This handwritten recipe was found in a large collection, date unknown. I’ve typed it below along with a scanned copy (front side only).
Ragout (Rag-U) Prince George County
6 slices bacon
1 or 2 lb round steak – cut in pieces
4 medium onions – sliced
1 pkg carrots (1 lb) cut in half lengthwise
8 potatoes (sliced)
salt and pepper and 1 c. cold water
Place strips of bacon in Dutch Oven (cover bottom). Spread round steak pieces over bacon. Salt & pepper well.
Next layer is sliced onions – salt & pepper
Carrots are next layer – salt & pepper
Potatoes are next layer – salt & pepper
Place on high heat & cook 3 minutes.
Add 1 c. cold water – cover & simmer for 2 hours.
May be baked in oven.
May use – tangy sauce instead of salt & pepper.
May use – ham or other meats.