This recipe clipping comes from a large lot of old recipe clippings for pickles, jams, jellies, relishes and more. Date is unknown but the recipes in this lot suggest 1940s through to the 1960s. Recipe is typed below as-is.
Before using this recipe, it’s important to read this page, the “Safe Canning & Food Preservation” section.
Recipes for Your Scrapbook.
By Mrs. Harvey F. Rostiser.
You may want to make this pepper relish. The recipe was given to me by Mrs. Maude Webber.
Pepper Relish.
12 red peppers
12 green peppers
12 yellow peppers
15 big onions
2 large heads bleached celery
Grind peppers and onions and mix well. Pour cold water over to cover and let stand 10 minutes. Drain. Add chopped celery. Cover with cold water again and let stand 10 minutes. Drain well and add:
1 quart vinegar
2 tablespoons salt
3 cups white or brown sugar
2 tablespoons prepared mustard
Bring all ingredients to a good boil and can in pints. Seal.