Here are pages 62 and 63 from the vintage booklet The Enterprising Housekeeper from the sixth edition (1906).
Raisin Pie
1 lemon
1 cupful of sugar
1 egg
1 tablespoonful of flour
1/2 cupful of raisins
Select large, soft raisins, and seed. Cover with one cupful of cold water and soak two hours. Beat the eggs until light with the sugar, add the juice and grated rind of the lemon and mix with the flour. Add the raisins and water in which they have been soaking, and cook until the mixture thickens. Bake in two crusts.
Cocoanut Pie
4 tablespoonfuls of sugar
2 cupfuls of milk
1/4 cupful of cream
2 tablespoonfuls of corn starch
2 eggs
1/2 of a cocoanut
1/2 teaspoonful of vanilla.
Grate the cocoanut. Scald the milk; beat the yolks of the eggs light with the sugar, add the cornstarch and mix with the scalded milk. Cook and stir until it thickens, take from the fire, add the cream and the cocoanut and put away until cool. Beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff, dry froth, add to the custard with the vanilla. Bake the bottom crust, brush it over with the white of eggs, put in the custard and brown in a quick oven. Let the pie cool before serving.
Cherry Pie
1 quart of cherries
1 1/2 cupfuls of sugar
1 tablespoonful of flour.
Stone the cherries, saving all the juice. Add the sugar and the flour and stir until well mixed. Fill the pie plate, lined with pastry, cover with the upper crust and bake. When canned cherries are used, take only half the juice to the same amount of cherries, sugar and flour.
Pineapple Pie
1 cupful of powdered sugar
1/2 cupful of butter
2 eggs
1 small pineapple
Grate the pineapple. Beat the butter and sugar together until creamy, add the beaten yolks of the eggs and the pineapple. When well mixed, add the whites of the eggs beaten to a stiff, dry froth, mix lightly and turn into the pie plate. Bake with an under crust only.
Mince Meat
1 quart of apples, measured after chopping
1/4 cupful of candied orange peel
Grated rind and juice of 1 lemon
1/4 cupful of candied lemon peel
Grated rind and juice of 1 orange
1 teaspoonful of cinnamon
1/4 cupful of candied fruit
1/2 teaspoonful of allspice
1/2 teaspoonful of cloves
2 pounds of lean beef
3 cupfuls of raisins
1/2 pound of citron
1/2 cupful of molasses
2 teaspoonfuls of salt
1/2 cupful of brandy
1 pound of suet
1 cupful of currants
1 cupful of sugar
1/2 cupful of sherry
1 cupful of cider
Chop the beef and suet very fine, and mix. Add the chopped apples. Seed the raisins, chop the candied fruit, candied lemon and orange peel, and slice the citron. Add to the meat and suet with the currants, spices and salt. Mix and add the sugar, molasses, lemon and orange juice; when well mixed add the brandy, sherry and cider. It should stand several days before using to ripen or blend, and should keep all winter. Two cupfuls of hard cider may be used in place of the brandy and sherry, and the quantities of beef, suet and apples may be doubled to the amount of fruit given if desired. If this is done, be careful to add sufficient moistening, and remember that the liquor is added to keep the mince-meat, not especially for flavoring, as the quantity is so small that this is disseminated in cooking.