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Green Tomato Relish Recipe – Vintage Clipping

This recipe clipping comes from a large lot of old clippings for pickles, jams, jellies, relishes and more. Date is unknown but the clippings in this lot suggest 1940s through to the 1960s. Recipe is typed below as-is.

Before using this recipe, it’s important to read this page [1], the “Safe Canning & Food Preservation” section.

Recipes for Your Scrapbook.
By Mrs. Harvey F. Rostiser.

If you like a thickened relish that is fine for hamburgers, you should make this one from Mrs. Avanga Strong, 217 N. O’Brien.

Green Tomato Relish.

1 quart ground green tomatoes
1 quart ground pimientoes
1 quart ground sweet pickles
4 cups sugar
1 cup flour
1 1/2 cups vinegar
1 cup prepared mustard
1 cup butter
Salt to taste

Use the coarse food chopper. Butter may be omitted. Cook all but the flour and part of the sugar for 10 minutes. Mix flour with reserved sugar and mix to a paste with a little water. Add to vegetables and cook 5 minutes longer, can and seal hot.