Here is a full page recipe from an old magazine, date is unknown but I believe this was published in the 1950s. You can review the recipe typed out in full below or click the scanned copy to view a larger size if you like.
When I visit farm women in the South, I’m always impressed by how often they bake hot quick breads. Some hungry farmers expect them every day! One woman told me, “My husband thinks it’s an insult to be served cold bread.” Another said with a laugh, “Mine would divorce me if I didn’t bake biscuits every morning.”
Whether or not you already have the hot biscuit habit, we suggest you try baking biscuits in your electric skillet at the table. This is an easy way to have them hot for everybody (especially if the family eats in shifts). Bake them as you need them, and you won’t have to get up from the table to take seconds from the oven.
A good Kentucky cook confided to me, “I was never satisfied with my biscuits until I started using buttermilk. Now I can get light, tender ones.” So here’s a recipe for them, along with two delightfully seasoned variations.
Food Editor
Buttermilk Biscuits
You can use cultured buttermilk or your own from churning sour cream. Both make good biscuits
2 c. minus 2 tblsp. flour
2 1/2 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. baking soda
1/3 c. shortening or lard
3/4 c. buttermilk
To Bake:
In Skillet–crusty English-muffin type:
In Oven–fluffy high biscuits pictured:
Pimiento-Cheese Biscuits: Add 1/4 c. grated sharp cheddar cheese and 2 tblsp. chopped pimiento to flour and shortening before adding buttermilk.
Seasoned Biscuits: Add 2 tsp. onion, garlic or herb salad dressing mix to flour.