This recipe was clipped from a magazine and it’s a filling for tart shells, sounds delicious! Date of recipe is unknown and it’s typed out below along with a scanned copy.
Rhubarb, cut, 3 cups
Sugar, 2/3 cup
Salt, 1/4 teaspoon
Water, cold, 3/4 cup
Gelatine, unflavored, 4 teaspoons
Eggs, separated, 3
Mint flavoring, few drops
Corn sirup, light, 6 tablespoons
Cook rhubarb with sugar, salt and 1/2 cup of water until tender, about 10 minutes.
Meanwhile soften gelatine in remaining 1/4 cup water and dissolve in hot cooked rhubarb.
Beat egg yolks slightly with fork, add 3 or 4 tablespoons of the hot mixture to the egg yolks, then combine with remaining hot mixture, stirring well. Chill until slightly thickened.
Combine egg whites with mint flavoring and corn sirup; add dash of salt. Beat with rotary beater until mixture is light and fluffy and will hold its shape.
Fold lightly into slightly thickened rhubarb mixture, mixing just enough to give a marbled effect. Pile into 6 tart shells. Chill until firm.
NOTE: To deepen pink color, add a few drops of pink or red food coloring after addition of eggs.