This old recipe was found in a large collection, date unknown. I’ve typed it below along with a scanned copy.
Pear Salad (Delicious)
1 pkg. lime jello
1 No. 2 1/2 can pears
1 tbsp. cream
2 pkg. Phil. Cream Cheese
1 cup cream (whipped)
Dissolve jello in 1 cup hot pear juice. After stiffening slightly, pour over cream cheese which has been soften with tsp. of cream. Beat with electric mixer. Then add pears and beat. Fold in whipped cream and pour into oiled mould.
regarding the pear salad you have 1 tsp. cream and 2 pkg. cream cheese 1 cup of cream whipp my question is which cream or you talking about for 1 cup of cream
is it whip cream or milk cream thanks again Lori