This is an old recipe promo sheet from Egrol Custard Powder, no date but I’d guess the 1930s. All the recipes are typed below, you can click the pictures to view a larger copy if you like.
Directions.–For one pint of Custard take one tablespoonful (3/4oz) Egrol, add sufficient milk to make a smooth paste, then boil 1 pint of milk or cream with 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 tablespoonfuls of sugar, according to taste, and while thoroughly boiling, pour steadily into the basin, stirring all the time. Boil up again for a minute. Ready when cold. Very Important.–Stir well before pouring on boiling milk.
Ingredients,–1 pint of rhubarb pulp, 1/2 pint of Egrol Custard, white sugar to taste.
Method.–Strip the rhubarb pulp, cut into small pieces and stew until soft, pass it through a fine sieve, sweeten and stir in the Egrol Custard. Serve in a glass dish or custard glasses.
Ingredients.–2 lb. rhubarb, 1 pint made Egrol Custard (sweetened), 1oz. butter or margarine, some short pastry, and white of one egg.
Method. Stew the rhubarb. When tender, mix into it the Egrol, add the butter, and stir till it forms a smooth mixture. Line a pie-dish with short pastry, pour in the mixture, and bake for 3/4-hour in moderate oven. Whisk up the white of egg with a little sugar till stiff, spread on top, and return to a rather quick oven for one minute, until the meringue is slightly brown.
Ingredients.–1 1/2 oz. Cornflour, 1 pint milk, 1 oz. sugar, stewed rhubarb, sweetened to taste. 1 pint Egrol Custard Sauce.
Method. Mix the cornflour smoothly with a little of the cold milk, and bring the remainder to the boil; pour over cornflour, stirring gently all the time; return to the pan, and boil for seven minutes, stirring continuously. Strain the rhubarb, beat up the pulp, and add it to the mixture. Rinse out fancy mould with cold water, and fill up with the cornflour and rhubarb. When cold, loosen lightly around the sides, and turn out into glass dish. Serve each portion with a liberal helping of Egrol sauce.
is delicious and health-giving, but where its tartness is objected to it will be voted “ten times nicer” by the family when served to them
Ingredients. A few sticks of rhubarb, 3 tablespoonfuls of moist brown sugar, 2 whites of eggs, a little castor sugar, 1/2 lb. of short crust.
Method.–Strip the rhubarb and cut into small pieces, place them in a stewpan, cover closely, stand the stewpan in a tin containing boiling water, and cook until tender. Meanwhile line a 6 inch diameter flan or paste ring with paste rolled out to about 1/4 inch in thickness fill it with rice, placed on an interlining of buttered paper, and bake in a quick oven. When done remove the rice and paper, fill with rhubarb placed in a pyramid, strain the juice (if any) over it, and sprinkle well with sugar, whip the white of eggs into a stiff froth, spread it lightly over the rhubarb, dredged well with castor sugar, and bake in a cool oven until lightly browned. Serve either hot or cold with Egrol Custard
Ingredients.–A few sticks of rhubarb, three to five tablespoonfuls of moist brown sugar, a 1/4-teaspoonful of grated lemon rind, short paste.
Method. Strip the rhubarb and cut into little pieces. Line the edge of the pie dish with the pastry, put in half the rhubarb, add the sugar and lemon rind, then the remainder of the rhubarb. Moisten the paste lining the edge of the dish with water, put on the cover of pastry, press the edges together and notch them at intervals of about 1/8-inch. Bake in a brisk oven from 40 to 50 minutes, and when the paste has risen and set, brush it over lightly with cold water, and dredge well with castor sugar. This must be done quickly, and the pie immediately replaced in the oven. If the pie is to be eaten cold, directly it leaves the oven the crust should be raised gently with a knife, to allow some of the steam to escape otherwise it may lose some of its crispness. Serve with Egrol Custard either hot or cold.
Ingredients.–4oz. beef suet, moist brown sugar, 1/2lb. self raising flour, and a few sticks of rhubarb.
Method.–Shred the suet very finely and mix it well with the flour use enough water to make it into a smooth firm paste, then line a well buttered pudding basin and cut a cover for the top. Strip the rhubarb and cut into small pieces. Put in a basin a layer of rhubarb and a heavy sprinkling of sugar alternately until basin is full. Cover with the paste and tie a floured cloth over, and boil or steam about 2 1/2 hours. Serve with Egrol Custard as a sauce.