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Spry Pastry Mix – What Shall I Cook Today? Spry Cookbook

Here is page 23 of the vintage cookbook “What Shall I Cook Today” that was published by Spry Vegetable Shortening in 1935. This is the “Spry Pastry Mix” Recipe Section.

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Now You can have Oven-fresh Pies at a Moment’s Notice

The greatest “shortcut” in the history of pie-making. Pie crust enough for a month–and all in a single mixing job!

Spry Pastry Mix offers a quick, handy way to make the lightest, flakiest, most delicious pastry you have ever eaten. Think of the convenience of having a quantity of this ready-mixed pastry on your pantry shelf! All the measuring and mixing for ten pies is done in one operation. And when you need pastry all you do is add water. Spry Pastry Mix keeps without refrigeration because Spry stays sweet and fresh indefinitely. Use Spry Pastry Mix to transform meat stews into tempting meat pies, to make dainty patty shells, tarts, or luscious fruit pies. It’s always ready for instant use!

Use This Recipe for Spry Pastry Mix

To make Spry Pastry Mix, sift 4 pounds (16 cups) flour with 2 tablespoons salt into a large bowl. Cut 2 pounds (4 1/2 cups) Spry into flour with pastry blender or two knives, until Spry is evenly distributed. Store for future use.

It is so Easy to Mix

It is convenient to cut 1 pound of Spry into 2 pounds of flour and 1 tablespoon of salt at a time. In this way, a mixing bowl of average size may be used. Cut in Spry with pastry blender or two knives.

Keep on the Pantry Shelf

Put Spry Pastry Mix in any covered container and keep in a convenient place. Use for pastry as needed. This mix will stay sweet and fresh at room temperature for an indefinite length of time.

How to Use Spry Pastry Mix for Pies and Tarts

Spry Pastry Mix is ready to use in making pie crust. Just add enough water to make a dough. Use 1 1/4 cups of mix and about 3 tablespoons of water for a one-crust pie, and 2 1/2 cups of mix and about 5 tablespoons of water for a two-crust pie or 12 tart shells. The recipe above will make 17 one-crust pies, or 8 two-crust pies and 1 one-crust pie, or 8 1/2 dozen 3-inch tart shells.