This is a handwritten recipe that was found in a big box of recipes ranging in dates from the 1950s to 1980s. It’s hard to say how old it is, recipe is typed below along with a scanned copy (click to view a large copy).
Relish (Red Tomato)
3 cups chopped tomatoes
8 cups chopped onions
8 cups chopped cucumbers
(can be put through food chopper)
Sprinkle with salt & let stand overnight.
Drain thoroughly.
2 tablespoons powdered mustard
4 tablespoons flour
2 tsp. turmeric
3 cups vinegar
4 cups sugar
Boil 20 minutes (the whole thing).
Put in jars and seal. (written on back of recipe)
stumbled onto this lovely website…has anyone made the Red Tomato Relish recipe?? – the cucumber and flour are throwing me but willing to go for it if someone can vouch for it