This recipe was written on a calendar page dated 1973 so I believe it’s at least 30 years old. I’ve typed it out below along with a scanned copy at bottom.
Chopped Cucumber Relish
12 lg. ripe cucumbers
8 red peppers
8 lg onions
1/2 c. common salt
3 TBLSP celery seed
3 TBLSP mustard seed
5 c sugar
5 c vinegar
Peel cucumber & halve lengthwise, scoop out seeds.
Wash peppers & remove seeds & stems.
Peel onion, cut in half.
Put cucumber, pepper & onions through food chopper using coarse blade.
Add salt & let stand overnite. Drain thoroughly.
Add remaining ingredients – cook 30 minutes stirring occasionally.
Pack in hot jars, seal.
Please read the Safe Canning & Food Preservation section if planning on canning this recipe.
Just wanted to add my “two cents”…it looks to me as though the recipe calls for “common salt”
Yes I think you are right Renee, thanks very much! I looked and looked at the word and just couldn’t make it out!
is there a way to cool down relish that is to hot to ear (spicy?)