This is a handwritten recipe on a lined sheet of paper that has aged and the side of the page is brittle and yellowed. The recipe was added to over time with various notes, I’ve typed it below as is but put the directions in some order. There are some larger measurement notations to the side that I didn’t include, I believe it would be for a larger size kuchen.
If you’d like to see a larger copy of the recipe, just click the picture to view it.
1 1/2 c flour
3/4 c shortening
2 1/2 T. cream (or milk & a little butter)
1/4 tsp. B.P.
1 tsp. salt
1 egg
Add beaten egg & cr. last. Either roll or pat in greased pan.
Top with fruit. Then add topping.
4 c. fresh fruit
or 1 can (no 2) canned
Add spices to fruit if desired
1 c. sug
4 tbsp. flour
1/4 c. butter
Sprinkle over.
375° when sizzles lower to 350° or 325°
45 min until center bubbles