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Strawberry Chiffon Pie Recipe Clipping

This vintage recipe was clipped from a newspaper and found in a large collection, date unknown. I’ve typed it below along with a scanned copy.

Strawberry Chiffon Pie

Have ready 1 baked pie shell. Soak 1 tablespoonful plain gelatin in 1-4 cup cold water 5 minutes. Beat 3 egg yolks in top of double boiler. Blend in 1-4 cup sugar, 1-2 teaspoonful salt and 2 tablespoonfuls lemon juice. Cook over hot water for 10 minutes, stirring constantly, until thick and smooth. Blend in soaked gelatin and 1 pint of crushed strawberries. Beat with rotary beater 1 minute. Remove from heat and cool. Chill in ice box 15 minutes. Beat again until smooth.

Make a stiff meringue by beating 3 egg whites with 1-4 teaspoonful cream of tartar until stiff enough to hold a point then beat in a half cup sugar and continue beating until mixture is stiff and glassy. Fold this into the strawberry mixture and pile lightly in cooled pie crust. Chill in refrigerator 1-2 hour or more. Keep cool until ready to serve. If desired whipped cream may be spread over the top and garnished with sliced strawberries around the edge.