This old recipe was clipped from a newspaper and found in a large collection, date unknown. I’ve typed it below along with a scanned copy.
Hungarian Apple Strudel
Beat together in a cup 1 egg, 1-2 teaspoonful salt and 4 tablespoonfuls melted butter. Fill cup with lukewarm water and add enough flour to make soft dough, about 3 cups. Work dough until it blisters, place in warm dish in warm place for half hour.
Cover top of kitchen table with clean cloth. Roll dough as thin as possible on pastry board, then transfer it to the cloth covered table and stretch it until dough is so thin you can see through it. Sprinkle it generously with chopped apples, nuts and raisins, sugar and cinnamon to taste, then roll. The cloth will keep the dough from breaking. Hold cloth by edge and lift gently transferring roll to pan. Bake until brown in moderate oven for 1 hour.