This recipe was written on a lined index card and found in a large collection, date unknown. I’ve typed it below along with a scanned copy (front side only).
Golden Fudge
1 1/2 lbs
3 c. sugar
1/4 c. light corn syrup
3 T. butter
1/2 t. salt
1 c. evap. milk
1/2 c. water
2 t. vanilla
Combine sugar, corn syrup, butter, salt, evap. milk & water in heavy saucepan. Heat, stirring constantly, to boiling, then cook rapidly, stirring several times, to 238° on a candy thermometer. Soft ball when dropped in cold water. Remove from heat at once. Add vanilla, but do not stir in. Cool mixture in pan to 110°, or until lukewarm, beat 2-3 min. or until it starts to thicken & lose its gloss.
Spread in a buttered pan 8x8x2. Let stand 2-3 min. or just until set; cut into squares. Let stand until firm.
I have this exact recipe called “Marji”s Golden Fudge”. I’ve been making it since before I married–almost 52 years ago. Even the directions are word-for-word the same. Interesting.
My family likes it and request it every year at Christmas time.
This recipe looks almost identical to my mothers handwriting. I was wondering if the person who found these recipes might let me know where she found these recipe’s?