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Hot Pepper Relish Recipe – Vintage Clipping

This recipe clipping comes from a large lot of old recipe clippings for pickles, jams, jellies, relishes and more. Date is unknown but the recipes in this lot suggest 1940s through to the 1960s. Recipe is typed below.

Before using this recipe, it’s important to read this page [1], the “Safe Canning & Food Preservation” section.

Recipes for Your Scrapbook.
By Mrs. Harvey F. Rostiser.

If you like a hot spicy relish, this was given to me long ago.


12 sweet green peppers
12 sweet red peppers
12 large onions
Six hot peppers

Grind these and cover with boiling water. Let stand 15 minutes; drain.

One quart vinegar
Two cups sugar
Four tablespoons salt

Boil together five minutes.

Add drained vegetables and boil all together five minutes. Put in jars and seal.