Here are pages 32, 33 and part of 34 from the vintage booklet The Enterprising Housekeeper from the sixth edition (1906).
Chicken And Turkey
2 cupfuls of finely-chopped cooked meat
2 tablespoonfuls of chopped parsley
1 cupful of milk
1 tablespoonful of butter
2 tablespoonfuls of flour
Seasonings to taste.
Scald the milk. Rub the butter and flour together until smooth, add to the scalded milk and stir until it thickens. Mix the parsley and other seasonings with the meat, add to the thickened milk and mix thoroughly. Cool, form into cone-shaped croquettes, cover with egg and bread crumbs, and fry in smoking-hot fat.
Cold beef, veal, mutton, chicken and turkey are all used for croquettes, the seasonings varying with the meats. Beef and mutton should be more highly seasoned, using onion extracts, herbs, curry, paprica, etc., to taste. Veal chicken and turkey may have celery extract, lemon juice, chopped mushrooms, truffles and sweetbreads mixed with them.
Deviled Chicken
2 cupfuls of finely-chopped cooked chicken
2 tablespoonfuls of chopped parsley
2 tablespoonfuls of bread crumbs
1/2 cupful of cream
2 tablespoonfuls of butter
3 drops of onion extract
2 hardboiled eggs
Salt and pepper to taste.
Melt the butter, add the bread crumbs, chicken and cream; stir until the mixture is heated. Add the egg, the yolks and whites pressed through a sieve, the parsley and seasoning. Mix well; take from the fire, put in shells or individual soufflé dishes, cover with greased bread crumbs and brown in a quick oven. Curry powder, paprica, and other seasonings may be added at will.
Chicken a la Terrapin
1 pint of finely-chopped cooked chicken
1 tablespoonful of chopped parsley
3 tablespoonfuls of butter
3 hard-boiled eggs
1 tablespoonful of flour
1 cupful of cream
Salt and pepper to taste.
Melt the butter, add the flour, stir until blended; add the chicken and the cream. Stand over hot water or in the farina boiler, and when the mixture is thoroughly heated add the yolks of the eggs put through a press and rubbed smooth with a little of the cream. Add the whites chopped fine, and let the mixture come to boiling point. Season and serve.
Creamed Chicken
2 cupfuls of chopped cooked chicken
2 tablespoonfuls of flour
1 cupful of cream
1 tablespoonful of chopped parsley
2 tablespoonfuls of butter
1 cupful of milk
Yolk of one egg
Salt and pepper to taste.
Melt the butter, add the flour and stir until smooth. Add the milk and cream; stir until it begins to thicken, turn into a farina boiler and add the chicken. When thoroughly heated, add the yolk of the egg and parsley. Mix, season to taste, and serve on toast or in a potato border.
Timbales of Chicken
1/2 cupful of cream
1 tablespoonful of finely-chopped truffles
2 cupfuls of the cooked white meat of the chicken
Whites of four eggs
Salt and pepper to taste.
Chop the meat very fine, and pound it to a smooth paste, adding the cream gradually. When well mixed, season and add the truffles. Then add, one at a time, the unbeaten whites of the two of the eggs, mixing the first with the paste until it has disappeared, before adding the second. Beat the remaining whites to a stiff, dry froth and stir them carefully into the mixture. Fill greased timbale molds half full of the chicken paste, place them in a pan of hot water (the water should come up as far on the outside of the tins as the paste fills the inside). Bake in a moderately hot oven for twenty or thirty minutes, the time depending upon the size of the molds. If a single large mold is used the timbale will have to bake as long as thirty-five or forty minutes. Serve hot with a cream mushroom sauce.