This recipe was clipped from a newspaper and found in a large collection, date unknown. I’ve typed it out below along with a scanned copy.
Tomato Ketchup
It takes about four pounds of tomatoes to make one cup of ketchup. For larger quantities, simply increase the recipe proportionally. If the ketchup is to be put up in jars, follow standard canning instructions. Or put it in small plastic bags and freeze it.
Rinse and quarter tomatoes. Do not peel. Add a peeled and quartered onion and a clove of garlic for every couple of pounds of tomatoes. Boil about 15 minutes, or until mushy. Put through a food mill or a ricer.
For every 6 cups of juice and pulp, add the following ingredients:
1/4 cup vinegar
1/4 cup honey
a spice bag tied in cheese cloth or 1 tsp. each of whole cloves, allspice, and 1/2 cinnamon stick
Boil about an hour or until thick. Remove spice bag. Taste, and if necessary, add salt, vinegar, honey, basil or other herb as desired.
Please read the Safe Canning & Food Preservation section if planning on canning this recipe.