This is a sweet 4 page vintage pamphlet from Cream Corn Starch that offers a few recipes as well as gives instructions for how to make your own cake flour. There is no date anywhere on this, but I would guess this is from around the 1940s. The entire pamphlet and its recipes are typed below, click on the different page pictures to view a larger copy if you like.
Try these Recipes With Cream Corn Starch
ORANGE CAKE FILLING–Melt 2 tablespoons butter and add 1 cup sugar and 1/4 cup Cream Corn Starch. Blend well and add 1 cup orange juice and the grated zest of 1 orange. Bring to boiling point, stirring constantly, and cook until creamy. When cold, fold in 1 cup cream, beaten stiff.
BUTTERSCOTCH DELIGHT–Put 3/8 cup brown sugar and 3 tablespoons butter in saucepan and stir and boil 1 minute. Add 1 cup milk and place over hot water. When milk is hot, add 2 tablespoons Cream Corn Starch which has been blended with 1/8 teaspoon salt and 2 tablespoons cold milk. Stir together until smooth, cover and cook 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Cool, add 1/2 teaspoon vanilla and 1/4 cup chopped nuts. Chill, and serve with butterscotch sauce.
CREAM CORN STARCH SCONES–Cream 1 cup butter, and gradually add 2 cups fine granulated sugar. Sift together 1 cup Cream Corn Starch, 2 cups flour, 4 1/2 teaspoons baking powder. Add this dry mixture alternately with small amounts of milk until you have used 1 cup milk. Beat the whites of 5 eggs until light, and stir in lightly, together with 3/4 teaspoon vanilla. Bake in smallest size muffin tins, and ice tops with a milk chocolate “cap” made by melting small pieces of milk chocolate in a small amount of hot cream, and stirred until smooth. This recipe can also be baked as a layer cake, and is delicious with the orange filling given above.
[RecipeCurio Note: I didn’t include the mail-offer request for a free recipe book since it’s no longer available.]
Cream Corn Starch
Steps up to greater and greater fame
Gradually, through the years, smart cooks have found more and more uses for Cream Corn Starch. Its special consistency now makes it a staple for every meal.
Cream Corn Starch to make your own cake flour
[this section also has its own page here]
Cake Flour contains more Starch and less Gluten than Bread Flour in order to insure lighter, more tender cake. This is a secret only recently learned by housewives. They have found that the special consistency of Cream Corn Starch will make smoother cakes, more evenly browned cakes, and cakes that will stay fresh longer.
To make a cup of Cake Flour first place two level tablespoonfuls of Cream Corn Starch in a cup and finish filling with regular Bread Flour. This makes the equivalent of one cup of unsifted Cake Flour. Then this should be sifted together three times before using in the mixture.
Three Famous Recipes
Lemon Pie
The secret of good lemon pie is the kind of corn starch used. Try our recipe:
Mix 3 tablespoons of Cream Corn Starch with 1 1/2 cups of sugar. Cover with the grated rind and juice of 1 1/2 lemons. Add the beaten yolks of three eggs and 1 1/2 cups of boiling water. Cook until thick. Pour into baked crust. Cover with the stiff white of the three eggs, to which a little sugar has been added. Return to the oven and brown.
Open Peach Pie
This is the prettiest thing you ever saw! And delicious!
Line a pie pan with rich pastry. Mix 1 cup of granulated sugar with 2 tablespoons of Cream Corn Starch. Cover inside of pastry shell with 3/4 of this mixture, pressing it out to the sides. Arrange peeled halves of fresh peaches close together around the outside edge, with insides of peaches up. Then fill in with other peaches until pan is full. Sprinkle remainder of sugar-and cornstarch mixture over the peaches and then carefully pour around the halves 1/2 pint of cream, putting a little cream into each peach-center. Put into a moderate oven at first and when pastry is set, reduce heat and bake slowly until peaches are tender and the custard around them clear and firm. Cool and serve. (Canned peaches can be used out of season, but should be carefully drained first.)
Cream Corn Starch Pudding
There’s a difference!
3 cups milk
1/3 cup Cream Corn Starch
1/3 cup sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
Scald 2 1/2 cupfuls of milk, add remaining cold milk to Cream Corn Starch, stir to a smooth paste and add to hot milk, stirring constantly. Cover and cook over hot water 15-20 minutes. Beat egg yolks with sugar and salt, and stir in some of hot mixture. Stir this into rest of hot mixture. Cook five minutes, remove from fire, stir in vanilla and fold in beaten egg whites. Pour into one large or six small molds and chill. Serve with whipped cream or fruit.
My Mother always said the BEST recipe for Lemon Meringue Pie was on the Cream Cornstarch bos. It is the only brand she ever bought. Is it still available? I can’t find it, in Scottsdale, AZ.
You always had a recipe for vanilla pudding on your box…the one shown above is NOT it! Need help…Like by tomorrow? Thanks.
I have a box of Argo l00% Pure Corn Starch and it has a Lemon Meringue Pie recipe on the back of the box..Would this be the one you are wanting.
This pudding recipe came from a Cream Corn Starch box years ago. My Mom always used it as a dessert topping for apple pie and bread pudding. I mix in blackberries for a delicious pudding.
3 tablespoons corn starch
½ cup sugar
½ teaspoon salt
2 cups milk (any kind)
1 teaspoon vanilla
Combine corn starch, sugar and salt in a sauce pan, stir in milk. Heat to boiling stirring occasionally, then boil gently for 2 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and add vanilla.
I am looking for the microwave recipe that was on Cream Cornstarch box for vanilla or chocolate pudding. Can anyone help me?
Your Recipes are awesome. I have found some that I misplaced. Thanks
Do you have a recipe for Bread Pudding and lemon or Whiskey Sauce Topping? Thanks Latricia
I’m looking for a recipe that was on the cornstarch box for a lemon cake that made it’s own sauce on the bottom, best served warm.
There used to be a vanilla custard recipe on the cream corn starch box, similar to the vanilla pudding recipe. It called for butter melted. Do you have that recipe? I took it off the box many years ago and used it all the time. Now I have moved and cannot find the recipe. It is a custard pudding recipe, [
Does anyone know where I can buy real Cream Corn Starch? I mean that particular brand, not Argo or others. Nothing works as well as Cream!
There was a recipe for cheesecake on the argo corn starch box many years ago. The recipe did not contain cottage cheese. Best cheesecake I ever ate, lost the recipe
I always used the “Delicious Custard” recipe which was on the Cream Corn Starch box. I happen to have a copy of it.
2 T butter
1/4 cup Cream Corn Starch
3/4 cup Sugar
1/2 tsp. Salt
2 cups Milk
2 egg yolks, slightly beaten
1 tsp. Vanilla
Melt butter. Blend in Cream Corn Starch, sugar and salt. Gradually add milk. Heat to boiling over direct heat. Stir into slightly beaten egg yolks. Return to head and cook 2 minutes, stirring constantly. Add vanilla. Cool thoroughly. Makes 2 cups.
Does your corn starch have an experation date? I can’t find one.
Help….I just bought a new box of cornstarch and threw the old one away. it had a tip for adding cold water and cornstarch to hot liquids, keeping the mixture clear, not cloudy. please send that tip to me. Thanks
@Kim Allen & Georgene Erickson – I just did a search for Cream since my mom loves it as well and can’t find it anywhere. I found it available oline by the case here:
And you can buy it by the box at but shipping is pricey.
Also, if you’re in the Boston area, it lookes like Johnnie’s Foodmaster carries it. I checked their website and found it listed in their online shopping section. If I can buy it, Mom will be happy to have it as a Christmas present! :)
What ever happen to cream of corn starch
I got Cream Cornstarch at Publix in Florida. Anyone remember a butter sauce recipe from a cornstarch box about 25 years ago? Basically just butter & seasonings stretched with cornstarch & water as a way of cutting calories. I’ve tried to duplicate it from memory, but I seem to be missing something!
I am looking for the old lemon pie recipe from the Cream box in the 60-70’s. The filling was a clear yellow and on the tart side. May havae been cooked in double boiler? Would love to find it again.
I am looking for a cherry pie filling that you cook on the stove. It was on a cornstarch box in the early 70’s My mom use to make it when I was little.
I looking for the cheesecake receipe (without cottage chees) on old vintage box and the lemon cake with sauce. Please send if you can. thank you sooo much.
I am looking for the medium white sauce recipe that was on the Cream brand corstarch box
About 30 yrs ago I used to make a sweet white sauce with Argo corn starch, I used it to layer jello and sauce, my kids and myself loved it. The recipe was on the box.
My aunt made a sauce out of cornstarch that she would pour over jell-o, anyone know if there is a recipe? Thank you.
I have been looking for these recipes for a while now….they are the best….THANK YOU :)
I am looking for a recipe that used to be on the back of the Cream cornstarch box called melting moments. One of the best cookies i ever ate. I have a recipe but wrote it wrong and cannot make them. Can you please email me the correct recipe? Thank you.
I am looking for a recipe from the seventies that was on the Argo box for pies, you could make from lemon, chocolate, to custard all from the same recipe, if anyone has it, I would love to have a copy of it, I ask my mother-n-law for it many of times, she took it to the grave with her.
I am looking for the recipe that was on the side of Cream corn starch box that was for potato salad using yellow mustard. My Mom used to make it with every Sunday meal.What a comfort food.Can anyone please help.Great thanks for any help.
Cream Cornstarch is available through Amazon. I had forgotten how lovely the artwork is on some of these products that have been around for awhile. Thanks for helping preserve our kitchen heritage!
I eat mine straight from the box.
This lemon meringue pie recipe is close but not accurate. You need 1/4 cup.cornstarch. Also the egg yolks should be added after the juice, water, sugar mixture has thickened. Temper the egg yolks before adding to the thickened mixture and cook an additional 2 minutes. Cool slightly before pouring Into a ccoled pie shell. This is the best lemon pie ever!
Tnx Rita for sharing ! Ive been looking for the Cream box with the recipe of delicious custard but i cnt find one anymore. Finally i cn cook it again.
My mom made a salad dressing for potato salad from a recipe on Cream cornstarch box 30 years ago. She cooked it on the stove and it had strong aroma of vinegar. Can anyone remember? Or is there a way to chat with the company?
Thnx, Rita, for the custard recipe. My mom would make it for my son when he was a baby. She folded the custard into meringue made from left over eggwhites which kinda’ doubled the recipe.
omg this is what i’ve been looking for i use for my cream puffs, Thank You Rita
Thank you so much, Rita! I had this recipe up until a year ago and now can’t find it, It is THE BEST and I was SO happy to find it here!!
thank you for the custard recipe I have been looking all over for it. Accidentally lost mine when moved. Why don’t they keep those recipe somewhere for us older people. ha ha