Here’s an old recipe clipping from a newspaper, or maybe a magazine. No date but judging from the image on the back I’d guess 1970s. Copy typo in copy was corrected when transferring this recipe online (Stire changed to Stir).
9-inch chocolate cookie crust
30 large or three cups miniature marshmallows
1/2 cup milk
2-3 Tbs. creme de cocoa
2-3 Tbs. green creme de menthe
1 cup whipping cream whipped, or two cups (4 1/2 oz. pkg.) frozen whipped topping, thawed
Chocolate cookie crust: In nine-inch pie plate, melt three Tbs. butter. Stir in crumbs of 1 1/2 cups chocolate creme-filled cookies (15-20 cookies); press into bottom and up sides of dish. Cook two minutes.
In large mixing bowl, combine marshmallows and milk. Cook, uncovered, two minutes or until marshmallows begin to puff. Stir to blend together. (If marshmallows are not completely melted, cook a few seconds more.) Stir in creme de cocoa and menthe.
Cook until mixture is thickened, but not set, about 30 minutes. Fold in whipped cream. Pour into crust. Refrigerate four hours or until ready to serve. If desired, garnish with whipped cream and chocolate curls.
Just a note that the final paragraph says “Cook until mixture is thickened…” That should read “Cool until mixture is thickened…
This would then be consistent with the Handwritten Grasshopper Pie recipe you have posted on your site.
Thanks for posting these old recipes. It is so much fun looking at them and remembering family meals where they were served. By the way I am making this recipe doubled, into a 9×13 pan for our Christmas dinner.
Being adventurous and not knowing what Grasshopper pie was in 1965 (for all I knew it had actual grasshoppers in it!); I ordered it at a hotel restaurant in Greenville, S.C.. WOW!!
I asked for the recipe and the chef kindly gave it to me but in moving it has gotten lost. IT did not require Marshmallows and it required baking the pie crust and the filling was prepared something like Egg custard pie. IT was topped with beautiful mile high with Cumulonimbus ‘billowing’ clouds (of meringue?) or whipped creme (?) lightly browned under the broiler. IT did not require refrigeration to set it and did not melt when left out.
IF anyone knows this version please let me know. The chef is now gone and the Hotel was torn down and now the Hilton sits there now and they do not have the recipe. The recipe probably dates back to wheh 1920s or prohibition era when drinking alcohol was illegal and the only way to make it legal was to use it like vanilla flavoring but I bet back then the pie as not cooked to get rid of the alcohol. The 1920s as the great golden age of the mixed drink and the invention of the cocktail hour.