Here are pages 88 and 89 from the vintage booklet The Enterprising Housekeeper from the sixth edition (1906).
Handles For Cold Handle Irons
All our sets of Irons are equipped with this handle
While the Handles heretofore manufactured by us have been superior to any in the market, we desire herewith to call attention to our new Handle, which we brand “The Best.” This Handle is made of the best selected wood, with a Tinned Forged Iron Stretcher attached with the longest and heaviest screws possible, and while costing a little more will, in the end, be the most economical for the consumer.
As is well known, the great competition in Potts’ Irons has reduced the price, so that there is little or no profit to the manufacturer, and, as usual in such cases, the tendency has been to deteriorate the quality of the goods.
We have decided, however, in no wise to detract from the quality of the Potts’ Irons of our make, but on the contrary, to make them better, hence the addition of our improved Handle.
Enterprise Combination Handle
For Cold Handle Sad Irons
We have greatly improved “The Best” Handle by the addition of a Wire Side Rest. The effect of the rest is to carry the Stand with the Handle at all times. The user will appreciate the value of this as it obviates the possibility of loss or breakage of the old style stand at inopportune times. It also prevents the Iron when not in use from being scratched or defaced.
Can be used on all Mrs. Potts’ Irons