Here are pages 45 and 46 from the vintage booklet The Enterprising Housekeeper from the sixth edition (1906).
Hashed Browned Potatoes
Cut three good sized potatoes into very small dice; season with salt and pepper. Put two tablespoonfuls of butter into a frying pan; when melted and hot add the chopped potatoes. Stir until the potatoes are well mixed with the butter and have begun to be heated. Then push the potatoes over to one side of the pan and keep over a moderate fire, without stirring, for fifteen or twenty minutes. The potatoes should form together and brown in the shape of an omelet. When ready to serve, loosen them from the pan by carefully slipping a knife under them; put a small platter over the pan and turn it upside down so that the potatoes will come out in a roll upon it. Chopped parsley may be added just before turning, if desired.
Creamed Potatoes
The best result is obtained by using freshly-boiled potatoes, stewing or creaming them while warm. This, however, is rarely done, as for breakfast potatoes boiled the day before are usually to be warmed over. Chop the potatoes in small dice, and to every pint of potatoes make a pint of cream sauce as follows: Melt one tablespoonful of butter, add one tablespoonful of flour. Mix until smooth. Add two cupfuls of good milk, or, better, one cupful of milk and one of cream. Stir until the butter and flour are well mixed with the liquid, then add the potatoes. Put on the back part of the stove, and cook slowly, stirring only occasionally, and then with care, until the potatoes have nearly absorbed the milk. If stirred often or vigorously the potatoes will become mashed and pasty, yet care must be taken that the milk does not scorch. Season, just before serving, with salt, pepper and a tablespoonful of chopped parsley. If the salt be added to the potatoes before cooking in the milk it often curdles it.
Baked Potatoes
Select smooth potatoes of uniform size; wash well. Bake until done in a hot oven, the length of time depending upon the size and age of the potato. New potatoes should be done in from twenty to thirty minutes, and for old potatoes the oven should be sufficiently hot to bake in from thirty to forty-five minutes. When testing, press them, but do not pierce with a fork. Potatoes should not only bake quickly, but should be served as soon as they are done, as standing makes them watery.
2 cupfuls of mashed potato
Yolk of one egg
2 tablespoonfuls of cream or milk
Salt and pepper to taste.
Beat the yolk of the egg light and add to the mashed potato with the salt and pepper. Add the cream if necessary only, for if the mashed potato be sufficiently moist the cream will make it impossible to handle. When well mixed form into small, flat, round cakes, and sauté in hot fat or dripping.
Potato Puffs
1 cupful of mashed potato
1 egg
1 teaspoonful of butter 1/2 cupful of cream or milk
Salt and pepper to taste.
Beat the egg light without separating and melt the butter. Add to the mashed potato with the cream or milk. Season and beat until quite light. Fill greased popover pans half full of the mixture and brown in a quick oven. Take out carefully with a limber knife or spatula and serve at once on a heated dish.
Potato Border
1 1/2 cupfuls of mashed potato
Yolk of one egg
The mashed potato may be cold or warm, but in either case it should have been mashed with butter and milk as usual. Mix the potato with the egg yolk, beaten light, and season with salt and pepper. Press it into a well greased border mold and bake twenty minutes in a moderately hot oven. Let it stand in the mold for five or ten minutes before attempting to turn out.
Rice Border
1 cupful of rice
3 cupfuls of stock or water
1/2 teaspoonful of salt.
Add the salt to the stock or water and bring to boiling point. Add the rice carefully so as not to stop the boiling, and let it boil hard for twenty-five minutes. Stand the saucepan on the back of the stove for twenty minutes and, if the rice has not then absorbed all the liquid, drain. Press into a well-greased border mold and bake in a moderate oven for ten minutes, or long enough to permit the rice to form. Turn out and serve as a garnish.