This recipe was clipped from a magazine and found in a large collection, date unknown. I’ve typed it below along with a scanned copy.
Wipe a 2-lb. sirloin steak with damp paper towel. Remove all fat from edge. Combine juice from 1 lemon with 1 1/2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce, 1 tablespoon each chili sauce, dry mustard, chopped parsley and 2 teaspoons paprika. Place steak in a baking dish, brush with half the mixture, turn and brush with remaining mixture. Cover with 1 large onion thinly sliced. Cover dish. Refrigerate to marinate 3 hours. Broil steak, 4 inches from heat, about 8 minutes to a side. Heat marinade to boiling and serve over steak for non-dieters. Serves 4.
For dieters: About 1/4 of the steak (4-oz. cooked meat) but no sauce.