This recipe was clipped from a newspaper, date unknown. Recipe is typed below along with a scanned copy.
THIS IS A MOIST MEAT LOAF that cuts well and the canned stewed tomatoes give it moisture and flavor. If desired, serve with wagon-wheel macaroni, mixed with butter and grated cheese.
Good Meat Loaf
One and one-half lbs. lean ground beef
One egg
One can (8¼-oz.) stewed tomatoes
One and one-half cups soft bread crumbs
One and one-half tsps. salt
Two tbsps. minced green onion or one tbsp. finely grated onion, pulp and juice
Two tbsps. minced parsley
One-fourth tsp. dried Italian herb seasoning
In bowl, beat egg just enough to combine yolk and white. Add tomatoes, including liquid and with a fork thoroughly bread up tomatoes. Add bread crumbs, salt, green onion, parsley and herb seasoning. Let stand until bread absorbs some of the liquid–about 10 minutes or longer, then beat well with a fork. Add beef; mixing well with fingers until blended.
Oil a shallow baking pan or line pan with foil and grease foil. Turn meat mixture into center of pan and shape into a round loaf about seven inches in diameter and one and one-half inches deep. Bake in preheated 400-degree oven 40 minutes. With two wide spatulas, remove loaf to serving plate.
–Yields 6 servings.