This is the introduction page and page 1 of the vintage cookbook “What Shall I Cook Today” that was published by Spry Vegetable Shortening in 1935.
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The cookbook is in great shape, but my scanner doesn’t do it any justice and the pages look more discolored than they really are.
What Shall I Cook Today?
124 thrifty, healthful tested recipes
Naturally, you take pride and joy in serving your family tempting, healthful food, properly prepared. That’s why you’ll be so delighted with Spry, the new purer ALL-vegetable shortening. For Spry is such a vast improvement over ordinary shortenings. It makes food taste so much better. See for yourself. Try the new tested recipes in this book. Or use Spry in any of your favorite recipes. You’ll marvel at the new lightness and finer flavors of your cakes and biscuits, the tenderness and flakiness of your pie crust, the crisp, brown deliciousness and wholesomeness of your fried food. Spry is tested and approved by Good Housekeeping Bureau.
You Can See Spry is Better
Even before you cook with Spry your own eyes will tell you how superior it is to ordinary shortenings. Spry is so much whiter, glossier, and smoother. It looks so fresh and sweet, so inviting. For Spry is a purer shortening. It’s ALL-vegetable, contains not an atom of animal fat, only the choicest and blandest of wholesome vegetable oils. Spry is made by new and improved methods in a gleaming new plant–years ahead of other shortening plants in equipment. Spry is one of the richest sources of energy for your family. It makes all foods more nutritious. Spry supplies valuable Vitamin E, important in a well-balanced diet. The smart lithographed can is easy to keep clean.
Creams so Easily–Blends so Quickly
Spry is always smooth and soft—ready-creamed for instant use. No long arm-aching mixing needed. Spry is easy to scoop out of the can–easy to measure. It blends with all other ingredients in a jiffy–whips up into a light, fluffy batter in no time. Even more important, Spry holds this light fluffiness, both in the mixing bowl and under oven heat. As a result, your cakes and biscuits have a wonderful new lightness and fineness of texture.
Fine-Flavored, Delicate Cakes
Cakes made with Spry have a far more delicate flavor, too. And here’s the reason. Spry is so pure and sweet you always get full flavor value from all your ingredients. Spry never “covers up” or interferes with even the most delicate flavors. When Spry is used in cakes, with even a little butter, the cake will still have a true butter flavor. Spry makes all your baking taste twice as good!
Flakier, Tenderer Pie Crust
Pie crust, as you know, should be handled just as little as possible in the making if you want it to be tender and flaky. Spry cuts into the flour with astonishing ease–covering each tiny flour particle completely. That’s why you can always tell a “Spry pie” by its wonderfully tender, flaky crust–its fine, delicate flavor. For Spry never develops off-flavors under oven heat–even a very brown pie crust tastes sweet. Never will it be a case of eating the pie filling and leaving the crust. Your family will devour it down to the last delicious crumb and shower you with compliments too!
Crisp, Tender Fried Foods–as Easy to Digest as if Baked or Boiled!
Spry makes an amazing difference in all your frying. It’s easier and pleasanter to use. Doesn’t smoke at frying temperature. Doesn’t absorb food flavors or odors. Stays fresh and clear after repeated fryings. You can use it over and over–it’s so economical. Spry quickly forms a crisp, golden crust that seals in flavor, prevents sogginess.
How your family will relish meats and fish fried in Spry, all brown and crusty outside, deliciously tender and meaty inside! How they’ll love your light, tender croquettes, fritters and doughnuts! No need to forbid second helpings. Foods properly fried in Spry are as easy to digest as if baked or boiled.
The wide variety of Home-Tested Recipes in this cookbook will help you plan more appetizing and nourishing dishes. The directions are easy to follow. Spry will help you to get perfect results.
Do you have a recipe for Spry Biscuits?
Ruth, I do! I am trying to date a cookbook that was my great grandmother’s called “Aunt Jenny’s Favorite Recipes” that is a Spry Vegetable Shortening recipe book. Here is the receipt for baking powder bisquits:
2 cups sifted flour
3 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
5 tablespoons Spry
2/3 cup milk (about)
Sift flour with baking powder and salt…. Cut in Spry until mixture is as fine as meal… Add milk, mixing until a soft dough is formed. Knead lightly on floured board for aabout 20 seconds… Roll to 1/2 inch thickness. Cut with floured biscuit cutter and place on baking sheet greased with Spry… Bake in very hot oven (450 F) 12 minutes… Makes 1 dozen biscuits.
Baking Powder Biscuits
Fort Drop Biscuits, use about 3/4 cup milk and drop from spoon on bakin’ sheet greased with Spry!
Hope this is what you were looking for!