Here are pages 18, 19 and 20 from the vintage booklet The Enterprising Housekeeper from the sixth edition (1906). These are mainly scans of the pages that have a few different illustrations of antique choppers, but some notes are typed out as well.
Enterprise Meat and Food Choppers
The progressive housewife will at once appreciate its worth for use in the kitchen every day in the year.
These were designed with a view of making a Chopper so simple as not to require directions how to use, and therefore especially adapted for family use. It is practically in two pieces, hence no small parts to lose. Can be taken apart in a second and easily cleaned. Leaves no meat in the machine, consequently no waste. Keep Chopper clean and dry thoroughly after using. If Chopper is cleaned by passing through stale bread or crackers, washing is unnecessary; simply wipe out, put together and away.
Sausage Stuffing Attachments
Are made of nickeled spun brass for the following Choppers. The corrugated Spout prevents air entering casing thus preserving sausage. After the meat has been chopped, remove the Knife and Plate, place the Attachment against the Cylinder, screw the Ring up moderately tight, and the machine is ready for work.