This recipe article was clipped from a newspaper and offers a few tips and variations for Decorating Icing, Cake Filling and Royal Icing. Date unknown. Recipes are typed below along with a scanned copy of the article.
Icing Key In Fancy Baking
THE ICING can make or break your cake when decorating fancy baked goods.
Measurements should be followed exactly as should mixing speeds and times. It may take a little practice to perfect decorative icings, so be patient, but keep at it. This icing would also be good for Christmas cookies.
Decorating Icing
One-half cup solid white vegetable shortening
Dash of salt
One tsp. vanilla extract
One-fourth cup milk
One box confectioners’ sugar, sifted
Combine shortening, salt, vanilla and milk in mixer bowl; beat at slow speed of electric mixer. (Do not use high speed as that causes air bubbles in icing.)
Add sugar; continue to beat at low speed 10 minutes longer.
THIS FILLING, often called mock whipped cream, can easily be varied by adding chopped nuts, coconut or fruits, such as cherries or pineapple. All fruits must be well-drained.
Cake Filling
One cup milk or one small can evaporated milk
Two tbsps. cornstarch or five tbsps. flour
One-half cup solid white vegetable shortening
One-half cup butter
One cup granulated sugar
One tsp. vanilla
Combine milk and cornstarch in saucepan stirring until smooth. Cook over very low heat, stirring constantly, until thick, about 10 minutes. Let cool thoroughly.
Cream shortening and butter; add sugar; beat until fluffy; add vanilla. Add creamed mixture to first mixture and beat 10 minutes at low to medium speed. Stir in nuts or fruits, as desired.
THIS ICING keeps indefinitely in a cool place. It doesn’t need refrigeration but keep the bowl tightly covered. If you cannot find meringue powder (available in some places that specialize in cake decorating supplies), follow directions for using egg whites.
Royal Icing
Three tbsps. decorating meringue powder
One-half cup water
One lb. box confectioners’ sugar, sifted
One-half tsp. cream of tartar
Combine all ingredients in mixer bowl; beat at medium speed 10 minutes. Cover; put in cool place.
For making without meringue powder: Substitute three unbeaten medium-sized egg whites, one pound plus one cup confectioners’ sugar, sifted, and one-half teaspoon cream of tartar. OMIT THE WATER. Proceed as directed above.