This promo recipe slip from Treasure Cave Cheese was found in a large collection, date unknown. I’ve typed it out below along with a scanned copy.
BLEND: Seasoning to suit
with: 1/4 Cup Vinegar
add: Ice Cube–for Quick Heavy Blend
WHIP in: 3/4 Cup Salad Oil
SEASONINGS Most Often Used
Alone or Several Combined
GARLIC: Rubbed, Mashed, Juice, or Powder to suit.
HERBS: 1 to 4 Tablesp. chopped Fresh, or 1/2 to 1 Teasp. Dry Chives, Parsley, Basil, Dill, Tarragon, etc.
SPICES: 1 to 3 Teasp. Paprika, Mustard, Curry, Celery Seed, etc.
CONDIMENTS: 1 to 3 Tablesp. Catsup, Chili Sauce, Chutney, etc.
1/2 to 3 Teasp. Worcestershire, Horseradish, etc.
SWEETENINGS: 1 to 3 Teasp. Sugar, Honey, Syrup, Molasses, Jelly, Fruit, Fruit Juice, etc.
OTHER: 1 to 3 Teasp. chopped Capers, Anchovies, Sardines, etc.
1 to 4 Tablesp. mashed Egg Yolks
1 to 4 Tablesp. finely chopped Onion, Celery, Green Peppers, Pimentos, etc.
For Example: True French — Use only Garlic rubbed bowl
or: Typical Chef’s — Garlic, 1 Teasp. each Mustard and Sugar, and 3 Tablesp. Catsup.
VARIATIONS — Oil and Vinegar
for Vinegar: 1 Tablesp. Lemon Juice — 3 Tablesp. Vinegar
1 Tablesp. Table Wine — 3 Tablesp. Vinegar
for Salad Oil: 1/4 Cup Cream — 1/2 Cup Salad Oil
1 Tablesp. Fish Oil — Salad Oil to 3/4 Cup
for Heavier Bodied Dressing: — Blend 1/4 to 1 Cup Mayonnaise with Basic Recipe.
Dress Salad with YOUR Favorite Dressing
Then: CRUMBLE or SHRED TREASURE CAVE over the Salad.
BUT–if YOU Prefer Cheese in the Dressing
CRUMBLE: 1 4-oz. TREASURE CAVE SQUARE into the Basic Recipe.
Yield: 12 to 14 ozs. (Serves 8 to 12)
EAT OUT Occasionally and Order BLUE CHEESE Dressing
To Avoid Wilted Salads–Use Only Fresh, Chilled Greens.
DRY GREENS: Remove excess water after washing by shaking in Salad Basket or Tea Towel, or pat dry with towel. Wet greens wilt easily.
BREAK and TEAR GREENS: Tearing permits natural fiber and cellular division with a minimum of bleeding. Cutting severs cells and allows bleeding.
COAT GREENS: Raw or coddled egg protect greens from salad dressing acids and salt to reduce wilting. Initial coating of oil will also help.
CHILL: Bottled or Ready-Mixed Dressings. Warm dressing wilts greens. If you dress salads with Oil and Vinegar separately–use them chilled. If you blend Oil and Vinegar–whip with ice cube in the bowl. This helps in producing a heavy blend.