This page was removed from a cookbook and saved in a binder full of recipes, I’m not sure how old it is but I suspect it’s quite old. The page is typed out in full below, you can also view a large copy of the scanned page by clicking the image.
Please read this page before trying any of the canning and preserving recipes on this website, particularly the “Important: Safe Canning & Food Preservation” section.
PRESERVED GRAPES–Allow 1 lb. of sugar to 1 lb. of stemmed grapes. Pulp of the grapes into one basin and throw the skins into another. Throw in a quarter of the sugar weighed for the preserves with the pulp and cook until the seeds are free. Strain, add the sugar, and when it reaches the boiling point add the skins and cook till they can easily be pierced with a silver fork. This is a rich full flavored preserve, and when made with green grapes is not only of a pleasing color but is a particularly fine accompaniment to game.–MRS. A. H. L.
SPICED PEARS–Peel and cut 7 lbs. of pears, 4 lbs. of sugar, 1 pt. of cider vinegar, 1/2 pt. of water, 1 tablespoon whole cloves, 1 oz. cinnamon bark. Boil all slowly for 4 hours. Tie the cloves and cinnamon in a small bag. Let cool and pack away in stone crocks, sealing well.–MRS. E. L. L.
PRESERVED PEARS–To 6 lbs. of pears, 4 lbs. of sugar, 2 coffee cups of water, the juice of 2 lemons, and the rind of 1, a handful of whole ginger; boil all together for 20 minutes, then put in your pears and boil till soft, say about a quarter of an hour; take them out and boil your syrup a little longer; then put back your fruit and give it a boil; bottle while hot; add a little cochineal to give them a nice color.–MRS. A. H. L.
PINEAPPLE–Pare the fruit, and be sure you take out all the eyes and discolored parts. Cut in slices, and cut the slices in small bits, taking out the core. Weigh the fruit, and put in a pan with half as many lbs. of sugar as of fruit. Let it stand over night. In the morning put it over the fire and let it boil rapidly for a minute only, as cooking long discolors it. Put it in the jars as directed.–MRS. A. H. L.
TO PRESERVE PEACHES–Peaches for preserving may be ripe but not soft; cut them in halves, take out the stones, and pare them neatly, take as many lbs. of white sugar as of fruit, put to each lb. of sugar a teacup of water, stir it until it is dissolved, set it over a moderate fire; when it is boiling hot, put in the peaches, let them boil gently until a pure, clean uniform color; turn those at the bottom to the top carefully with a skimmer several times; do not hurry them; when they are clear, take each half up with a spoon, and spread the halves on flat dishes to become cold; when all are done, let the syrup boil until it is quite thick, pour it into a large pitcher, and let it set to cool and settle. When the peaches are cold, put them carefully into jars, and pour the syrup over them, leaving any sediment which has settled at the bottom, or strain the syrup. Some of the kernels from the peach stones may be put in with the peaches while boiling. Let them remain open one night, then cover.–MRS. A. H. L.