This recipe booklet from Hershey Chocolate Syrup has no date marked but I believe this was published in the 1930s or earlier and is part of my personal collection. Each of the pages from this vintage cookbook are filed in the 55 Recipes For Hershey’s Syrup Category. You can read the page typed below or click on the picture to view a larger scanned copy.

55 Recipes For Hershey's Syrup - Candies - Click To View LargerCandies

Chocolate Nut Popcorn Balls

2 cupfuls granulated sugar . . . 1/2 cupful white corn syrup . . . 2/3 cupful molasses . . . 1 tablespoonful butter . . . 2/3 cupful water . . . 4 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 4 tablespoonfuls chopped nut meats.

Dissolve the sugar, white syrup and water over a slow fire and boil till brittle. Remove from the fire and add the molasses, Hershey’s Syrup and the butter. Stir well, add the nut meats and mix the freshly popped corn. Dip out by large spoonfuls and make into balls, first wetting the hands in cold water or rubbing them lightly with butter.

Angel Fudge

2 cupfuls granulated sugar . . . 8 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 1 cupful milk . . . 1 tablespoonful butter . . . 1 teaspoonful vanilla . . . small can marshmallow whip.

Place the sugar, Hershey’s Syrup and milk in a deep kettle and stir until the ingredients are well blended. Boil without stirring until the mixture will form a soft ball when dropped into cold water. Remove from fire and add the butter, vanilla and marshmallow whip and allow to stand until the mixture has cooled to lukewarm. Then beat until creamy and pour into buttered tins. Cut into squares.

Chocolate Creams

Make small velvety balls of 1 tablespoon Hershey’s Syrup stiffened with 1 tablespoon butter, 1/4 teaspoon vanilla, and 1 cup (about) confectioners’ sugar. Dip gently into coating made of 4 Hershey’s Milk Chocolate Almond Bars softened to a cream over hot (but not boiling) water. Drop onto buttered tin, and allow to get firm overnight.

Molasses Fudge

10c can HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 2 cupfuls sugar . . . 1/4 cupful molasses . . . 1/2 cupful milk or cream . . . 1 tablespoonful butter . . . 1/2 cupful chopped nut meats . . . 1 teaspoonful vanilla.

Mix together the sugar, molasses, Hershey’s Syrup, milk and butter, which has been melted, heat to boiling point and cook slowly without stirring to the soft-ball stage. Cool, add vanilla and beat well, stirring in nut meats during the beating.

Chocolate Popcorn

4 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 2 cupfuls brown sugar . . . 2 tablespoonfuls butter . . . 1/2 cupful water . . . freshly popped corn.

Mix together the brown sugar, water, Hershey’s Syrup and butter, melted. Cook to the softball stage, then pour over the corn, stirring well.

Condensed Milk Fudge

2 cupfuls sugar . . . 10c can HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 1/4 cupful sweetened condensed milk . . . 1/4 cupful water . . . 1 tablespoonful butter . . . 1 teaspoonful vanilla.

Mix all the ingredients but the butter and vanilla together and heat to the boiling point, then cook slowly to the soft-ball stage, remove from the fire and add the butter and leave to become quite cold. Then add vanilla and beat till creamy.

Sour Cream Fudge

2 cupfuls sugar . . . 10c can HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 1 cupful sour cream . . . 1 teaspoonful vanilla . . . salt.

Mix the sugar, salt and Hershey’s Syrup together over the fire till hot, then add sour cream gradually, bring to the boiling point and cook without stirring to the soft-ball stage. Cool, add vanilla and beat till thick.

Chocolate Seafoam

2 cupfuls light brown sugar . . . 3/4 cupful cold water . . . 8 tablespoonfuls (10c can) HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 2 egg whites . . . 1 teaspoonful vanilla.

Mix together the sugar, water and Hershey’s Syrup and boil without stirring until the candy spins a thread from the end of the spoon. Then pour over the stiffly beaten egg whites, beating all the time; add the vanilla and beat till stiff enough to drop from the end of a spoon or pour into a greased pan and mark off in squares.

Chocolate Plum Pudding Candy

3 cupfuls sugar . . . 4 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 1 cupful sour cream . . . 1 1/4 teaspoonfuls gelatine . . . 1/2 teaspoonful vanilla . . . 1/2 cupful chopped sultana raisins . . . 1/2 cupful chopped candied cherries . . . 1/4 cupful chopped pecans.

Soften the gelatine in 1/4 cupful cold water; add Hershey’s Syrup to the sour cream and sugar and cook in the double boiler to the soft-ball stage. Turn in the gelatine and stir till well dissolved, then add the fruit, nuts and vanilla. Beat till creamy and turn into a well-buttered pan. When cold, cut in squares.

Chocolate Fudge

2 cups of sugar (granulated) . . . 10c can HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . The same can full of milk . . . 2 tablespoons butter . . . 1/8 teaspoon salt . . . 1 teaspoon vanilla

Mix sugar, salt, Hershey’s Syrup and milk together and boil until a soft ball forms that can be well handled when a portion is tested in cold water. Do not stir while mixture is boiling. When candy has reached the soft-ball stage remove from fire and add butter and vanilla. Let cool. When cool beat until creamy. Pour into buttered pan. Cut in squares. Nuts or cocoanut may be added just before beating.

This recipe booklet from Hershey Chocolate Syrup has no date marked but I believe this was published in the 1930s or earlier and is part of my personal collection. Each of the pages from this vintage cookbook are filed in the 55 Recipes For Hershey’s Syrup Category. You can read the page typed below or click on the picture to view a larger scanned copy.

55 Recipes For Hershey's Syrup - Cakes - Click To View LargerCakes

Chocolate Crumb Cake

2 cupfuls flour . . . 3 teaspoonfuls baking powder . . . 1/2 teaspoonful salt . . . 1 cupful sugar . . . 4 tablespoonfuls shortening . . . 3/4 cupful milk . . . 1 egg . . . 4 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup.

Mix flour, salt and sugar, rub in shortening till mixture is like coarse meal. Take out 1/2 cupful of “crumbs” and set aside. Add baking powder, Hershey’s Syrup, milk and beaten egg to remainder of flour mixture. Beat well, pour into shallow, well-greased pan. Scatter reserved crumbs over top of cake and bake about 30 minutes in moderate oven. This little cake is to be served hot for luncheon or supper.

Chocolate Macaroons

2 egg whites . . . 1 cupful granulated sugar . . . 1/2 cupful nut meats . . . 1/2 cupful coconut . . . 4 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 1 1/2 cupfuls corn flakes.

Crush the corn flakes lightly, chop the nut meats and coconut rather fine. Beat the eggs to a stiff froth, add the sugar and beat again until the mixture will hold its shape, then add the corn flakes and Hershey’s Syrup. Drop on greased and floured tins and bake in a very slow oven 45 to 55 minutes. If desired, a dash of cinnamon or 1/2 teaspoonful of vanilla may be added.

Chocolate Date and Nut Sticks

2 eggs . . . 1/2 cupful sugar . . . 1/2 cupful walnut meats . . . 1/2 cupful dates, chopped . . . 1/2 cupful flour . . . 1 teaspoonful baking powder . . . 1 teaspoonful vanilla . . . 2 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup.

Beat the eggs thoroughly and gradually beat in the sugar. Sift the flour and baking powder and add the egg and sugar mixture, also the vanilla and Hershey’s Syrup. Then add the walnut meats and dates, which have been chopped into small pieces. Beat all together and spread in an oblong, shallow pan. Bake slowly in a moderate oven. When the cake has cooled, cut in 1-inch strips and roll in powdered sugar.

Chocolate Midgets

1/2 cupful butter . . . 4 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 2 eggs . . . 3/4 cupful granulated sugar . . . 3/4 cupful flour . . . 1/4 teaspoonful baking powder . . . 1 cupful chopped nut meats . . . 1 teaspoonful vanilla.

Melt the butter and mix with Hershey’s Syrup, set aside till cool. Beat the eggs without separating and add the sugar, then beat again. Sprinkle the flour sifted with the baking powder over the nut meats and mix all the ingredients together, adding the vanilla. Spread in a shallow pan and bake in a moderate oven about 25 minutes.

Chocolate Ice Box Cake

1/4 cupful sugar . . . 6 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 4 eggs . . . 1 teaspoonful vanilla . . . lady fingers . . . whipped cream.

Add sugar to Hershey’s Syrup and place in double boiler over hot water, stir till smooth, then add egg yolks, one at a time, beating well. When smooth and thick, fold in a stiffly beaten whites of eggs and vanilla. Arrange lady fingers in bottom and sides of a mold, cover with layer of chocolate paste, arrange second layer of lady fingers over this and so proceed until mold is full. Set away in refrigerator for 24 hours, then unmold, garnish with whipped cream, candied fruit or blanched almonds.

Chocolate Fruit Roll

1/2 cupful chopped dates . . . 1/2 cupful seeded raisins . . . 1/2 cupful figs . . . 1/2 cupful pecan meats . . . HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 1/2 cupful almonds . . . 1/2 cupful candied cherries.

Blanch the almonds and run them with the other nuts and the fruit through the meat grinder, using a fine knife, then moisten the mixture well with Hershey’s Syrup. Turn out on a board sprinkled with powdered sugar and make into a flat loaf. Pack in a shallow pan and cut in squares when firm. Dust each square with confectioners’ sugar.

Chocolate Nut Jumbles

1/2 cupful butter . . . 6 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 1 cupful brown sugar . . . 1 egg . . . 1/2 teaspoonful vanilla . . . 1/2 cupful sour cream . . . 2 cupfuls flour (about) . . . 1/4 teaspoonful soda . . . 1/2 cupful black walnut meats.

Melt the butter with Hershey’s Syrup, then add the brown sugar and cream together. Stir in the sour cream and the egg well beaten. Sift the flour and soda together, add with the vanilla and chopped nut meats. Stir well and drop on a greased and floured baking tin. Bake in a moderate oven.

Chocolate Brownies

1/2 cupful butter . . . 6 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 1 cupful brown sugar . . . 1 egg . . . 1/2 teaspoonful baking powder . . . 1/2 cupful milk . . . 2 cupfuls flour . . . 3/4 cupful chopped pecans or walnuts . . . dash of salt.

Beat the egg and add the sugar and Hershey’s Syrup, sift the flour, salt and baking powder together and add alternately with the milk to the sugar mixture, then fold in the melted butter and the nut meats. Spread in a shallow baking tin well greased and bake in a moderate oven 15 to 20 minutes. Cut while warm in small squares.

This recipe booklet from Hershey Chocolate Syrup has no date marked but I believe this was published in the 1930s or earlier and is part of my personal collection. Each of the pages from this vintage cookbook are filed in the 55 Recipes For Hershey’s Syrup Category. You can read the page typed below or click on the picture to view a larger scanned copy.

55 Recipes For Hershey's Syrup - Breads - Click To View LargerChocolate Party Nut Bread

4 to 6 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 2 tablespoonfuls melted butter . . . 1 1/4 cupfuls milk . . . 1 egg . . . 2 1/2 cupfuls flour . . . 3 teaspoonfuls baking powder . . . 1/2 teaspoonful salt . . . 3 tablespoonfuls brown sugar . . . 3/4 cupful chopped nut meats.

Combine milk, Hershey’s Syrup and well-beaten egg, mix all the dry ingredients, sifting flour, salt and baking powder together, add the liquids, fold in the hot melted butter and the nut meats slightly floured. Bake in a well-greased bread pan in a moderate oven about 55 minutes. When finished, brush over with melted butter. Slice when cold.

For special occasions spread thin slices with softened butter, then with orange marmalade or raspberry jam and put together like sandwiches.

Chocolate Doughnuts

1/4 cupful butter . . . 1 cupful sugar . . . 3 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 3 eggs . . . 3 cupfuls flour . . . 3 teaspoonfuls baking powder . . . 1/2 teaspoonful salt . . . 1/2 cupful milk.

Cream butter and sugar and add the well-beaten eggs, sift flour, salt and baking powder together, add Hershey’s Syrup to milk, combine all the ingredients, roll out on a floured board, cut in rings and fry in deep fat. When cold, roll in powdered sugar.

Chocolate Dessert Waffles

4 tablespoonfuls butter . . . 1 1/4 cupfuls milk . . . 4 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 4 tablespoonfuls sugar . . . 2 eggs . . . 2 cupfuls pastry flour . . . 3 teaspoonfuls baking powder . . . 1/2 teaspoonful salt.

Cream the butter and sugar together, sift the flour, baking powder and salt, beat the yolks of the eggs well and mix with the milk and Hershey’s Syrup. Combine all the ingredients and beat well, then fold in the stiffly whipped whites of the eggs. If baked on a well-heated electric waffle mold, no greasing will be required. If on an ordinary waffle iron, use but 2 tablespoonfuls of butter in the batter and grease the heated waffle iron lightly. These waffles are delicious served hot from the mold with vanilla ice cream.

Chocolate Muffins

2 cupfuls flour . . . 3 teaspoonfuls baking powder . . . 1 teaspoonful sugar . . . 1/2 teaspoonful salt . . . 1 egg . . . 3 tablespoonfuls melted shortening . . . 1 cupful milk . . . 3 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup.

Sift together the flour, baking powder, sugar and salt, beat the egg and add it to the milk and Hershey’s Syrup. Whip in the melted shortening and combine mixtures. Beat well, drop into buttered muffin tins and bake in a hot oven 15 to 20 minutes.

Chocolate Pineapple Pancakes

Sift 2 cups flour, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and 3 teaspoons baking powder. Combine 1 cup milk, 4 tablespoons Hershey’s Syrup, 1 beaten egg, and 1 cup crushed pineapple. Beat all together. Bake as large cakes on hot greased griddle. Spread with butter and powdered sugar, roll up, and serve hot, one to each guest, with hot Hershey’s Syrup.

Chocolate Fritters

1 cupful flour . . . 3 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 3 tablespoonfuls powdered sugar . . . 1/2 cupful milk . . . 1 egg . . . dash of salt . . . 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder.

Mix and sift flour, sugar, baking powder and salt, add the milk and Hershey’s Syrup to the well-beaten egg, combine mixtures, beat well, and drop from the end of a spoon into very hot fat. Cook 3 to 5 minutes, drain on paper and serve hot for luncheon with powdered sugar or with a sauce for a dinner dessert.

Spiced Chocolate Doughnuts

2 cupfuls flour . . . 4 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 2 1/2 teaspoonfuls baking powder . . . 1/4 teaspoonful salt . . . 1/4 teaspoonful cinnamon . . . 1/4 teaspoonful mace . . . 1/2 cupful sugar . . . 1/2 cupful milk . . . 1 egg . . . 1 1/2 tablespoonfuls softened butter.

Sift together the flour, salt, baking powder and spices, cream butter and sugar and beat egg well. Mix Hershey’s Syrup with milk. Combine ingredients, turn out on floured board and roll out 1/4 inch thick; cut in small, dainty rings; fry in deep fat. Drain on paper; sprinkle lightly, when cool, with powdered sugar mixed with a little cinnamon.

This recipe booklet from Hershey Chocolate Syrup has no date marked but I believe this was published in the 1930s or earlier and is part of my personal collection. Each of the pages from this vintage cookbook are filed in the 55 Recipes For Hershey’s Syrup Category. You can read the page typed below or click on the picture to view a larger scanned copy.

55 Recipes For Hershey's Syrup - Pies - Click To View LargerPies

Chocolate Butterscotch Pie

2 cupfuls milk . . . 6 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 1/2 cupful flour . . . 3/4 cupful brown sugar . . . 2 tablespoonfuls butter . . . 2 eggs . . . 1/2 teaspoonful salt . . . 1/2 teaspoonful vanilla.

Sift the flour and salt together and mix to a paste with a little cold milk or water, and add Hershey’s Syrup to this paste. Bring 2 cupfuls of milk to the boiling point, add the flour mixture and cook till thick. Meantime, cook the butter and brown sugar together just till well blended, add to the flour and milk and mix well. Pour over the well-beaten yolks of the eggs and stir over boiling water for a few moments, then pour into a previously baked pie shell and cover with a meringue made by beating the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth with 4 tablespoonfuls of granulated sugar. Flavor delicately with vanilla. Brown in a very slow oven and serve cold.

Chocolate Fudge Pie

1 cupful milk . . . 3 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 1/2 cupful sugar . . . 4 tablespoonfuls cornstarch . . . 1/2 teaspoonful salt . . . 1 tablespoonful butter . . . 2 eggs . . . 1/2 teaspoonful vanilla . . . 1/2 pint whipping cream.

Mix Hershey’s Syrup, milk, sugar, cornstarch and salt together and cook in double boiler till thick. Add butter, then the well-beaten yolks of the eggs. Whip the whites of the eggs very stiff and, after the chocolate mixture has cooked a few moments longer, fold them into it, lightly. Add vanilla and cool mixture for half an hour. Then pour into a previously baked pie shell and, just before serving, top with cream, whipped, sweetened and flavored.

For variety, add a teaspoonful of Hershey’s Syrup to the cream after whipping and garnish the pie with Hershey’s Almond Bar crushed lightly.

Chocolate Custard Pie

4 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 2 eggs . . . 2 tablespoonfuls sugar . . . 3 tablespoonfuls cornstarch . . . 1 pint hot milk . . . 1 teaspoonful vanilla . . . dash salt.

Beat the eggs lightly, add Hershey’s Syrup, sugar and cornstarch and stir till well mixed. Pour in the scalding milk, add the salt and vanilla and stir over hot water. Line a greased pie pan with flaky pastry, pour in the cooled filling, dust the top with Hershey’s Cocoa and place in a hot oven till the pastry is set. Then lower the temperature and finish baking.

This recipe booklet from Hershey Chocolate Syrup has no date marked but I believe this was published in the 1930s or earlier and is part of my personal collection. Each of the pages from this vintage cookbook are filed in the 55 Recipes For Hershey’s Syrup Category. You can read the page typed below or click on the picture to view a larger scanned copy.

55 Recipes For Hershey's Syrup - Puddings - Click To View LargerPuddings

Chocolate Marshmallow Pudding

4 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 3 cupfuls hot milk . . . 1/4 cupful sugar . . . dash of salt . . . 3 tablespoonfuls flour . . . 1 egg . . . 1 teaspoonful vanilla . . . marshmallows.

Add Hershey’s syrup to milk and scald. Mix together the sugar, salt, flour and well-beaten egg with a little water to thin, if necessary. Pour scalded milk over egg mixture, then cook till thick and smooth. Remove from fire and add vanilla. Pour into a baking dish, top with marshmallows and brown delicately. Serve warm or cold.

Chocolate Tapioca

3 cupfuls milk . . . 6 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 3 tablespoonfuls sugar . . . 4 tablespoonfuls tapioca . . . 1/2 teaspoonful salt . . . 1/2 teaspoonful vanilla . . . whipping cream.

Soak tapioca, if not the quick-cooking kind, till soft. Bring milk to boiling point, add sugar, Hershey’s Syrup and stir in the tapioca; cook over boiling water till clear and well done. Cool, add vanilla and pour into serving dishes. Chill and top with whipped cream sweetened and flavored with Hershey’s Syrup, using latter in proportion of 1 tablespoonful to a cup of cream after whipping.

Chocolate Rice Pudding

1/4 cupful rice . . . 2 cupfuls hot milk . . . 1/2 teaspoonful salt . . . 1/3 cupful sugar . . . 1/2 cupful raisins . . . 1 tablespoonful butter . . . 3 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 2 eggs . . . 1/2 teaspoonful vanilla.

Boil the rice in a quart of water till tender, then rinse and add to the hot milk with the salt, sugar and raisins; bring to boiling point and add the rest of the ingredients, reserving the egg whites for a meringue. Turn into a buttered pudding dish and bake 35 minutes, adding more milk if too stiff. Make a meringue of the egg whites; 4 tablespoonfuls of granulated sugar and 2 tablespoonfuls of Hershey’s Cocoa and brown delicately.

Chocolate Delicious

1/4 pound fresh marshmallows . . . 3 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 1/4 cupful candied pineapple . . . 1/4 cupful candied cherries . . . 1/4 cupful shredded almonds . . . 1 cupful heavy whipping cream . . . 1 teaspoonful vanilla.

Shred the marshmallows, fruit and nuts in small pieces, whip the cream very stiff and fold in the fruits, Hershey’s Syrup and vanilla. Set away in a very cold place for 10 to 24 hours. Serve in sherbert glasses with or without plain cream.

Here’s a recipe clipping from Betty Crocker that was published in THIS WEEK Magazine, February 5, 1961. Found in an old collection filed away in a recipe box.

Butterfudge Cooky Pie Betty Crocker Clipping - Click To View LargerNEWS OF THE MONTH–Butterfudge Cooky Pie! This is our Valentine to those families of yours who just can’t get enough chocolate. It’s an ice cream pie with a pat-in-the-pie-pan cooky crust made with chocolate and butter. Here’s the recipe:

1/2 cup soft butter
1/4 cup sifted confectioners’ sugar
1/2 tsp. vanilla
1 cup sifted GOLD MEDAL Flour
1/8 tsp. salt
2 sq. semi-sweet chocolate (2 oz.), melted
1 qt. butter pecan ice cream
fudge sauce.

Mix butter, sugar and vanilla thoroughly. Sift flour and salt. Add to butter mixture and blend. Add melted chocolate and blend well. Chill 30 to 45 min. Heat oven to 400° (mod. hot). Pat dough in 9″ ungreased pie pan. Flute edge. Prick. Bake 10 to 12 min. Cool. Just before serving, fill with spoonfuls of ice cream and top with fudge sauce.

This recipe booklet from Hershey Chocolate Syrup has no date marked but I believe this was published in the 1930s or earlier and is part of my personal collection. Each of the pages from this vintage cookbook are filed in the 55 Recipes For Hershey’s Syrup Category. You can read the page typed below or click on the picture to view a larger scanned copy.

55 Recipes For Hershey's Syrup - Icings - Click To View LargerIcings

Never-Fail Chocolate Icing

7/8 cupful sugar . . . 3 tablespoonfuls cold water . . . 2 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 1 egg white . . . 1/2 teaspoonful vanilla.

Place sugar, unbeaten egg white and water in the double boiler over hot water and cook 7 minutes, beating all the time with a rotary beater. Remove from the fire, add Hershey’s Syrup and vanilla and continue beating till cool enough to spread.

Chocolate Cream Icing

2 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 1/2 teaspoonful vanilla . . . 2 tablespoonfuls thick cream . . . 1/8 teaspoonful almond extract . . . XXXX confectioners’ sugar.

Mix the cream and Hershey’s Syrup together with the extracts, then gradually add XXXX confectioners’ sugar to make of the right consistency for spreading over the surface of a cold cake.

Chocolate Sour Cream Filling and Icing

2 cupfuls sugar . . . 6 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 2/3 cupful sour cream . . . 1 teaspoonful vanilla.

Mix the sugar and Hershey’s Syrup together over boiling water. When well mixed, add the sour cream and cook to the soft-ball stage–238 degrees. Remove from the fire, add vanilla and beat till thick enough to spread. Add nuts of any kind for variety.

Chocolate Butter Icing

2 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 2 tablespoonfuls butter . . . 1/2 teaspoonful vanilla . . . XXXX confectioners’ sugar.

Cream the butter till very soft, adding Hershey’s Syrup gradually, thicken with XXXX confectioners’ sugar to a consistency that will spread readily and flavor with vanilla. Do not use this icing on a warm cake or it will become absorbed. Let the cake cool for an hour before icing.

Fluffy Chocolate Icing

2 egg whites . . . 4 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 1 cupful granulated sugar . . . 3/4 cupful water . . . 1/4 teaspoonful cream of tartar . . . flavoring.

Dissolve the sugar in the water, add the cream of tartar and boil to the soft-ball stage or until the syrup threads when dropped from the end of a clean spoon. Beat the egg whites stiff and dry and pour the Syrup over them in a thin stream, beating all the time. When very light and fluffy, fold in Hershey’s Syrup and add any desired flavoring.

This recipe booklet from Hershey Chocolate Syrup has no date marked but I believe this was published in the 1930s or earlier and is part of my personal collection. Each of the pages from this vintage cookbook are filed in the 55 Recipes For Hershey’s Syrup Category. You can read the page typed below or click on the picture to view a larger scanned copy.

55 Recipes For Hershey's Syrup - Sauces - Click To View LargerSauces

Chocolate Caramel Sauce

1 cupful brown sugar . . . 3 tablespoonfuls water . . . 1 tablespoonful butter . . . 4 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 1 teaspoonful cornstarch . . . 1 cupful boiling water . . . 1/2 teaspoonful vanilla . . . dash of salt.

Cook the sugar and salt with 3 tablespoonfuls of water to a light caramel brown, add Hershey’s Syrup, then the butter and cornstarch mixed to a paste, the boiling water and the vanilla. Cook over boiling water till thick. Serve with cottage pudding or any hot dessert. This sauce is very nice with ice cream.

Hot Chocolate Nut Sauce

Heat Hershey’s Syrup–2 tablespoons for one serving. Break in nut-meats and pour over ice cream or cake.

Chocolate Hard Sauce

2 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 2 tablespoonfuls butter . . . confectioners’ sugar (for a darker sauce use brown sugar) . . . 1/2 teaspoonful vanilla . . . dash of salt.

Cream the butter well, adding Hershey’s Syrup gradually. When well blended, begin stirring in the sugar, working in a sufficient quantity to make of the desired consistency. Add the salt and flavor with vanilla. Set in a cool place till served.

Chocolate Whipped Cream

1 cupful heavy cream . . . 2 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup.

Chill the cream thoroughly and whip with a rotary egg beater until stiff enough to stand alone. Then gradually fold in Hershey’s Syrup. Use as a sauce on sponge cake or any light, delicate dessert. No sugar is required, as Hershey’s Syrup will sweeten the cream sufficiently.

Chocolate Marshmallow Nut Sauce

Stir 2 tablespoons Hershey’s Syrup with 1 tablespoon marshmallow cream, 1/4 teaspoon vanilla, and so many fresh pecan meats that you must spoon it onto the little cakes in a plate.

Chocolate Sauce

1/2 cupful milk . . . 2 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 1/2 cupful confectioners’ sugar . . . 1 teaspoonful vanilla.

Heat the milk to boiling in a double boiler, add Hershey’s Syrup, sugar and vanilla. Cook over hot water 10 to 15 minutes, stirring frequently. Serve hot on rice or bread pudding or cold on ice cream.

Chocolate Nut Sauce

Break 1/2 cake Hershey’s Chocolate Almond Bar into 2 tablespoons Hershey’s Syrup. Spoon onto ice cream, pudding or cake.