Here’s a recipe from Domino Sugar for making a big batch of apple butter, date unknown. Remember safe canning & food preservation guidelines have changed over time. Recipe is typed below along with a scanned copy.
20 lbs early fall cooking apples
8 cups sweet cider
3 large sticks cinnamon
4 cups Domino Granulated Sugar
1 teaspoon anise seed
Pare apples thinly, quarter, core and slice. There should be about 11 quarts of sliced apples. Put in large kettle and add cider. Cook until there is a sauce. (At this point, sauce may be put through a food mill if a fine textured butter is wanted.) Turn sauce into a large roasting pan. Bake in a pre-heated slow oven (325°F) for 1 hour or until sauce is reduced about half. Stir occasionally. Add sugar and stir until it is thoroughly mixed with apples. Bake another hour, stirring frequently. Add spices tied loosely in cheese cloth bag and bake 1/2 hour or until mixture is a reddish amber color, stirring several times. Remove bag and pack butter in hot sterilized jars and seal. Store in cool dark place.
Yield: about 6 pints.