This recipe card was published by Judy’s of California which was likely a bake or sweets shop, no date but I believe it’s from the 1970’s or so. Recipe is typed below and the front of the recipe card is scanned.
Judy’s of California
2 Cups Granulated Sugar
1/8 Tsp. Cream of Tartar or 2 Tb. Light Corn Syrup (Karo)
1 1/2 Cups Boiling Water
1 1/2 Qt. Saucepan
Butter the sides of your saucepan–stir over medium heat until sugar dissolves and mixture comes to a boil. Cook without stirring to softball stage (238° f). Pour onto a platter or shiny cookie sheet with sides. DO NOT SCRAPE SAUCEPAN. Cool mixture until only slightly warm (about 30 minutes). With a spatula or wooden spoon scrape Fondant mixture from the edge of platter toward the center. Gradually the Fondant mixture will turn stiff and white. Knead until smooth and free of lumps.
Wrap and place in covered container. Allow to ripen 24 to 48 hours.
After making the basic Fondant you are ready to use it as you wish — dipping, molds, etc. Melt the amount of the Fondant you wish in a double boiler. DO NOT BOIL FONDANT. Just melt, color and flavor to taste.
Sugar Molding
3 Cups of Regular Sugar
2 Tbs. Water
Knead together till sugar sticks together in lumps. Color or tint by adding a drop of color before you knead the sugar. Pack into the cavities and smooth off any excess. Let stand till a crust forms and then pop the decorations out (about 10 minutes).
I have an old Bon Appetit with an ad for “Judy’s of California” for tiny candy molds. We used to make mints with these molds using a cream cheese/butter recipe along with flavors and food coloring. I haven’t seen the molds anywhere, but they were dark gray and about an inch square. The magazine Sept./Oct. 1974.