This recipe was clipped from a newspaper, date unknown. Recipe is typed below along with a scanned copy.
Electric Skillet Custard
“Here’s a quick, delicious, nutritious dessert that is also an energy saver as custards will be done in about one-fourth the time oven baking requires.
Three cups milk
Six tbsps. sugar
Three eggs
One-half tsp. vanilla
Dash of salt
Prepare electric skillet by pouring into it one to two cups water. If the skillet is uncoated (no teflon) aluminum add two tablespoons vinegar to the water to prevent darkening the skillet. Set at 225-degrees.
Heat two cups of the milk while preparing the other ingredients by lightly beating eggs, adding all other ingredients, including remaining milk. Add hot milk. Divide into six custard cups and place in skillet. Cover but leave vent open. Cook until custards are set, about 10 to 15 minutes.
Rattling of cups may be prevented by putting a slightly crumpled piece of aluminum foil in the bottom of the skillet under the custard cups.
To reduce calorie value, make this recipe with reconstituted dry milk and artificial sweetener.