This recipe was typed on a large, lined index card and found in a large collection, date unknown. Recipe is typed below along with a scanned copy.
1 (4 1/2 – to 5 pound) stewing chicken
1/2 bay leaf
1 stalk celery, diced.
1 tablespoon salt
5 peppercorns
1/2 pound spaghetti
1 quart chicken broth, drained from cooked chicken, cooled
1/2 cup green pepper, chopped.
1/2 cup onion, chopped (optional).
1 (4 1/2-ounce) can mushroom pieces, drained.
1/2 pound margarine (2 sticks).
2/3 cup flour
4 cups milk
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 pound American cheese, grated.
1 cup cracker crumbs.
Melted butter
Cut chicken in pieces. In kettle, cover pieces completely with water. Add bay leaf, celery, onion, one tablespoon salt and peppercorn. Simmer 4 hours or until tender. Remove meat from bones. Cut it in small pieces. Cool broth and remove fat. Strain broth through a cloth. Broth should amount to one quart. Cook spaghetti in broth until liquid is almost entirely absorbed. Saute green pepper, onion and mushroom pieces in margarine. Blend in flour gradually. Add milk and one teaspoon salt to sauteed mixture, stirring constantly until mixture thickens. Stir in cheese until melted. Combine chicken, spaghetti and sauteed ingredients in a greased 9 by 13 inch casserole. Top mixture with cracker crumbs. Pour enough melted butter over crumbs to brown them. Bake in 350-degree oven 30 minutes. Serves about 25.
Five can eat this recipe easily.