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Chili Sauce Recipe – Vintage Clipping

This recipe clipping comes from a large lot of old recipe clippings for pickles, jams, jellies, relishes and more. Date is unknown but the recipes in this lot suggest 1940s through to the 1960s. Recipe is typed below.

Before using this recipe, it’s important to read this page [1], the “Safe Canning & Food Preservation” section.

Recipes for Your Scrapbook.
By Mrs. Harvey F. Rostiser.

This is a good old-fashioned recipe for chili sauce from Mrs. Edwin Steinel, 117 N. St. Louis Blvd. Be sure to cook it the full length of time.

Chili Sauce.

6 onions
3 green peppers
18 medium ripe tomatoes
1 cup brown sugar
2 1/2 cups strong vinegar
2 level teaspoons salt
1 level teaspoon each, cinnamon, mace, allspice, nutmeg and cloves

Chop or grind the onions and peppers but just cut up the tomatoes. Cook all together slowly for 2 1/2 hours. Watch and stir later in the cooking. Makes about 5 pints.