 3 hours.

RecipeCurio Note: Handwritten notations at the bottom are: More Flour and 275° 2 hours.

This recipe was clipped from a newspaper, date unknown. Recipe is typed below along with a scanned copy.

Gingerbread Men Recipe Clipping

Patty’s Gingerbread Men

Two thirds cup solid shortening
One-half cup firmly packed brown sugar
Two tsps. ginger
One tsp. cinnamon
One-fourth tsp. ground cloves or allspice
One and one-half tsps. salt
One egg
Three-fourths cup molasses
Three cups sifted all-purpose flour
One tsp. baking soda
One-half tsp. baking powder

Cream together shortening, brown sugar, spices and salt. Add egg; mix thoroughly. Add molasses and blend.

Sift together twice: flour, soda and baking powder. Add to molasses mixture and stir until blended. Chill. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Using one-third to one-fourth of dough at a time, roll out to one-eighth-inch thickness or slightly thicker, on lightly floured pastry cloth with floured, covered rolling pin. Cut gingerbread men. Place on greased baking sheet and bake eight to 10 minutes. Cool on rack. Frost.–Yields 30 cookies.


One egg white
One cup confectioners’ sugar
One-half tsp. vanilla
One-eighth tsp. cream of tartar
Food color (optional)

Published Nov 26, 2009 in Cookies

This recipe was clipped from a newspaper, date unknown but I would guess the 1950’s or 1960’s. Recipe is typed below along with a scanned copy.

Lucia Ginger Snaps Recipe Clipping

NUMBERED AMONG the Swedish Christmas specialties are these ginger snaps. The dough can be cut in the traditional rounds or any shape you wish.

Lucia Ginger Snaps

1 cup heavy cream
1 2/3 cups light brown sugar, firmly packed
3/4 cup unsulphured molasses
2 tsps. ground ginger
2 tsps. grated orange rind
2 tsps. baking soda
5 1/2 to 6 cups sifted all-purpose flour

Whip cream; add sugar, molasses, ginger, orange rind and soda. Let stand, stirring frequently, about 10 minutes. Add flour gradually; work into a smooth dough. Cover with foil; refrigerate overnight.

Turn onto floured board; roll to about 1/4-inch thickness. With floured cutters, cut into desired shapes–rounds, Santa Clauses, stars, houses, animals, men, etc. Place on lightly greased cookie sheet.

If a very crisp cookie is desired bake in preheated 250-degree oven about 25 minutes. For a softer cookie, bake in preheated 275-degree oven about 20 minutes. Remove from sheets; cool on racks. Store in covered containers.–Yields 4 to 6 dozen, depending on size of various shapes.

Published Nov 26, 2009 in Cookies

This recipe was clipped from a newspaper, date unknown. Recipe is typed in full below along with a scanned copy.

Almond Cookies Recipe Clipping

THERE’S NO BETTER way to get your ways and means committee pepped up than to invite the group in for a pot of robust tea and dainty almond cookies.

Almond Cookies

One cup solid all-vegetable shortening
One cup sugar
One egg
One tbsp. cold water
One and one-fourth tsps. almond extract
Three cups sifted all-purpose flour
One tsp. baking soda
One tsp. salt
Whole blanched almonds

In large bowl, cream shortening and sugar.

Add egg, water and extract; beat mixture thoroughly until light and fluffy. Sift together flour, baking soda and salt; blend into creamed mixture. Form dough into ball.

For each cookie, roll about one tablespoon of dough into a ball; place on ungreased baking sheet. Flatten balls with metal spatula; press an almond in center of each cookie.

Bake in preheated 375-degree oven 12 to 15 minutes or just until lightly browned at edges. Remove to cooling rack.–Yields about four dozen.

Published Nov 25, 2009 in Cookies

This recipe was clipped from a newspaper, date unknown. Recipe is typed in full below along with a scanned copy.

Homemade Gingersnaps Recipe Clipping

THESE KEEP well when stored in tightly covered container.

Homemade Gingersnaps

Three-fourths cup solid shortening
One cup sugar
One-fourth cup light or dark molasses
One egg
Two cups sifted all-purpose flour
Two tsps. baking soda
One tsp. cinnamon
One-half tsp. ground cloves
One-half tsp. ground ginger
One-half tsp. salt
Granulated sugar

In large bowl, cream together shortening and the one cup sugar. Add molasses and egg; beat well. Sift together flour, soda, cinnamon, cloves, ginger and salt; add to first mixture.

Mix well; cover; chill. Form into one-inch balls; roll each in sugar; place on greased cookie sheets about two inches apart.

Bake in preheated 375-degree oven 8 to 10 minutes or until golden brown. Remove to wire rack; cool.–Yields four dozen.

This recipe ad by Betty Crocker Kitchens was clipped from Family Circle magazine in 1974. Recipe is typed below along with a scanned copy.

Cranberry-Nut Coffee Cake Recipe


1/4 cup brown sugar (packed)
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
2 cups Bisquick baking mix
2 tablespoons granulated sugar
1 egg
2/3 cup water or milk
2/3 cup whole cranberry sauce
Confectioners’ Sugar Icing

Heat oven to 400°. Grease square pan, 9x9x2 inches. Mix brown sugar, walnuts and cinnamon. Combine baking mix, granulated sugar, egg and water; beat vigorously 1/2 minute. Spread in pan; sprinkle with nut mixture. Spoon cranberry sauce over top. Bake 20 to 25 minutes. While warm, spread with Confectioners’ Sugar Icing. 9 servings.


Blend 1 cup confectioners’ sugar, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla and about 1 tablespoon water.

This recipe was developed and tested in the Betty Crocker Kitchens.

Any of over 100 good things from just one box of Bisquick.

Published Nov 25, 2009 in Chicken, Stew Recipes

This recipe is undated and was clipped from a newspaper, I would guess this is from the 1970’s based on the information on the back. Recipe is typed below along with a scanned copy.

Giblet Stew Recipe Clipping

Giblet Stew

Three-fourths lb. chicken gizzards
One-fourth lb. chicken hearts
One lb. chicken livers
Two and one-half cups chicken broth
One small onion, chopped
One cup sliced celery
One cup sliced carrots
One-half tsp. EACH: salt, basil, marjoram
One-fourth tsp. pepper
One-fourth cup flour
One-fourth cup cold water

Place chicken gizzards, hearts, broth and onion in large saucepan. Bring to a boil; reduce heat and simmer, covered, about one hour or until gizzards and hearts are tender. (Remove scum as it forms.)

Add chicken livers, celery, carrots, salt, basil, marjoram and pepper. Cover; simmer about 20 minutes longer or until liver is tender. Mix flour and water to make a smooth paste; stir into giblet mixture. Cook, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens and comes to a boil. Simmer about three minutes longer.–Yields six to eight servings.

This recipe was clipped from a newspaper, date unknown. Recipe is typed below along with a scanned copy.

Country Raisin Gingersnaps Recipe

Country Raisin Gingersnaps

One and one-half cups seedless raisins
Three-fourths cup shortening
One cup sugar
One egg
One-fourth cup molasses
Two and one-fourth cups sifted flour
Two tsps. soda
One tsp. salt
One tsp. ginger
One-half tsp. cinnamon
One-fourth tsp. cloves

Chop raisins. Beat together shortening, sugar and egg. Blend in molasses. Blend in flour resifted with soda, salt and spices. Mix in raisins. Chill dough. Shape dough into small balls and roll in additional sugar, if desired.

Place on lightly greased baking sheet. Bake in 375 degree oven eight to 10 minutes. Remove to cooling rack.–Yields three dozen cookies.